Biography of Gaidar
Gaidar Arkady Petrovich – Soviet writer, author of children’s books, screenwriter, participated in the Civil and Great Patriotic War.
Childhood and adolescence
Arkady Petrovich Gaidar was born on January 9, 1904 in the city of Lgov, Kursk province, in a family of teachers. The boy’s childhood mostly took place in Arzamas, a small town in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Here the future writer was trained in a real school.
Arkady was selfless at an early age. When in the first world war his father was taken to the front, the boy fled the house to go to war, too. However, he was detained on the way.
In 1918, in a brief biography of Gaidar, an important event occurred – a fourteen-year-old Arkady joined the Communist Party, began working in the newspaper Molot. At the end of the year he was enlisted in the Red Army.
Service in the active army
After graduating in 1919 training courses for commanders in Moscow, Golikov was appointed assistant platoon commander. In 1911, he graduated from the Higher School of Shooting ahead of schedule. Soon he was appointed commander of the Nizhny Novgorod Regiment, fought on the Don, on the Caucasian front, near Sochi.
In 1922, Golikov participated in the suppression of the anti-Soviet insurgency in Khakassia, led by I. Solovyov. Heading the command of the second battle area in the Yenisei province, Arkady Petrovich gave rather harsh orders aimed at ill-treatment of local residents who opposed the arrival of Soviet power.
In May 1922, on the orders of Golikov, five uluses were shot. The incident was learned in the provincial department of the GPU. Arkady Petrovich was demobilized with the diagnosis of “traumatic neurosis”, which arose after an unsuccessful fall from a horse. This event was a turning point in Gaidar’s biography.
Literary activity
In 1925 Golikov published the story “In days of defeat and victories” in the Leningrad almanac “Bucket”. Soon the writer moved to Perm, where he first started publishing under the pseudonym Gaidar. In 1930, work on the works “School”, “The Fourth Dug” was completed.
Since 1932, Arkady Petrovich works as a traveling correspondent in the newspaper “Pacific Star”. In 1932 – 1938 saw the story and story “Far countries”, “Military Secret”, “The Blue Cup”, “The Fate of the Drummer”. In 1939 – 1940, the writer finished work on his most famous works for children – “Timur and his team”, “Chuk and Huck”, which are currently being studied in primary school.
The Great Patriotic War
During the Great Patriotic War, writer Gaidar worked as a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda. During this period Arkady Petrovich creates essays “Bridge”, “Rockets and grenades”, “At the ford”, “At the front line”, the philosophical tale “Hot Stone”. In 1941 he served as a machine gunner in the partisan detachment of Gorelov.
October 26, 1941 Arkady Petrovich Gaidar was killed by the Germans near the village of Leplyava Kanevsky district. The writer was buried in 1947 in Kanev, Cherkasy region.
Interesting Facts
- According to the most famous version, the pseudonym “Gaydar” stands for “Golikov Arkady D’arzamas”. In 1939, Gaidar was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, in 1964 he was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree. Arkady Gaidar suffered from severe headaches, mood swings, repeatedly undergoing treatment in a psychiatric clinic. Gaidar’s personal life did not take shape at once. The writer was married three times – to the nurse Maria Plaksina, the Komsomol Lyaya Solomianskaya and Dora Chernysheva. Among the close friends of Gaidar were writers Fraerman and Paustovsky.