Winnie the Pooh – a teddy bear, a great friend of Christopher Robin. With him there are a variety of stories. One day, going out into the clearing, Winnie the Pooh sees a tall oak tree, at the top of which something is buzzing: zhzhzhzhzhzhzh! In vain no one will buzz, and Winnie the Pooh is trying to climb a tree for honey. Falling into the bushes, the bear goes to Christopher Robin for help. Taking the blue balloon from the boy, Winnie the Pooh rises into the air, singing a “special Tuchkin song”: “I’m a Cloud, a Cloud, a Cloud, / And not a bear, / Ah, how nice to the Cloud / In the sky to fly!”
But the bees behave “suspiciously”, according to Winnie the Pooh, that is, they suspect something. One by one they fly out of the hollow and sting Winnie the Pooh. And Winnie-the-Pooh asks the boy to knock the ball out of the gun. “He’s going to get messed up,” Christopher Robin objected. “And if you do not shoot, I’ll spoil,” says Winnie-the-Pooh. And the boy, having understood, how it is necessary to act, knocks out a ball. Winnie-the-Pooh falls smoothly to the ground. True, after this whole week the bear’s paws protruded upward and he could not move them. If a fly was sitting on his nose, he had to blow it off: “Pooh! Puhhh!” Perhaps that’s why he was called Pooh.
One day Pooh went to visit Rabbit, who lived in a hole. Winnie-the-Pooh always was not averse to “refresh himself,” but on a visit to Rabbit he clearly allowed himself to be superfluous and therefore, getting out, got stuck in the hole. A faithful friend of Winnie the Pooh, Christopher Robin, read the books aloud to him for a whole week, but inside, in the hole. Rabbit used his hind legs as a towel rack. Pooh was getting thinner and thinner, and now Christopher Robin said: “It’s time!” and grabbed hold of Pooh’s forepaws, and Rabbit grabbed hold of Christopher Robin, and Native and Familiar Rabbit, who was terribly much, grabbed Rabbit and began to drag it all the way, And Winnie the Pooh jumped out of the hole like a cork from a bottle, and Christopher Robin and Rabbit and all-all flew upside down!
In addition to Winnie the Pooh and Rabbit in the woods live still a piglet Piglet, Owl, always a sad donkey Eeyore. The donkey once had a tail, but Pooh managed to find him. In search of the tail Pooh wandered to the all-knowing Council. The owl lived in this castle, according to the bear cub. On the door she had a bell with a button, and a bell with a cord. Under the bell hung an announcement: “I ASK to fall for Esli not being trafficked.” The announcement was written by Christopher Robin, because even the Council could not do it. Pooh tells the Council that Eeyore lost his tail and asks for help finding him. The owl starts up theoretical discussions, and poor Pooh, who, as is known, has a head of sawdust in his head, soon ceases to understand what is at stake, and Owl answers the questions in turn “yes”, then “no.” At the next “no” Owl asked in surprise: “How, it can be said, was attached to it. With these words, Pooh unhooks the lace and carries Eeyore, and Christopher Robin nails it into place. it can be said, was attached to it. With these words, Pooh unhooks the lace and carries Eeyore, and Christopher Robin nails it into place.
Sometimes new animals appear in the forest, for example, Kang’s mom and Tiny Ru.
Initially, Rabbit decides to teach Kang a lesson: steal Roo Rush and hide it, and when Kenga starts looking for him, tell her “AHA!” in such a tone that she understood everything. But that Kenga did not immediately notice the loss, Piglet should jump into her pocket instead of Rush Tiny. And Winnie the Pooh must speak with Kenga very enthusiastically, that she turned away for a minute, then Rabbit can escape with Tiny Roux. The plan succeeds, and Kanga discovers the substitution, only being at home. She knows that Christopher Robin will not let anyone hurt Tiny Rush, and decides to play Piglet. He, however, tries to say “AHA!”, But this does not have any effect on Kanga. She is preparing a bath for Piglet, continuing to call him “Ru”. Piglet unsuccessfully tries to explain to Kenge who he really is, but she pretends that she does not understand what’s the matter, And now Piglet is already washed, and he is waiting for a spoon of fish oil. From the medicine, Christopher Robin’s arrival saves him, Piglet tears to him with tears, pleading to confirm that he is not Little Roo. Christopher Robin confirms that this is not Roo, whom he just saw at the Rabbit, but refuses to recognize Piglet, because Piglet is “of a completely different color.” Kenga and Christopher Robin decide to call him Henry Pushel. But then the newly-born Henry Puschel manages to wriggle out of Kenge’s hands and run away. Never had he run so fast! Only a hundred paces from the house he stops running and rolls on the ground to regain his own familiar and sweet color. So Little Roo and Keng stay in the forest. begging to confirm that he is not Little Roo. Christopher Robin confirms that this is not Roo, whom he just saw at the Rabbit, but refuses to recognize Piglet, because Piglet is “of a completely different color.” Kenga and Christopher Robin decide to call him Henry Pushel. But then the newly-born Henry Puschel manages to wriggle out of Kenge’s hands and run away. Never had he run so fast! Only a hundred paces from the house he stops running and rolls on the ground to regain his own familiar and sweet color. So Little Roo and Keng stay in the forest. begging to confirm that he is not Little Roo. Christopher Robin confirms that this is not Roo, whom he just saw at the Rabbit, but refuses to recognize Piglet, because Piglet is “of a completely different color.” Kenga and Christopher Robin decide to call him Henry Pushel. But then the newly-born Henry Pushel manages to wriggle out of Kenge’s hands and run away. Never had he run so fast! Only a hundred paces from the house he stops running and rolls on the ground to regain his own familiar and sweet color. So Little Roo and Keng stay in the forest. But then the newly-born Henry Puschel manages to wriggle out of Kenge’s hands and run away. Never had he run so fast! Only a hundred paces from the house he stops running and rolls on the ground to regain his own familiar and sweet color. So Little Roo and Keng stay in the forest. But then the newly-born Henry Puschel manages to wriggle out of Kenge’s hands and run away. Never had he run so fast! Only a hundred paces from the house he stops running and rolls on the ground to regain his own familiar and sweet color. So Little Roo and Keng stay in the forest.
Another time in the forest there is a Tiger, an unknown beast, who smiles broadly and affably. Pooh treats Tigra with honey, but it turns out that the Tigers do not like honey. Then they two go on a visit to Piglet, but it turns out that the Tigers do not eat and acorns. Thistle, which treated the Tigger Eeyore, he also can not eat. Winnie the Pooh bursts into verse: “What to do with the poor Tigra? / How can we save it? / After all, he who does not eat anything / can not grow!”
Friends decide to go to Kenge, and there finally Tigger finds his food to his liking – it’s fish oil, the hateful medicine of Baby Rush. So Tigger settles in Kenga’s house and always gets fish oil for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And when Kenga believed that he should refresh himself, she gave him a spoonful of another porridge.
Events go their own way: then “expedition” to the North Pole is sent, then Piglet is saved from a flood in the umbrella of Christopher Robin, the storm destroys the Owl’s house, and the donkey looks for her house, and Piglet goes to live with Winnie the Pooh, then Christopher Robin, already having learned to read and write, leaves the forest…
The animals say goodbye to Christopher Robin, Eeyore writes a terribly confusing poem for this case, and when Christopher Robin, after reading it to the end, looks up, he sees only Winnie the Pooh in front of him. Together they go to the Enchanted Place. Christopher Robin tells Pooh different stories, which immediately get mixed up in his stuffed with sawdust head, and finally dedicates him to knights. Then Christopher Robin asks the bear to promise that he will never forget him. Even when Christopher Robin turns 100 years old. . “I promise,” nods Pooh. And they walk along the road.
And wherever they come and whatever happens to them – “here, in the Enchanted Place on top of a hill in the woods, a little boy will always, always play with his bear cub.”
“Winnie the Pooh and all-all-everything” Milna in brief summary