
Very controversial experiences caused me the story of Edgar Poe “Froggy”. The protagonist of the story is a dwarf and a cripple, a court jester. For a funny jumping gait, he was nicknamed the

The movement of F. Stendhal to realism

Rejecting the classical canons, Stendhal at the same time recognized the existence of “iron laws” of reality and the need for their knowledge of the artist. He said: “It is necessary that the imagination

Kurt Vonnegut – writer and thinker

Kurt Vonnegut – the most famous American writer of German origin, prose writer and journalist. He is a classic and legend of American culture, he is called modern Mark Twain. The writer’s ancestors came

Characteristics of the novelism of Guy de Maupassant

Realistically multifaceted and accurate recreation of everyday life of different layers of French society, the color of time and terrain; a pronounced anti-war pathos, manifested in protest against the violence and cruelty of the

Work on the topic

Work is an integral part of our lives. Without work, people become bored and hopeless. Money is not the only reason why people work. Many professions should develop and settle with the passage of

Reflection in Dante’s poem “The Divine Comedy” of a new humanistic view of man and his values

The peak of Dante’s creativity is the “Divine Comedy”. The poem is written as a poet’s wanderings in the afterlife. Dante’s guide on this journey is the poet, the author of the Aeneid, Virgil.

Preservation of national culture

Taking into account the historical and cultural significance of the joint living and spiritual community of the peoples of Russia, on January 13, 2009, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree on

The story of the story “The Old Man and the Sea”

For the first time the history of the old man and the sea of ​​Hemingway was briefly described in the essay “On the Blue Water: The Gulf Stream Letter” published in the Esquire magazine

My favorite book is “They were swarthy and gold-eyed” R. Bradbury

I like reading science fiction books. But I do not like all the works of science fiction writers. I’m not interested in all-powerful supermen, leading endless star wars, insanely and ruthlessly conquering all, exciting

“Doll House” G. Ibsen as a work of “new drama”

Ibsen’s plays written in the mid-seventies of the 19th century were called “new dramaturgy” by critics. What was new in these works? First, the mapping of the present day and the display of living
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