Writing a vacation of my dreams

It was perfect if the holidays were endless! But I’m trying to think about reality, so my ideal vacation would be in the summer.

My family and I necessarily went to some hot country or to a tropical island, like Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus or even Madagascar. It would have happened in the month of June, early in the day, immediately after school and calmed me with nerves from lessons, and parents from work. I would definitely meet people from the hotel and spend most of my best moments with them, on the beach, bathing and sunbathing or in other tourist places.

Such a resort lasted two or three weeks, and on the last day, with regret in the eyes, I would begin to collect my bags and say goodbye to my friends. Also hoping to get back there, even if I know that we never go to the same place twice, but I would have hoped to the last. Then we would leave the hot island or country and return to the old, kind house. I would have two more months to do whatever I wanted!

Next I would go to summer camp for an indefinite period, the longer the better, to rest, but from the parental control and rules. There I got acquainted with many interesting and creative people, who would then be very bored and maybe even sitting at the window, even crying. We would get up at eight in the morning and sleepy went for breakfast in anticipation of a new and exciting day. Perhaps in one of these, we went to the river and bought, pushing each other into the icy water, then taking offense for a long time.

Every evening there were discos and I would dance, completely giving myself to the moment and the beautiful melody emerging from the huge columns. On such evenings I could not sleep for a long time, until late talking about the past with roommates with whom I had already made friends. At the end of the camp, I would have cried and had already come back home, long for all I missed.

When, until the end of my dream vacation, there was only a month, August, I would finally decide to take lessons and just relax watching a movie or a new TV series. Every night I went to bed late, thereby knocking down the sleep regime and getting up for dinner, happy going for breakfast. And on the last day, I would definitely like to extend the vacation for another three months. That’s how the vacation of my dreams went.



