Bylins from ancient times glorified the courage and bravery of soldiers, patriotism and love for the homeland. This oral folk art reflected the life of Ancient Rus of the IX-XIII centuries. We come close to the theme “Bylina” Sadko “: a summary, the main characters.” Here, the guslar appears as a true patriot of his land, a deeply religious man whose soul can not be deceived and not bought for any mushrooms. The king of the seas will be exactly the tempter who is ready to give all his treasures for such a talented young man.
Bylina “Sadko”: a short summary for children
In Veliky Novgorod there lived a young guslar Sadko. So begins the epic “Sadko”. The summary tells that he was very beautiful, but poor, kind of proud and self-righteous. He earned his living a very lively and soulful game on the harp. From one merry feast he fell into another. But one day the turning point came when he was no longer called.
One day passed, then the second, the third, and then all the abandoned fellow went to the Ilmen lake, found a white rock near the shore, sat down on it, spread the word, and played as if his soul was crying in anguish and loneliness. From this game the water in the lake began to sway heavily, but the musician paid no attention to this and returned to the city.
King of the sea
Now every day he began to come ashore and play his instrument. And one day Sadko saw how the waters of Ilmen Lake were stirred and stirred from his music. On its surface appeared the King of the Sea himself, who turned to the musician with laudatory words.
For such wonderful sounds, he wanted to reward him with numerous gold coffers. The king tells Sadko to argue with local merchants that he will fish with gold feathers, and promised to throw it to him in the seine.
This dialogue is very interesting describes epic “Sadko.” The summary, however, continues with the fact that when the merchant people cheered on one of the feasts, then Sadko, taking advantage of the moment, offered a dispute and boasted that he would catch a wonderful fish in the lake, “gold feathers”.
But no one believed these fairy tales, so the three merchants easily agreed to fight. The wrangler thrice threw the net and pulled out one gold fish. The discouraged merchants gave away the three best shops that had been argued. Over time, Sadko became a real rich man and began to receive “great profits”.
Sadko promises to buy out all the goods
His life changed a lot, he dabbled with real luxury and embodied any of his fantasies. He had white stone chambers, he began to roll up luxurious feasts and invite all the famous Novgorod nobility. The hopeless merchants each time started to boast, who has a good horse, who has a beautiful wife, and who has an uncountable treasury.
Sadko, however, was always silent, but until a certain time, but then, when he was offered something to boast about, he said he was too rich and that he could buy all the goods in the shops of Novgorod. Only the merchant Sadko uttered these words, the guests, offended by such unreasonable pride, immediately struck him with a mortgage.
That’s how it collects its intriguing turn of epic “Sadko”. The summary continues with the fact that the next day Sadko orders that his squads give out a bunch of money and sends it to all the shops of the city to buy in a row all the goods. And he himself went to the drawing room to buy up everything indiscriminately.
Sadko argued
However, the next morning the merchants again brought the goods, only twice as much. And the squad again bought up everything. And so every morning the stores were replenished with goods more than before. Then an inveterate debater and got a good lesson and admitted that they could not keep up with the goods from Moscow and the overseas, and that the merchant of Novgorod was indeed richer than anyone.
But this does not end with the epic “Sadko,” the short story goes on to say that Sadko had argued the merchants thirty thousand, but on the rest of his money he decided to build thirty ships and sail on a trip to see the world with his own eyes. He swims through the Volkhov, Ladoga and the Neva, and then enters the open sea and after a while arrives in the Golden Horde. There he sells his goods at a good price, and again he has a lot of money in the treasury. Gold and silver he fills barrels and sets off home to Novgorod.
Long journey and storm
But on the way back an unprecedented storm was raging, and the ships were about to go to the bottom. Masts bend, sails tear. Sadko starts to think about who is repairing such intrigues, because he understands who has not paid tribute for so long. Then he takes a barrel with silver and throws it into the sea, but the element does not stop, and the ships do not move from the place because of the strong wind. Then Sadko orders to throw off the barrel of gold, but then the storm does not subside. And then he realizes that the sea king wants to get a “living head”. On the ship was cast a lot, which twice fell on Sadko himself. And then he gives his last orders. All his inheritance he bequeaths to the churches of God, the wife of a young, impoverished brotherhood and brave warriors.
In the kingdom of the sea
And so, saying goodbye to everyone, taking his native gusli, he goes to sea on a raft. The storm immediately subsided, and the ship set off on its way. Sadko dozed off and woke up already in the sea possessions in the White Sea King’s mansion, which did not conceal his joy and said that he had not paid tribute to him a long time, so he went to the gift himself.
Saint Nicolas of Mozhaisk
The king of the seas immediately asked him to play on the harp, and the musician, waving his hand, struck the ringing strings. A cheerful dance music was heard. At the bottom of the sea, real dancing began. For three days the merchant played without a break, during this time a huge number of ships drowned, the banks and villages were flooded.
The poor earthly people prayed to Saint Nicholas of Mozhaisk (Nicholas the Wonderworker). And then a holy old man appears near the gusliar. He jabbed him on the shoulder, and strictly, but kindly explained that it was time to finish the dances. Sadko told him that he had an order and that he could not disobey the King of the Seas. Then Saint Nicholas told him to break the strings. He also warned that if the Tsar offered to marry, then from among the hundreds of proposed brides he would choose the very last one, Chernavushka, and she would not go to bed with her, otherwise she would forever remain at the bottom of the sea.
Native land
Sadko did so, with one stroke he broke the strings and broke the harp. The storm immediately abated. The grateful King offered to thank him for choosing any bride from his daughters. In the morning the guslar comes to see and sees three hundred unusual beauties, but he remembers the words of the holy elder and chooses the girl Chernavushka. After the wedding feast, he calls her his tutelage and goes with her to the bedchamber. He did not touch it with her finger, fell asleep on the marriage bed with a strong sleep, and when he woke up, he was already on the native bank of the Chernava River in Novgorod. On the Volkhov River, he saw his whole unharmed ships, quietly swim to the shore. His wife and children were there, and friends who tearfully remembered Sadko, and then, seeing him alive and unharmed, they did not believe their eyes. Everyone began to hug and kiss. Sadko unloaded all the riches from the ships. And first of all he undertook the construction of the cathedral church in honor of St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk. The will of the saint was fulfilled.
So ended the epic “Sadko” very short content of the whole plot. After that the gusliar did not swim in the seas, but began to live peacefully in his Novgorod.
Bylina “Sadko”: a summary and the author
This epilogue may have different interpretations. According to the hypothesis of some historians, the basis for this ancient epic was a song about a Novgorod merchant named Sodko Sytinets, which is mentioned in the chronicle edition of 1167 as a builder of the church of Boris and Gleb in Novgorod. For sure, the image of Sadko over time transformed into an Indo-European image of the mythical groom’s daughter of the lord of the seas and oceans.
Disclosing the theme of “Sadko”: a short summary, the author “, it should be noted that the author of epic and songs is the people. However, the famous opera Sadko by Rimsky-Korsakov (1897) was created in this work, and in 1952 a magnificent a fairy tale “Sadko” directed by A. Ptushko.