Summary Christoph Willibald Gluck

Christopher Willebald Gluck 1714-1787 Gluck entered the history of musical culture as a great reformer, who for many decades determined the ways of the development of the opera. His demands for dramatic truth, simplicity

Summary of the Life of Count Federico Confalonieri

Ricarda Houx The life of Count Federigo Confalonieri The young count of Federigo Confalonieri is a recognized idol of the secular youth of Milan. He is listened to, he is imitated in clothes and

Summary Horse-Humpbacked Horse Ershov

P. P. Ershov Humpbacked Horse In one village there lives a peasant. He had three sons: the elder – Danilo – smart, average – Le Havre – “and so, and syak” younger – Ivan

Summary “Daphnis and Chloe” Longa

The action takes place on the well-known Greek island of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea, and not even on the whole island, but in the village alone on its outskirts. There lived two shepherds,

Summary “Delivering Happiness”

It is very important to find something that you are really passionate about. Awareness of your passion simplifies the adoption of all decisions and allows you to determine the ultimate goal. Doing what you

Summary of “Balzac’s Eugene Grande”

Provincial French city of Saumur is the habitat of wine growers, landowners, forest merchants, bocharas, innkeepers and ship-keepers who sell their goods on the ancient Great Street. The life of the townspeople goes on

Summary “A friend is known in trouble”

Dimka, Peter and Seryozhka were friends of the three. The leader in this three was Petya. He studied already in the seventh grade, and Dimka and Seryozhka – in the fifth. “Malyavkam”, as Peter

Summary “The song about the merchant Kalashnikov” Lermontov

The sun is not red in the sky. Then the terrible king Ivan Vasilievich sits in a golden wreath at a table. Behind him are the stewards, against him all boyars and princes, on

Bylina “Dobrynya and Marinka” in the summary

Efimia Alexandrovna conjures her son: when he goes to walk around Kiev, to avoid the alley on which the Queen’s son Marina Kaidalievna lives. She has already enticed a lot of noble and simple

“Three Musketeers” by A. Dumas in brief

On the first Monday of April 1625, the population of the town of Meng in the suburbs of Paris seemed to be agitated as if the Huguenots had decided to turn it into the
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