Painting by Makovsky “The Collapse of the Bank”

This painting was written in 1870, it shows a terrible event for people. In those years, a private bank called the Loan Bank was ruined in Moscow. Mainly the middle class of the population suffered, in connection with the frauds taking place in this institution. The work of Makovsky almost immediately after writing was purchased and placed in the Tretyakov Gallery. In it, the author expressed his sympathy and empathy for the people who were victims.

The picture shows astonished and surprised, and someone has outraged faces, deceived customers. The elderly woman fainted, the wealthy lady grabbed the gendarme’s arm. They all look helpless, in my opinion, the artist conceived such a plot in order to show not only the event of the past, but also allow us to talk about the collapse and at the present time. In the picture we see a man who is happy with what is happening, he rubs his hands, imagining how much he will get by the work of others.

In our time every second, seeks to deceive the people. The most insulting thing is for the helpless old people, who are deceived by simple requests for help. They just can not get used to and believe in the selfish intentions of people, it seems to them that people, as before, are kind and open. But how much is around deception. Each for profit is ready to gnaw on another throat. No one will lose his, but as they say, easy money always goes away quickly, and those who cheated will surely be punished. It’s amazing that the problems that used to cause such a resonance in the public are often met in our modern life. Where did people leave their moral principles, why did they deceive us so simply, where did they lose their trust, and why did they come to a man? It is precisely these themes that the author makes us think about.



