Summary of the “Taras Bulba” by Gogol

Chapter I. Ostap and Andriy, the sons of Taras Bulba, returned home after the end of the Kiev bursa. Their father was “from the number of indigenous, old colonels: he was all created for an abusive alarm and differed in the grossness of his morals.”

He premeditated himself with the thought of how he would show his sons to Zaporizhzhya Sich, present them to all the old comrades tempered in battle, and look at their first military feats. First, Taras Bulba wanted to send Ostap and Andriy to Sich alone, but “at the sight of their freshness, growing, powerful bodily beauty, his military spirit flared up, and on the very next day he decided to go with them himself, although the need for this was one stubborn will” . The next morning, saying goodbye to the old mother, the Cossacks set out on their journey.

Chapter II. The horsemen rode in silence. Old Taras thought of the old: “The front passed his last summer, which the Cossack always cries, wanting all his life to be youth.” He thought about whom he would meet in the Sich from his former comrades. Thoughts of his sons were occupied by another. The eldest, Ostap, almost never thought of anything, “except war and binge feast.” In the seminary he was considered one of the best comrades, but he was reluctant to study and four times he buried his letter into the ground until his father swore that Ostap would not see Zaporozhye for ever if he did not learn all the sciences. Now Ostap “was mentally moved by the tears of a poor mother”; Only this embarrassed him and forced him to drop his head thoughtfully.

His younger brother, Andriy, “had feelings a little livelier and somehow more developed… He also was seething with the thirst of achievement, but with it his soul was accessible to other feelings.” The need for love broke out in him vividly when he moved eighteen The woman began to appear more often to his hot dreams, he… saw her every minute, fresh, black-eyed, tender. ” Andrii carefully concealed his feelings from his comrades, for it was considered shameful for a Cossack to think about a woman and love without knowing the battle. One day, wandering along the street where there lived the Little Russian and Polish noblemen, he “saw a beautiful woman standing at the window, which she had not yet seen: black-eyed and white, like snow, illuminated by the morning blush of the sun.” It was the daughter of a Kovno voevoda who came for a while to Kiev. Andrii saw the fine Polish several times, but soon she left.

Travelers reached the bank of the Dnieper and, having climbed the ferry, crossed to the island of Khortitsa, where was then the Sich.

Chapters ІІІ-IV. Tired of idle life and gulb, Cossacks chose a new ataman and demanded a real deal for themselves. At that time, a large ferry approached the shore. Having learned from the people standing on him, how the Poles of Ukrainians oppressed and the Orthodox faith, as they executed the hetman and the Cossack colonels, the Cossacks decided to go to Poland with the whole army.

Chapter V. Soon the entire Polish southwest was seized with fear of the Cossacks. Fires raged in the villages; “everything that could be saved, was saved.” In the battles with the Polish royal troops, the young Cossacks, who were burning with the desire to show themselves before the elders, especially distinguished themselves. And Taras “was happy to see how both his sons were one of the first.” In Ostap, “despite his youth, the features of the future leader were already visible”: “with coolness, almost unnatural for the twenty-two year old, he could at once measure the whole danger and the whole situation.” Andrii was the complete opposite: he did not know what it meant to think or count, seeing the rapture in the battle itself, in the music of bullets and swords. More than once, “urged by a passionate passion alone, he rushed to something that cold-blooded and sensible had never dared to do,

Zaporozhets decided to go to the city of Dubno, where, according to rumors, there were many riches. They did not like to besiege the fortress, so they surrounded the city, condemning the inhabitants to starvation. Soon the Cossacks, especially the young, were bored with such inaction. Andriy was most bored. He did not know why, he felt some kind of “stuffiness in my heart.” One night, lying awake on one of the carriages, he saw a woman wrapped in a veil in front of him. It was a Tartar, a servant of the same pannochka, which Andrii met two years ago in Kiev. Seeing him from the city wall, the pannochka sent a servant to him for a piece of bread for his old mother. Andrii’s heart began to beat. All that has happened, “which was drowned out by the cruel, abusive life,” all surfaced at once to the surface, sinking, in turn, what was now. ” Stole from the carts, where the stores were stored,

Chapter VI. The terrible victims of hunger met him at every turn on the way to the house of the Dyubi voivode. Finally, Andriy found himself in the room of the pannochka and saw a woman who possessed his thoughts and feelings. She seemed to him twice as beautiful as before. Previously, there was something unfinished, unfinished, now he saw “the work that the artist gave the last blow of the brush.” The beautiful woman glanced at the bread, looked up at Andriya – “and there were many in the eyes of those”.

“The queen!” exclaimed Andrii. “What do you want?” Tell me! Ask me the most impossible service that exists in the world – I will run to fulfill it! “Do not deceive yourself, knight, and yourself, and me,” replied the pannock, shaking her beautifully beautiful head. “Your name is your father, comrades, the fatherland, and we are your enemies.” “What is my father, comrades and fatherland?” The motherland is what our soul seeks for, that it is a mile for it all. My fatherland is you! And everything, that is, I will sell, I will give, I will ruin for such native land!

A beautiful pannochka rushed to Andy’s neck, clasping him with snow-like, wonderful hands, and sobbed. At this time the Tatar burst in with a cheerful cry. “Saved, saved!” She shouted. “Our people entered the city, brought bread and bound Zaporozhye!” But no one heard her… “And the Cossack died, he lost all of the Cossack chivalry. The old Taras will pluck out a gray lock of hair from his pig-iron and will curse both the day and the hour in which he gave birth to such a son to himself.”

Chapter VII. The next morning in the Zaporozhye camp there was a noise and movement. It turned out that the Cossacks, located in front of the side city gates, were drunk at night. Taking a part of them into captivity and interrupting the rest, Polish troops entered the city – fortunately, only with a small supply of food. Learning that the Poles captivated the Zaporozhians sleepy, the Cossacks began a verbal squabble with the enemy pouring out onto the wall. Unable to withstand the “caustic Cossack words,” the Poles opened the city gates, and from there the army marched out. Cossacks hit the enemy from all sides, and the battle began. Soon the Poles felt that the Cossacks were taking over, and again disappeared behind the city gates. The Cossacks stayed awake for a long time, and the oldest Taras, the longest. From the Yankel Jew who visited the city, he learned that Andrii had passed over to his enemies, and now vowed to take revenge on the Polish girl,

Chapters VIII-IX. The news came that Tatars attacked the Sich, they robbed a lot of goods and took the Cossacks that remained there. To help comrades from Polish and Tatar captivity, part of the Cossacks led by the koshevs went to pursue the Tatars, and the other part remained, choosing as their ataman Taras Bulba.

On the movement and noise in the city, Taras saw that the battle was being prepared, and addressed the Cossacks with a speech: “I want to tell you, Pani, what is our partnership? There is no holy knot!” The father loves his child, but not this, brothers: loves and beasts his child, but one can only be related to one’s soul, not by blood, only one man. There were comrades in other lands too, but there were no such like in the Russian land. Let the enemies know what this means for us comradeship! For that matter, for that matter, in order to die, – so no one of them will ever die like this. their nature! “

Everyone deeply touched this speech, reaching to the heart. And the enemy army was already coming out of the city, rattling into the timpani and pipes. The gate opened and the hussar regiment flew out, the beauty of all the cavalry regiments. Ahead came the knight of all more beautiful; On his hand he wore a scarf sewn with the hands of the first beauty. And Taras was dumbfounded when he saw that it was Andrii. Meanwhile, a young knight, eager to deserve a hand-tied gift, poured blows to the right and left. Taras could not stand it and shouted: “Your own fucking son, you beat your own.” But Andri did not distinguish who was in front of him, with a mental glance only seeing the snowy neck, the shoulders and curls of his Polishie.

At the request of Taras the Cossacks enticed Andrius to the forest. He flew into the air for the Cossacks and nearly caught up with one, when suddenly someone’s strong hand grabbed the horse’s motive. Andriy looked round: Taras was in front of him! Like a schoolboy, who, after chasing a friend, suddenly came across a teacher entering the classroom, Andrii quietly fell silent, his frenzied impulse died away.

“So sell it?” To sell faith? Sell ​​your own? Wait, get off the horse!

Obediently, like a child, Andry’s tears from his horse and neither dead nor alive stopped before his father: “Stop and do not move! I gave birth to you, I’ll kill you!” – Taras said and, after shooting, Taras looks at the lifeless corpse for a long time. “Whatever the Cossack was,” he thought, “and the camp is tall, and black-browed, and a face like a nobleman, and his hand was strong in battle!” Disappeared, disappeared ingloriously! “

Chapter X-XI. A faithful comrade drove the severed and almost unfeeling Taras to Zaporozhye Sich itself and healed it with herbs. After a month and a half, he got to his feet, but was “noticeably overcast and sad.” All his old comrades died, even those who went after the Tatars, everything was now new on the Sich. Taras looked at everything indifferently, and, lowering his head, said: “My son, my father!” And Taras could not stand it. Knowing that his head was estimated by the Poles at two thousand chervontsi, he, hiding in the bottom of a cart loaded with bricks, with the help of a familiar Jew, Yankel, reached Warsaw. Unable to free Ostap, nor to see him, Taras, disguised as a foreign count, came to the square where the execution was to take place. The people are on all sides.



