Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. Biography
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov is a Russian writer and public figure, one of the greatest authors of Soviet “official” literature, a Nobel Prize winner. Endowed with an original epic talent, he acted as a continuer of Tolstoy’s realism traditions on new life material and in the conditions of a new historical era. World fame Sholokhov brought the epic “Quiet Flows the Don”, ranked among the most powerful novels of the twentieth century.
The life of M. Sholokhov in dates and facts
May 24, 1905 – was born in the farm Kruzhilin Donetsk district of the Don Military Region, in the family of the steward-manager of the steam mill.
1914-1918 – studied in Moscow, in the town of Boguchar in the Voronezh province, and also in the village of Veshenskaya. He graduated from the 4th grade of the gymnasium, after which he tried for two years in various small positions, demanding elementary knowledge: he taught adult farmers reading and writing, conducted a population census, served in the village revolutionary committee, worked as a primary school teacher, clerk of the procurement office. At the end of the tax rate, he served as food inspector for a while, after which he took part in the food requisition as part of the food order.
In 1922, for the “excesses” in the surplus-holding conducted by the revolutionary tribunal sentenced Sholokhov to be shot, however, taking into account the minor age of the offender, he replaced the supreme measure with conditional punishment. In the same year Sholokhov went to Moscow in the hope of continuing his education and taking up literary work. But for the admission to rabfak the writer did not have enough work experience and the direction of the Komsomol, so he was forced to make a living by the heavy work of a loader, a bricklayer, a laborer. And artistic creativity required self-education and work on oneself, which Sholokhov aspired to make up by participating in the work of the literary group “Young Guards” and attending classes conducted by VB Shklovsky, O. M. Brik, N. N. Aseev.
1923 – in the newspaper “Junosheskaya Pravda” the first satirists of Sholokhov were printed.
1924 – published his first story “Mole”. At the end of the same year, the writer moved to Karginskaya stanitsa, from where he moved to the village of Bukanovskaya, where he married MP Gromoslavskaya, the daughter of a former stanitsa ataman.
1926 – Sholokhov’s books “Don Stories” and “The Azure Steppe” appeared.
1928 -1940 – created a novel-epic “Quiet Flows the Don”, for which he was awarded in 1941 by the Stalin Prize. The writer gave this award to the Defense Fund of the country.
1931 -1959 years. – worked on the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned.”
1941-1945 – was a military correspondent for the newspaper “Red Star”. On the basis of personal impressions, he began to write the novel “They fought for their Motherland,” which from time to time was published by excerpts until 1954. The novel was not finished.
1956 – wrote the story “The Fate of Man”.
1965 – was awarded the Nobel Prize with the formulation “for the artistic power and integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a crucial time for Russia.”
February 21, 1984 – the writer died.