Composition on the theme of the first snow

This morning I woke up, looked out, as usual at the window, and was amazed. Still yesterday on the sidewalks there was a withered foliage, the picture was gray, dull. Now everything was unrecognizable,

I love the Russian language

The Russian language… I always knew and understood that it is necessary to learn the Russian language, to master it so that it would not be embarrassing for my speech, so that any thought

I love traveling composition

Millions of people around the world spend their vacations traveling, and I’m no exception. Travel is my passion. Fortunately, my parents are of the same opinion. Therefore, every time when the holiday comes, we

Nekrasov is a national poet

And there is no poet or writer who would be portrayed more vividly and truthfully by people and people’s life in their works. He not only sympathized, but also identified himself with the peasants

Fantastic story composition

Bright summer sunset. The nature is unusually beautiful. The boundless steel surface of the forest lake stretches to the horizon. I’m standing on its edge and I’m afraid to take the first step. The

Composition on the Russian language structure

When the problem is determined, it is quite easy to create a composition structure: Composition-reasoning in the USE format (structure) 1. Formulation of the problem (in the form of a dualistic thesis or a

My future profession is a nurse

After graduation, everyone has to make a choice of their profession. It’s time to finally find the answer to the question: “Who do I want to be?”. After much meditation, I realized that I

Childhood memories composition

Childhood is the most important period in the life of every person, because at this time the child has a worldview, the formation of the personality is taking place. It is no accident that

Composing your favorite TV show

Once I saw a new transmission with my dad. It’s called Galileo. It is led by Alexander Pushnoy. Since then, I regularly watch this TV show. This program is very informative, it shows a

Autumn is my favorite season

My favorite season is autumn. I was born in November, maybe, therefore, after the end of the warm days of summer, I’m so pleased to meet the autumn cool gusts of the wind, breathe
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