Ukrainian city in the 18th – first half of the 19th century

1. What was the Ukrainian city in the late 18th – early 19th century?

In the 18th century. almost all towns and villages remained small settlements, which almost did not differ from villages. Their inhabitants were engaged not only in crafts and trade, but also in agriculture. From the last decades of the 18th century. the number of cities began to increase, and the urban population grew.

About the Ukrainian city of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Evgraf Krendovsky’s “Poltava, Alexander Square” testifies. We see the city landscape with characteristic, like peasant huts, individual houses, with a large two-story building of government institutions in the center. The square lives its usual everyday life. Here, and individual figures, and entire groups of residents of the city. Almost in the center of the picture, in the foreground, are two well-off youngsters. On the left side there are officials. Go carts around the area, harnessed by oxen. Next rides horse drawn carriages with nobles. In the picture – military and civil, rich and poor, landowners and peasant serfs, traders and artisans.

2. What clothes did Ukrainians wear in the 18th and early 19th centuries?

In the 18th century. wealthy inhabitants of cities – Cossack sergeant-major, merchants – wore clothes from expensive foreign fabrics – silk, brocade. The common people – peasants, petty bourgeois and Cossacks – from cloth and cloth of local production. The Cossacks dressed in white shirts, cloth colorful multi-wide trousers. Upper clothing served as zhupany, kuntushi, capes. Belted with a silk or leather belt. The main clothing for men and women was a shirt. Women dressed in dresses plakhty and skirts. In winter, throughout Ukraine, shrouds were worn. Shoes for men and women, their hats remained traditional.

De la Fleez also describes the clothes of Ukrainian peasants: “They all dress suites, they are made of coarse cloth, made by themselves from wool… sheep.” The suites are well protected from the rain, they are broad, usually long. This suite is made of sheepskin, necessary in this climate, in which severe colds can pass in. Since the casings and suites do not have buttons, they are tightened with a belt. The peasants almost all wear boots, occasionally they are wearing sandals called lapti or postols.

Women and girls usually wear long suites. Skirts and aprons are sewn from a mottled, with large flowers, cloths of blue or red cloth, which the peasants make and paint themselves. On the outskirts of Kiev, women and girls wear shirts made of fine linen with long and wide sleeves, adorned with skillfully embroidered red patterns. Boots of women and girls are worn almost always, especially on holidays. The headdress of women is very diverse. Girls, like women, wear many beads around their necks, the richest have red coral beads. “



