Action 1
Public garden on the banks of the Volga.
Phenomenon 1
Kuligin sits on a bench, Kudryash and Shapkin stroll. Kuligin admires the Volga. They hear how in the distance, Dikoi scolds his nephew. Discuss this. Kudryash says that Boris Grigorievich “went to the victim of the Wild”, complains about the humility of the townsfolk, that there is no one to “hurt” Wild in a dark alley “this way, four of us five.” Shapkin remarks that in addition to the “swearman-Wild”, “Kabanikha is also good,” which does the same, but under the guise of piety. He adds that it was not for nothing that Dikaya wanted Kudryash to send soldiers to the soldiers. Curly answers that Dikoi is afraid of him, because he understands that he does not give his head “cheaply.” He regrets that Wild has no adult daughters, otherwise he would have “respected” him.
Appear Wild and Boris. Wild curses Boris, he obediently listens, Wild leaves.
Phenomenon 3
Boris tells the audience about his family and domestic circumstances. Grandmother Boris disliked the “papa” for the fact that he married “noble”. A dream with his mother-in-law did not get along, as the daughter-in-law “it seemed very wild here”. Moved to Moscow, where they raised children, not denying them anything. Boris studied at the Commercial Academy, and his sister in a boarding school. In the cholera parents died. Grandmother in the city of Kalinova also died, leaving her grandchildren, which they must pay an uncle when they enter the age of majority, but only on the condition that they will be respectful of him. Kuligin notices that neither Boris nor his sister can see an inheritance, since nothing to Dikomu can prevent from saying that they were disrespectful. Boris does “what they order”, but does not receive salaries – will be sold at the end of the year, as Dikomu would like. All households are afraid of the Wild – he curses everyone, but no one dares to answer him. Curly remembers how a hussar was cursed by a hussar who could not answer the same thing, and how then Wildy tore off anger for a few days at home. Boris says that he can not get used to the local order. Kuligin replies: “Cruel customs, sir, in our city… In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and poverty of the naked, and never to us, sir, to get out of this crust!” Because honest work never to earn us more daily bread, and those who have money, sir, he tries to enslave the poor, so that his talented gifts can make more money… “Kuligin remembers that Dikoy answered the governor when he came to him on the complaints workers that they are counting wrong: “
Appears Feklusha with another woman. Feklusha says that around “the splendor” that “you live in the promised land”, “the godly people” bless, and especially the “Kabanovs’ house”. They go.
Kuligin speaks about Kabanich, that she is a “hypocrite”, “beggars, she ate home at all.” Then he adds that he is looking for perpetual mobile for general benefit, guessing where to get money for the model.
Phenomenon 4
Boris talks about Kuligin, that he is a good man – “he dreams of himself and is happy.” It grieves that it will be necessary to ruin the youth in this wilderness, that it is “driven, packed, and then foolishly falling in love”.
Phenomenon 5
Catherine, Varvara, Tikhon and Kabanikh appear. Kabanikha saws his son, that his wife is dearer to his mother, that try your mother-in-law “somehow does not please the daughter-in-law, well, and the conversation went on that my mother-in-law ate completely.” Tikhon tries to disbelieve it. Katerina enters into a conversation, but Kabaniha breaks off her, complains about Tikhon, that she does not keep her wife in awe. Tikhon replies: “Why should she be afraid? I am satisfied with the fact that she loves me.” Kabanov reproaches his son that he “took it into his head to live.” He replies: “Yes, Mama, I do not want to live by my own will.” Where can I live my own will? ” Kabanova notes that if a woman is not kept in awe, she can have a lover.
Phenomenon 6
Tikhon reproaches Katerina, that he always gets to her because of her mother. Left unattended mother, Tikhon wants to go to the Wild to drink. Leaves.
Phenomenon 7
Katerina and Varvara remain together.
Katerina! “Why do not people fly like birds? You know, sometimes it seems to me that I’m a bird.” When you stand on the mountain, you’re so drawn to fly. “So she would have fled, raised her hands and flew…” Katerina remembers the time, when she lived with her parents – went for water, watered the flowers, then with “Mama”, strangers and godmothers went to church – “until death, I loved going to church!” Exactly I used to enter paradise… “She dreamed of unusual dreams in which “invisible voices” sang, there was a smell of cypress, etc. Katerina tells Varvara that she has a feeling that she is worth it Catcher units, smells trouble. “If it were my will, I would ride now along the Volga, on a boat, with songs, or on a troika on a good…” She admits that she has a sin in her mind. Varvara says that after leaving Tikhon something will come up.
Phenomenon 8
A half-crazy lady with two lackeys appears, screams that beauty leads to the abyss, into the whirlpool, points to the Volga, threatens the gay fire.
The phenomenon of 9
Katerina is frightened. Varvara calms her down, says that the lady “has long sinned all her life… now she is afraid of dying.” Thunderstorm, it begins to rain. Katerina is frightened, she and Varvara are running away.
Action 2
A room in the Kabanovs’ house.
Phenomenon 1
Feklusha and Glasha are talking. Glasha says that “all of you are piling on each other”, asks that they should not live in peace. Faklusha answers that in a world without sin it is impossible, says that she is also followed by sin – g – likes “sweet food”. She says that she “did not go far in her weakness, but she heard a lot”. He says that there are countries where “there are no Orthodox kings, and the Saltans rule the land… and, whatever they judge, everything is wrong… And there is also a land where all people with their heads have their heads”. Feklusha leaves, Glasha approvingly comments on the pilgrims who tell about everything, “otherwise they would die so fools”.
Phenomenon 2
Katerina tells Varvara about how she was offended in her childhood and she ran to the Volga, got into the boat, and in the morning she was found for about ten versts. Then Varvara admits that he loves Boris. Varvara says that he likes Katerina, too, but there is nowhere to be seen. Katerina becomes frightened, screams that she will not exchange her Tisha for anyone. Varvara argues with her that you can do “whatever you want, if only it’s a shit and yes it was.” Katerina assures her that if her life here disgorges her, she will not be deterred by anything-she will either drown in the window or drown in the Volga. Varvara says that, as Tikhon leaves, she “will sleep in the arbor”, she calls with Katerina.
Phenomenon 3
Enter Kabanikh and Tikhon, who is going on the road. Kaba-niha tells him to order his wife how to live without him, then she herself pronounces instructions, Tikhon repeats it. Together with Varvara leaves.
Phenomenon 4
Katerina asks Tikhon not to leave. He replies: “If mamie sends, how can I not go!” Katerina then asks her to take it with her. Tikhon refuses, explaining this by saying that he needs to rest from scandals and all domestic ones. Catherine begs her husband to take a terrible oath, falls before him on his knees, he raises her, does not listen, says it’s a sin.
Phenomenon 5
Kabanich, Varvara and Glasha arrive. Tikhon leaves, Katerina says goodbye to him, Kabanova makes her bow to her husband’s legs, “as expected.”
Phenomenon 6
Cabanha is one. He complains that the old man is being taken out, that there is no longer any respect for the elderly. Young, in her opinion, do not know how to do anything, but they also want to live by their own will.
The phenomenon of 7
Cabanich reproaches Katerina for not saying goodbye to her husband, as it should. “Another good wife, having spent her husband, wakes about an hour and a half, lies on the porch.” Katerina responds that she does not know how and does not want people to laugh.
The phenomenon of 8
Katerina alone laments that she does not have children. Regrets that she did not die in her childhood, then she would fly like a butterfly from Flower to flower, etc. Tikhon is going to wait.
Phenomenon 9
Varvara tells Katerina that she asked to sleep in the garden, where there is a wicket, the key of which Kabanikh usually hides, then adds that this key took away, and instead of it another one was put. Gives this key to Katerina. Katerina screams: “Do not! Do not!”, But the key takes.
The phenomenon of 10
Katerina alone argues with herself, holding a key in her hand, wants to throw it, but then hides it in her pocket. Decides to see Boris, and there “come what may.”
Action 3
Scene 1
Street at the gate of the Kabanovs’ house.
Phenomenon 1
Faklusha tells Kabanikhie that the last time has come that other cities “sodom”: noise, running around, riding incessantly. He says that in Moscow everyone is in a hurry, that they “harness the fiery serpent” and so on. Kabanova agrees with Feklusha, declares that she will never go there for anything.
Phenomenon 2
Appears to be Wild. Kabanova asks that he wanders so late. A wild drunk, arguing with Kabaniha, she gives him a rebuff. Wild begs her forgiveness, explains that he was angered in the morning: the workers began to demand payment of the money due to them. “I have such a heart, for I already know what to give, but I can not do anything good.” Complains of his quick temper, which leads him to the point that he later has to ask forgiveness for “the very last man”. The wild man leaves.
Phenomenon 3
Boris tells Glasha that he was sent from the house for the Wild. He sighs that he can not see Katerina in any way. Appears Kuli-gin, admires the weather, beautiful places, then adds that “the town is lousy”, that “the boulevard was made, and not walk.” The poor have no time for walks, and the rich sit behind closed gates, the dogs guard the house so that no one can see how they rob orphans, relatives, nephews. Appear Kudryash and Varvara, kiss. Kudryash leaves, behind him Kuligin.
Appearance 4
Varvara appoints Boris meeting in a ravine beyond the Kabanovs’ garden.
Scene 2
Night, ravine behind the Kabanovs’ garden.
Phenomenon 1
Kudryash plays the guitar and sings a song about the free Cossack.
Phenomenon 2
Boris appears. He quarrels with Curly over the place for a date. Then he tells Kudryash that he loves a married woman, who, when she prays in the church, looks like an angel. Curly Guess that this “young Kabanov”, says that “there is something to congratulate,” notes that “even though she has a husband and a fool, yes my mother-in-law is hurt lyuta.”
Phenomenon 3
Varvara comes, she and Kudryash go for a walk. Boris and Katerina stay together. Katerina: “Get away from me… I never sin this sin!” He accuses Boris that he has ruined her and is afraid of the future. Boris urges her not to think about the future, “enough that we are now well”. Katerina admits that she loves Boris.
Phenomenon 4-5
Come Kudryash and Varvara, they are wondering whether the lovers have come to see. Those respond in the affirmative, are removed. Curly praises the idea of climbing into the garden gate. After a while Boris and Katerina return. Having agreed on a new date, everyone diverge.
Action 4
A narrow gallery of buildings that began to collapse, on the walls of which scenes of the Last Judgment are depicted.
Phenomenon 1
It’s raining, people walking in the gallery, discussing images on the walls.
Phenomenon 2
Appear Kuligin and Dikoy. Kuligin is trying to persuade the Wild to donate money to establish a sunny hours on the boulevard. He scolds Kuligin, tries to get rid of him, says: “So you know that you’re a worm.” I want-I’ll have mercy, I’ll want-I’ll squash it. ” Kuligin explains to Dikomu that it is necessary to install several lightning rods in the city. The wild screams that the thunderstorm is the punishment of the Lord, and not “electricity”, he calls Kuligin an atheist and a Tatar. Kuligin leaves with nothing, muttering to himself that he must submit, and promising that they will talk when he has a million. The rain ends.
Phenomenon 3
Boris and Varvara discuss the latest news – Tikhon came. Varvara reports that Katerina became herself not her own, “her eyes are like a madman”. Varvara is afraid that she “bumps her husband’s legs and tells everything.” Again there is a thunderstorm.
Phenomenon 4
Kabanikh, Tikhon, Katerina and Kuligin appear. Katerina is frightened by the thunderstorms, she considers this to be a divine punishment, which must fall upon her. Katerina notices Boris, gets scared even more, she is taken away. Kuligin addresses the crowd, asks what she is afraid of, says that a thunderstorm is not a punishment, but a blessing, that every blade of grass is happy, and people have “made a scare” and are also afraid of them. He calls everyone to go out and do not get scared. Boris goes out and with the words “Let’s go, here is more terrible” leads Kuligin.
Phenomenon 5
Katerina hears people notice that a thunderstorm is not for nothing and that they will kill someone. Katerina says that she will kill her, asks then to pray for her.
Phenomenon 6
A half-crazy lady with two lackeys appears. He cries to Catherine not to hide, not to fear the penalty of God, calls her to pray that God will take away the beauty, “into a pool with beauty, then!”. Catherine imagines Gehenna fiery, she talks about everything to her family, repents. Kabanikha notes that it is to this “will leads.”
Action 5
The scenery of the first action. Dusk.
Phenomenon 1
Kuligin sits on a bench, Tikhon appears, tells that he went to Moscow, drank all the way, “so that he could take a walk for a whole year”, but he never remembered the house. Complains of the betrayal of his wife, says that it is not enough to kill her, it is necessary, as advised by her mother, to bury alive in the ground. Then complains that he feels sorry for Katerina – “beat a little, and even then my mother ordered.” Kuligin advises him to forgive Katerina and never mention her betrayal. Tikhon replies that “I would have nothing, but my mama… do you talk to her!”. With satisfaction reports that Dikoy sends
Boris to Siberia for three years, as if on business. Kuligin notes that the enemies “must be forgiven.” Tikhon advises Kuligin to say the same thing to her mother – “what does she tell you about this”. She says that Varvara fled with Kudryash, as her mother “began to tyrannize her and lock her up”. Glasha appears, says that Katerina has disappeared somewhere. They leave.
Phenomenon 2
Catherine appears. She wants to see Boris, to say goodbye to him. She grieves that “he introduced him and himself into trouble,” that the human trial is heavy, that it would be easier for her if she were executed. Boris comes in.
Phenomenon 3
Boris reports that he is being sent to Siberia. Katerina asks to take her with her, says that her husband drinks, that he fainted her, that for her his caresses are worse than beatings. Boris looks around – “as if we were not here.” Katerina asks him to give the beggars on the way to pray for her sinful soul. Boris replies that it is hard for him to part with Katerina: “Villains, Monsters, Eh, if it’s power!” Leaves.
Phenomenon 4
Katerina does not know where to go: “Yes, that’s home, that’s in the grave! The grave is better… And people disgust me, and the house is disgusting to me, and the walls are disgusting! I will not go there!” He approaches the shore: “My friend, my joy! Farewell!”
Phenomenon 5
Appear Kabanikha, Tikhon and Kuligin. Kuligin claims that “they saw here.” Kabanikh sets Tikhon against Katerina, that she will do anything to just insist on her. People from the shore scream that the woman threw herself into the water. Kuligin runs to help.
Phenomenon 6
Tikhon tries to run after Kuligin, Kabanikh does not let him in, says he will curse if he goes. Kuligin with people brings the dead Catherine.
Phenomenon 7
Kuligin says: “Here is your Katerina, do with her what you want, her body is here, and the soul is not yours now, she is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!” Tikhon accuses his mother of the death of his wife: “Mama, you killed her! You, you, you…” Kabaniha breaks off him, promises to talk to him “at home.” Tikhon exclaims: “It’s good for you, Katya, but why should I live on earth and suffer?”
The summary of the work of AN Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”