The ups and downs of China in the Middle Ages

“Celestial” fully learned what the vicissitudes of historical destiny are. It was then slipping into an abyss of confusion and chaos, even becoming the prey of foreign conquerors, it reached the heights of power.

How to break the tradition

Now it is difficult to imagine that New Year’s congratulations in Russia were made not on the first of January, but on another day. Meanwhile it was just like that… Years come and go,

The struggle of cities for self-government. Cities-communes

The whole land belonged to the feudal lords, and therefore the cities stood on their land and were considered their property. The city was like a vassal of the feudal lord. The townspeople completely

The emergence of the English Parliament

Henry III did not fulfill the obligations, therefore in 1263 a civil war broke out in England. The army of Simon de Montfort defeated the royal army, captured Henry III and Crown Prince. In

Ukrainian village in the 18th – 19th centuries

What was the Ukrainian village in the 18th – first half of the 19th century? The life of Ukrainian peasants has not changed since the previous times. As before, villages were founded near rivers

The Nobility

The appearance of medieval cities complicated the structure of society. In it new groups of the population appeared: craftsmen, merchants, Intellectuals, etc. Gradually the urban estate was formed, which had special rights and duties

The Pushkin Museum in St. Petersburg

How to explain the national love of Russian people to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin? We will not seek an explanation, but only say: in Russia there is no such person who would not know who

Papal power. The split of the Christian church

In the fifth and sixth centuries, taking advantage of the lack of strong state power in Italy, the papacy intensified. The popes became not only spiritual, but also secular lords of the Roman Diocese.

The main events, information and facts on the theme “The birth of the medieval world, the features of its development” in the tables

Historical sources: Written Real Ethnographic The Frankish Kingdom: 481-486 years. – the unification of the Salic Franks by Clovis from the Merovingian dynasty; mazhordomas and “lazy kings”; 486 – the Battle of Soissons; About

Interesting facts from the history of the Middle Ages

There were also purely children’s entertainment. Every year puppets brought puppies to the school for Shrovetide. And instead of sitting in class, the kids all morning watched the cockfighting. To medieval children’s theatrical representations
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