The summary of the story of A. P. Chekhov “Thick and thin”

Two school companions met at the station of the Nikolayevskaya Railway: one fat, one thin. Tolstoy gave the impression of a man who succeeded in life, Slim, on the contrary, looked much more modest. He had just got out of the car, carrying a lot of cartons in his hands, a thin woman was looking out from behind him, his wife, and a high school boy-his son. The meeting was stormy and joyful – “they kissed each other three times and fixed each other’s eyes full of tears.”

Porphyry introduced Tolstoy to his family – his wife Louise and son Nathanael. The school friends remembered with enthusiasm and laughter the years of study at the gymnasium. Gradually, the conversation turned to official affairs. Slim told that he has been working as a collegiate assessor for two years, but since he receives a very small salary, he has to earn money by making cigarette cases and music lessons. Tolsty said that he had served as a secret adviser and had two stars.

As soon as Porphyry realized that before him the high authorities, he immediately changed in the face – “turned pale, petrified, but soon his face was twisted in every direction with the widest smile.” He smiled servile and began to address his old friend “Your Excellency.” Tolstoy tried to stop Thonky, but the familiar tone was forgotten. Despite the fact that they are childhood friends, Slim continued to grovel. The Privy Councilor began to irritate this behavior and he left, displeased.

The summary of the story of A. P. Chekhov “Thick and thin”