The summary of the work of Alexander Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”

Chapter 1
Eugene Onegin, “a young rake,” is going to receive his uncle’s inheritance. Should a biography of Eugene Onegin.
The fate of Eugene kept:
First madame followed him,
Then monsieur changed it.
When the youth rebellious
Eugene came to the time, the
time of hope and sadness, tender,
Monsieur drove out of the yard.
Here is my Onegin at large;
Shaved in the latest fashion;
How dandy london is dressed –
and finally saw the light.
could speak and write in French perfectly ;
Easily the Mazurka danced
And bowed at ease;
He had a happy talent
Without coercion in conversation
Touching everything lightly,
With the scholarly appearance of a connoisseur
Keep silence in an important dispute
And bring a smile to the ladies with the
Fire of unexpected epigrams.
Scolded Homer, Theocritus,
But read Adam Smith
and was deeply economy…
is best captured Onegin “science of tender passion”:
How early he could dissemble,
conceal hope, jealous,
dissuade, make believe,
looked bleak, pine,
is a proud and obedient,
attentive, or indifferent!
How languidly he was silent,
How ardently eloquent,
In cordial letters as careless!
With one breath, one loving,
How could he forget himself!
As his gaze was quick and gentle,
Shy and daring, and sometimes
Blest obedient tear!
The way of life and the daily routine of Onegin is typical for young people of his circle and age:
Sometimes, he is still in bed,
He carries notes to him.
What? Invitations? Indeed?
Three houses for the evening call:
There will be a ball, there is a children’s party.
Where will my prankster go?
From whom will he begin? It’s all the same: It’s
no wonder that it’s all right now.
Onegin – “the theater is an evil legislator, a fickle admirer of charming actresses, an honorary citizen of the scenes.” Pushkin describes Onegin’s office and the manner of his hero to dress:
Everything, than for the whim of abundant
London trades scrupulous
And for the Baltic waves
For the wood and lard drives us,
All that in Paris is a hungry taste,
Selecting a useful craft,
Inventing for fun,
For luxury, for the fashionable, –
Everything adorned the
Philosopher’s office at the age of eighteen.
It can be a sensible person
And to think about the beauty of nails:
Why fruitless argue with the century?
The custom is a despot between people.
Second Chadayev, my Eugene,
Afraid of jealous convictions,
In his clothes was a pedant
And what we called a dandy. He spent three hours at least
After changing clothes, Onegin goes to the ball. Lyrical digression about balls and women’s legs. From the ball Onegin goes to sleep. Lyrical digression about the life of business Petersburg. Asked whether his hero was happy with such a life, Pushkin writes:
No: early feelings have cooled in him;
He was bored with the light of noise;
Beauties did not last long the
subject of his usual thoughts;
Betrayal has had time to tire out;
Friends and friendship are boring…
Onegin is prone to spleen, is becoming cold to life and women. Onegin tries to write, but the need to work hard frightens him off, and he does not write anything. “I read, I read, but everything is useless.” At that time Onegin meets the author:
I liked his features,
Dreams involuntary devotion,
Inordinate strangeness
And a sharp, chilled mind.
Together they were going to embark on a journey, but parted: Father Onegin died, the property went to creditors. Then Onegin receives the news that his uncle, leaving him an inheritance, is at death’s door. Arriving, Onegin finds his uncle already deceased.
Here is our Onegin – a villager,
Plants, waters, forests, lands
The owner is full, and the
order of the enemy is an enemy and a waster,
And I am very glad that I
changed my old path to something.
However, life in the village very soon bores Onegin – in contrast to the author who is “devoted to the soul” “village silence”.
Chapter 2
Settled in the village Onegin decides to make some changes:

Yarem, he
replaced the corvée with the old Obokom light;
And the slave of fate blessed.
With neighbors, Onegin has no desire to communicate. Soon the landowner Vladimir Lensky comes to his village in the neighborhood.
Handsome, in full color,
Kant’s fan and poet.
He was from Germany, foggy,
Brings scholarship fruits:
freedom-loving dreams,
Spirit ardent and rather strange,
always enthusiastic speech
And curls black to the shoulders.
By nature, Lensky is a romantic.
He sang love, obedient love…
He sang of separation and sorrow,
And something, and a foggy distance…
Although in the families of neighbors Lensky “is adopted as a fiancé,” he himself communicates with pleasure only with Onegin:
They agreed. Wave and stone,
Poems and prose, ice and flame are
not so different among themselves.
Between them, everything gave rise to controversy.
And to meditation, it attracted: The
tribes of past treaties, The
fruits of science, good and evil,
And the age-old prejudices,
And the coffin of mystery are fateful.
Onegin and Lensky become “from doing nothing friends.” Lenski from adolescence in love with Olga Larin. Pushkin gives a portrait of Olga:
Always modest, always obedient,
Always like a morning of joy,
As the life of a poet is simple,
As a kiss of love is sweet,
Eyes like the sky are blue;
Smile, ringlets of linen, Movements, voice, light mill,
Everything in Olga… but any novel
Take and find, truly,
Her portrait: he is very nice,
I used to love him myself,
But he bothered me immensely.
Olga has an older sister Tatyana. Tatyana’s portrait:
Dick, sad, silent,
Like a deer forest fearful… The
child herself, in a crowd of children
Did not want to play and did not want to jump
And often all day
long She sat silently by the window.
She loved on the balcony
Warn dawn dawn…
She likes to read novels that her relative recommends, Princess Alina. It follows the story of Princess Alina: she fell in love with a military girl as a young girl, but her parents married her without her consent. The spouse took Alina back to the village, where she soon forgot her passionate love and took up the economy with enthusiasm:
The habit is from above given to us:
Replacement of happiness she.
It is necessary to describe the landowner’s life, the life of Olga’s and Tatyana’s parents:
They kept in the life of the peaceful
habit of cute antiquity;
At them on Maslenitsa fat
Russian pancakes were being driven;
Twice a year they were chasing, Loving
round swings,
Podlyubryny songs, round dance;
On the day of Troitsyn, when the people,
Yawn, listens to the prayer,
Cleverly on a bunch of the dawn
They drop three tears;
They kvass as the air was needed,
And at the table they had guests
Were a dish according to ranks.
Vladimir Lensky visits the grave of Olga’s father, writes “grave madrigal.” The chapter ends with a philosophical lyrical digression about the change of generations.
Chapter 3
Lensky begins to spend all his free time with the Larins. Onegin asks his friend to present him on occasion. Onegin willingly accept, treat. Tatyana makes a greater impression on Onegin. The neighbors propose Onegin to Tatiana’s fiancés, gossip spreads, which is already “the wedding is coordinated.” As for Tatiana, then:
It’s time she came, she fell in love…
For a long time heartfelt
languor Cramped her young breast;
The soul was waiting… for someone,
And waited…
Now, rereading the favorite novels, the girl imagines herself one of the heroines, acting on the stereotype, is going to write a letter to her lover. However, Onegin is not a romantic hero:
Tatiana, dear Tatyana!
With you now I’m crying;
You are in the hands of a fashionable tyrant
I gave my fate.
One night, talking to the nanny about the old days, Tatyana admits that she is in love, but she does not call her heart’s choice.
Tatiana loves not joking
And surrenders unconditionally
Love, as a sweet child.
She does not say:
we’ll postpone – We’ll multiply the price by love, or
rather, we’ll get into the net;
First, vanity will stumble with
Hope, there in bewilderment
We will exhaust the heart, and then
we will revive the Jealous by fire;
And then, bored enjoyment,
Slave sly from the shackles
All the time to escape is ready.
Tatyana wrote Onegin a letter in French, since she “did not know Russian well”.
Tatyana’s letter to Onegin
I write to you – what’s more?
What else can I say?
Now, I know, in your will
I will be punished with contempt.
But you, to my unfortunate share
Even though
you keep a pittance of pity, you will not leave me.
At first I wanted to be silent;
Believe me:
you would never know my shame,
Whenever I had hope,
Though rarely, at least once a week,
In our village, see you,
Just to hear your speeches,
You have the word to say and then
All to think, to think of one
And the day and night until a new meeting,
But, they say, you are unsociable,
In the backwoods, in the country you are all bored,
And we… we do not shine anything,
Though you are sincerely happy.
Why did you visit us?
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I never knew you,
I did not know the bitter torment.
Souls of inexperienced excitement
Having subdued with time,
By heart I would have found a friend,
Would be a faithful spouse
And a virtuous mother.
Another! .. No, no one in the world
I would not give up my heart!
That in the highest is destined for advice…
That will of the sky: I am yours;
My whole life was a pledge of the
Faithful with you; I know, you are sent to me by God,
To the grave you are my keeper…
You appeared to me in dreams,
Invisible, you were already so sweet to me,
Your wonderful eyes tormented me,
In your soul your voice was heard
For a long time… no, it was not a dream!
You just came in, I instantly found out,
All was stunned, flushed
And in my thoughts she said: here it is!
Is not it, eh? I heard you,
You talked to me in silence,
When I helped the poor
Or prayed with a prayer
To the anguish of a disturbed soul?
And at this very moment
Do not you, my sweet vision,
In the transparent darkness flashed,
Clung quietly to the headboard?
Did not you whisper to
me with joy and affection?
Who are you? My guardian angel
Or an insidious tempter:
Let me solve my doubts.
Maybe it’s all empty,
Deceiving an inexperienced soul!
And it’s very different…
But so be it!
From now on, I give you my destiny, I beseech you
before tears,
I beg your protection…
Imagine: I’m here alone,
Nobody understands me,
My reason wilts,
And I must perish silently.
I’m waiting for you: with a single eye of
, revive your hearts Or sleep a heavy break,
Alas, deserved reproach!
Finish! It is terrible to re-read.
I shy with shame and fear…
But I honor your honor,
And I boldly entrust myself to it.
In the morning Tatiana comes to see the nurse, and the girl asks to send a letter to Onegin. Two days from Onegin there is no answer. Lensky arrives, alone, assures that Onegin promised to be in the evening. Seeing the approaching Onegin, Tatiana is frightened, runs into the garden, where the maidens collect berries and sing a folk song.
Chapter 4
Reflecting on Tatyana’s letter, Onegin was touched, realizing that her feeling was sincere, but, not wanting to deceive the girl, decides to explain it to her frankly.
When the family picture
I was captivated I was at least a single moment, –
That, it is true, except for you one
Bride was not looking for another.
But I am not created for bliss;
My soul is alien to him;
Your perfection is vain:
They are not at all worthy of me.
Believe me,
Marriage to us will be a torture,
I, however much I would love you
, Having got used, I will cease to love at once;
Begin to cry: your tears
Will not touch my heart,
And will only infuriate him.
Learn to rule yourself;
Not everyone, like me, will understand;
Inexperience leads to trouble.
Tatyana listens to Onegin’s rebuke “scarcely breathing, without objection.” It follows a lyrical digression about relatives who remember you only on holidays, about loving, but inconstant women. In response to one’s own question, “Who should I love?” the author ironically calls the reader: “Do not destroy the labors of vain ones, love yourself.” After a date and an explanation with Onegin, Tatiana falls into melancholy.
The romance of Lensky and Olga develops happily. It follows a lyrical digression about the verses in the ladies’ albums and the author’s attitude towards them.
Onegin lives serenely in the countryside. Autumn is approaching, after it – winter. In the lyrical digression follows the description of autumn and the onset of winter. Lensky comes to dinner with Onegin, admires Olga’s charms, calls Onegin to Tatiana’s birthday party to visit Larin. Lensky and Olga have already been assigned a wedding day.
Chapter 5 The
chapter opens with a description of the winter nature. It’s time for girlish divination.
Tatiana believed the traditions of the
Old Believers,
And dreams, and card guesses,
And the predictions of the moon.
At night, Tatiana dreams a dream: as if she is walking in a clearing, she sees a stream in front of her, through which shaky bridges are built. The girl is afraid to stumble. A bear climbs out from under a snowdrift, hands her a paw, she leans against it, crosses a stream, goes deeper into the forest. The bear follows, hurrying Tatiana falls in the snow from fatigue and fright. The bear takes her in his arms, brings his cuma to the hut. Tatiana sees Tatiana sitting at the table, Onegin, surrounded by monsters. Tatyana opens the door to the room, the spark plug extinguishes, the girl tries to escape, but the monsters surround her. Unexpectedly, Onegin intercedes for Tatyana.
My! – said Eugene menacingly…
The monsters are disappearing. Onegin puts Tatyana on a bench, drops her head on her shoulder, Olga and Lensky enter. Onegin in a fury grabs a knife and kills Lensky. Tatiana awakens in horror, tries to unravel the meaning of the dream according to the dream book of Martyn Zadeki and does not find the interpretation. Begin to gather guests for the name-day: thick Pustyakov; landowner Gvozdin, “the owner of the poor peasants”; a couple of Skotinins with children of all ages – from two to thirty years; “county fancier Petushkov”; Monsieur Triquet, “witty, recently from Tambov”, which brings Tatiana a congratulatory poem; company commander, “ripened ladies idol.” The guests sit down at the table. Lensky and Onegin arrive. Tatyana is embarrassed and is ready to faint, but she overpowers herself. Onegin, who does not tolerate “tragedy-nervous phenomena,” as well as provincial feasts, angry at Lensky, who persuaded him to go to the name-day. After dinner, guests spend time with cards and dancing. Wanting to take revenge on Lensky, Onegin constantly invites Olga, whispering in her ear “some vulgar madrigal.” Olga refuses to dance with Lensky, since almost all the dances have already been promised to Onegin. Lensky leaves the ball with the idea of ​​calling Onegin to a duel.
Chapter 6
From the name day Onegin goes home, the other guests stay overnight at the Larins. Zaretsky, “the once buoyant, the gang of atamans, the head of the rake, the tribune of the tavern,” brings Onegin from Lensky a note with a challenge. Onegin responds that he is “always ready”, although he realizes that he vainly provoked the indignation of a friend. Onegin is afraid of gossip that inevitably spread “old duelist” Zaretsky, if Onegin shows himself “not a ball of prejudice, not an ardent boy, fighter, but a husband with honor and intelligence.” Before the duel Lensky sees Olga, who behaves as if nothing had happened: yesterday’s incident did not change anything in her attitude towards the groom. Returning home, Lensky checks pistols, reads Schiller, “darkly and languidly” writes love poems. In the morning before the duel, Onegin wakes up, a little is late. Zaretsky is surprised that Onegin arrived without a second. Breaking all the rules of the duel, Onegin represents a second of his lackey-Frenchman. Onegin shoots, and “the poet drops a gun in silence.” Onegin himself is terrified, he is tormented by remorse. The author reflects on how Lensky’s fate would have worked if he had not been shot in a duel: he would have become a great poet or would have grown cold to creativity and become a countryman in the street. At the end of the chapter, Pushkin sums up his poetic fate. he would have become a great poet or would have cooled to creativity and had become a countryman in the street. At the end of the chapter, Pushkin sums up his poetic fate. he would have become a great poet or would have cooled to creativity and had become a countryman in the street. At the end of the chapter, Pushkin sums up his poetic fate.
Chapter 7 The
chapter opens with a description of the spring nature. About Lenskoy all forgotten. Olga marries an ulan, leaves with him in the regiment. After the departure of the sister of thought Tatiana increasingly returned to Onegin, she visits his house and study, where he sees a portrait of Lord Byron and a cast-iron statue of Napoleon. In the following days Tatiana again comes to Onegin’s office, eagerly reads books with his notes, begins to understand his way of thinking.
An eccentric sad and dangerous,
Creation of hell or heaven,
This angel, this arrogant demon,
What is he? Is it already an imitation,
An insignificant ghost, or else
Moskvich in Harold’s cloak,
Alien fads interpretation,
Words of a fashionable full lexicon? ..
Is not it a parody?
Tatiana’s mother decides that it’s time to build a daughter, and for this – to go to Moscow in winter, “to the bride’s yarn”. It follows a lyrical digression about bad Russian roads, a description of Moscow’s landscapes. In Moscow, the Larins stop at Princess Alina and “on family dinners take Tanya every day.” In relatives “there is no sign of change”:
Everything in them is on the old pattern:
Auntie Princess Elena has
the same tulle cap;
Everything is Lukerya Lvovna,
Lyubov Petrovna is lying the same,
Ivan Petrovich is just as stupid,
Semyon Petrovich is also stingy…
To her young friends and relatives, Tatiana does not say anything about her unrequited love for Onegin. Tatiana is not occupied by meaningless conversations and “vulgar nonsense” of Moscow relatives. She is taken to balls where the girl feels very uncomfortable. She wants solitude, a village rest. An important general draws attention to Tatyana. At the end of the chapter, the author gives a belated introduction to the novel.
Chapter 8 The
chapter opens with a lyrical digression about poetry, about the museum and about the poetic fate of Pushkin.
On the secular stage the author meets Onegin.
After killing a friend,
Having lived without a purpose, without labor.
Up to twenty-six years,
Touched in idle leisure,
No service, no wife, no
work, I could not do anything.
Onegin traveled for a while, after returning to the ball, where he sees a lady who seems familiar to him.
She was not hasty,
It is not cold, not talkative,
Without a look of arrogance for all,
Without claims of success,
Without these little exasperations,
Without imitative fuss…
Everything was quiet, just was in it.
Onegin asks his friend the prince who she is, and with surprise learns that this is the prince’s wife, in the maidenhood of Tatiana Larina. Prince “introduces” Onegin with his wife, she does not betray her emotions.
Already the very same Tatyana,
Which he is alone
At the beginning of our novel
In the far, far side,
In the good temper of moralizing
I once read instructions,
The one from which he keeps the
Letter, where the heart speaks,
Where everything is outside, everything is free,
That girl… is it a dream?
That girl, whom he
neglected in a humble share,
Already with him now was
so indifferent, so bold?
The prince invites Onegin to his place for the evening, where the “color of the capital, and the nobility, and the fashion samples, the faces that are met, the necessary fools come”. Onegin is struck by the changes that have taken place in Tatiana, now the “legislator of the hall.” Onegin falls hopelessly in love with Tatyana, follows her everywhere, she does not pay attention to his courting. Onegin writes a letter to Tatiana, in which he regrets that at one time he did not want to lose “a shameful freedom.”
Alien for all, not connected,
I thought: freedom and peace.
Replacement with happiness. Oh my God!
How I was mistaken, how punished!
I know: my age is measured;
But, in order to prolong my life,
I must be sure in the morning,
That I’ll see you with me in the afternoon.
Tatiana is still unapproachable. Onegin overcomes melancholy, he ceases to attend social gatherings and entertainment, plunges into reading, but his thoughts constantly return to Tatiana. Onegin “is a little crazy, or did not become a poet.” One spring he again goes to Tatiana’s house, finds her alone in tears while reading his letter.
Oh, who would dumb her suffering
In this fast instant did not read!
did not recognize Tanya, the poor Tanya, in the princess now!
In the anguish of mad regrets
, Eugene fell at her feet;
She shuddered and was silent.
And looking at Onegin
without surprise, without anger…
In response to Onegin’s stern rebuke in the garden, Tatiana decides to talk to him. She does not blame Onegin, believes that then he acted with her nobly. But she well understands that now Onegin is captivated by her, since she is “rich and noble,” and if Onegin succeeds in subduing it, then in the eyes of the world this victory will bring him “a seductive honor.” Tatiana assures Onegin that “rags of masquerade” and secular luxury do not entice her and she would exchange her current position for “the places where, for the first time, Onegin, I saw you.” Tatiana asks Onegin to leave her alone, as she married and intends to remain faithful to her husband, although she continues to love Onegin. Tatyana leaves, her husband appears. The author says goodbye to the reader, with his “strange companion” and “true ideal”.

The summary of the work of Alexander Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”