Biography Tikhonov Nikolai Semenovich


Tikhonov Nikolai Semenovich (1896 – 1976), the poet.
He was born on October 22 (November 4, 2001) in St. Petersburg in the family of a barber. He grew up among the children of artisans, studied at the city school, then – at the Trade School, where they taught commercial science, commodity science, shorthand. Continue education could not – it was necessary to help a family that lived very poorly. He was a scribe in the Main Marine Administration. Poems began to write early.
With the outbreak of the First World War he volunteered for the front, served in the hussar regiment (later he wrote about it in the verses “Life under the stars”, in the book “Military horses”). In the year of the October Revolution he was 20 years old, and under the influence of the events of October he wrote a whole book of poems.
In 1918 he joined the Red Army as a volunteer. In the same year he published his poems for the first time. After demobilization takes a firm decision to engage in literary activity. In the 1920s he became a member of the literary group “Serapion Brothers”, published a poem “Sami”. The first collections of poems – “Orda” and “Braga” – were published in 1922.
He traveled a lot around the country, especially loved the Caucasus, studied the peoples of the Caucasus, their life, life, history, began translating Georgian, Armenian, Dagestan poets. In 1935 he first saw Europe, having visited the Soviet delegation at the Congress in defense of peace in Paris.
During the Patriotic War he worked in the Political Department of the Leningrad Front, where his military experience was useful. He wrote essays and stories, articles and leaflets, poems and addresses.
Since 1949 he was chairman of the Soviet Peace Committee, since 1950 – a member of the World Peace Council. He visited many countries of Europe, China.
Poetic creativity is most fully represented in the collections: “Twelve Ballads” (1925); “The shadow of a friend” (1935); “Two streams” (1951) and others. He also appeared as a prose writer – with essays, stories, stories: “Nomads” (1931); “The White Miracle” (1956); “Six Columns” (1968), etc. Articles and memoirs are collected in books: “Double Rainbow: Stories Memories” (1964) and “Writer and Epoch” (1972).
In 1973 – 76 published Tikhonov’s Collected Works in seven volumes. N. Tikhonov died in 1976 in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.



