My future profession is writing an attorney

For all people, the right choice of profession is very important, because what we choose determines most of our life. If someone wants to become a teacher, he or she will spend most of

Proverb Composition

Usually a list of several proverbs is provided as a topic for such compositions. Choose the one that seems to you the most controversial or ambiguous – so you get the opportunity to reason

The Tale of the Bridegroom

In the indexes of forbidden books in the XVII century. was made an essay, briefly marked “On the Wizard”, which is a parody of the old translations from the Greek going to heaven. It

Mother tongue composition

Language is precisely this important phenomenon, without which man can not live and exist. A language arose in ancient times, when primitive people, trying to convey their thoughts, feelings and emotions, drew drawings on

My Mother’s Day

My mom’s day starts early in the morning. Before waking us up with Dad, she cooks breakfast. Surprisingly, every day she tries to make something new. We wake up from the smells that hover

Grandmother’s dolls

In modern conditions, when there are profound changes in the life of society, patriotic upbringing becomes one of the central directions of work with the younger generation. Now, in the period of instability in

Composition of the memory of the school

As long as the school years do not last, the essay about which the reader’s imagination worries, eventually they end with the last trill of the call, the final exams and the farewell ball

Polysemy of words

Polysemy is a polysemy. Some words have only one lexical meaning. They are called single-valued. But most words in Russian have several meanings. Therefore, they are called multivalued. Definition Polysemy is a lexical phenomenon

Writing what loyalty is

Everyone needs communication and is surrounded by friends. Now, unfortunately, there are not so many true and loyal friends. Often these are not friends at all, but just friends who do not always find

Composition on the subject of noble deed

“Do good deeds.” This phrase will remain forever in my memory. So we were taught in childhood by teachers, parents, grandparents. To help someone in need, to translate a grandmother across the road, to
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