Why it is important to preserve childhood memories

Do memories from childhood really stay in our soul for a long time? This question is answered by the prose writer Yuri Dmitrievich Nechiporenko, posing the problem of the role of childhood in the worldview, the formation of the character of man.

Arguing on this occasion, the author turns to the recollections of the hero-narrator, for whom childhood is associated with the name “Tanya”. In order to show how vivid the images of childhood can be, the author compares the appearance of the girl with the light, which will break into the house, if the curtains are opened. It is no accident that the bulk of the text is devoted to the narrative of Tanya’s life. The hero knows that she has become a wonderful gymnast, married and works as a coach, raising little girls. These details show that the narrator follows Tanya’s life, not wanting to let go of the brightest, “piercing recollection of his life.” Analyzing the memories of an adult hero, the writer thinks about the reason why childhood impressions leave such a bright light in his soul.
The author’s position is beyond doubt. I. Nechiporenko is convinced that in the soul of each person must live memories from childhood, like those that warm our hero: sparkling sunbeams, emerald foliage, waving a little girl in green light.

Of course, I agree with the author’s position and believe that childhood memories (both pleasant, light and heavy) can not only warm a person, but also shape him as a person.

I would like to substantiate my point of view by referring to the ambiguous work of my contemporary Pavel Sanayev “Bury me behind the plinth”. We have three generations of one family: grandmother, her daughter Chumochka and grandson of Sasha. From the first lines we get into the atmosphere that surrounds the main character. “Bastards.” “traitors”, “heavy baptism” “fool” – this is not the most terrible words that a boy hears from day to day. It’s easy to understand that his mother, Chumochka, grew up in the same environment. The author clearly shows the result of such a “childhood”. We have an adult woman who still fears her mother and does not dare to go against her, even when it comes to her son. We see that Olga is unhappy in her personal life. The curse of the mother, her promise to take the child in court, to deprive of parental rights – all this does not allow to live, be happy. Certainly, it is the terrible, persistent childhood memories that are constantly present in the life of an adult Olga, formed a weak, weak-willed, slaughtered woman. We understand that childhood memories should be similar not to black birds, but to a bright light that opens the soul.

Fortunately, memories of childhood can have an equally strong positive effect on the formation of personality. So, for the protagonist of the autobiographical work of Boris Vasilyev “My horses are flying”, Dr. Jansen became a role model, and childhood memories of which have been preserved for life. Disinterested help to the sick of the poorest district of Smolensk, the readiness to work in the winter, and in the summer, and day and night, the intellectual’s duty to the people-all this contributed to the formation of the ideals of the hero-narrator. The heroic death of a doctor who saved two teenagers kneeling in the cold mud of the residents of the city at the funeral of Jansen – all this taught the hero the main thing: the understanding that the main value of life is the ability to live for the sake of people.

Reading the text of Yu. D. Nechiporenko and the works of B. Vasilyev, P. Sanaev, I understand that childhood is the time of sensations that will remain with us for life.



