He was born in the village of Konstantinovo Ryazan province, in a peasant family. Since childhood, he was brought up from his grandfather by his mother, a man of enterprising and prosperous, a connoisseur of church books. He graduated from a four-grade rural school, then a church and a school in Spas-Klepik. In 1912 Yesenin moved to Moscow, where his father served as a merchant. He worked in a printing house, joined the Literary and Music Circus named after Surikov, attended lectures at the Shanyavsky University.
Esenin’s poetry first appeared in Moscow magazines in 1914. In 1915 he went to Petrograd, met there with A. Blok, S. Gorodetsky, N. Klyuev and other poets. Soon comes the first collection of his poems – Radunitsa. Collaborated in the SR journals, typing in them poems “Transfiguration”, “Oktoih”, “Inonia”.
In March 1918 the poet again settled in Moscow, where he made one of the founders of the group of Imagists. In the years 1919-1921. traveled a lot (Solovki, Murmansk, the Caucasus, Crimea). He worked on the dramatic poem “Pugachev”, in the spring of 1921 he went to the Orenburg steppes, got to Tashkent.
In the years 1922-1923. together with the American dancer who lived in Moscow, A. Duncan, who became Esenin’s wife, visited Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Canada and the USA. In the years 1924-1925. he visited Georgia and Azerbaijan three times, worked there with a huge ascent and created the “Poem about twenty-six”, “Anna Snegin”, “Persian motifs”.
The October Revolution gave Yesenin a surprising power. He expressed in his work and the spring joy of liberation, and a rush for the future, and the tragic collisions of a turning-point.
The best works of Yesenin vividly captured the spiritual beauty of the Russian people. Recognized as the subtlest lyricist, the wizard of the Russian landscape. Tragically died in 1925 in Leningrad.
According to the version adopted by most biographers of the poet, Yesenin was depressed (a month after treatment in the psychoneurological hospital) committed suicide (hanged himself). For a long time there were no other versions of the event, but at the end of the 20th century, versions began to emerge about the murder of the poet, with a subsequent staging of his suicide, and the poet’s personal life and his work were both possible causes.