The summary of the fourth part of the novel “Oblomov” IA Goncharov


A year has passed since Ilya Ilyich’s illness. A colleague of his brother Pshenitsyna went to the village, but did not do anything positively. After the illness, Ilya Ilyich was at first gloomy, then fell into indifference, but gradually “entered his normal normal life.” All care for Oblomov’s food was undertaken by Agafya Matveyevna. Agafya Matveyevna herself did not notice that she had changed, she fell in love with Ilya Ilyich. And her whole life, all her economy, got a new meaning – for the sake of Ilya Ilyich. For Oblomov, Agafya Matveevna “embodied the ideal of that boundless ocean, and the inviolable tranquility of life, the picture of which indelibly lay on his soul in childhood, under the roof of the house.” So they lived. And Oblomov did not even notice that he does not live, but vegetates.


Ilyin was celebrating the day in Pshenitsyn’s house on a broad foot. At that time the carriage moved into the courtyard. It was Stolz. He reproaches Oblomov for idleness, but Oblomov says that it’s all about Olga. Stoltz, after examining Oblomov’s dwelling, says that this same Oblomovka, only is worse, that one must move from the spot. But Oblomov resists.

Oblomov brags to Stolz as he settled matters with the village. Stoltz is struck by the blindness of Ilya Ilyich: he does not see that he is being robbed. Stoltz forcibly took Oblomov to his place, where he forced him to rewrite Oblomovka. Oblomov exclaims that life touches him, but he wants peace. Stoltz says that in Oblomov’s life the food is guilty, Oblomovka, where everything “began with inability to put on stockings and ended in inept living.”


The next day Tarantiev and Ivan Matveyevich discussed the affairs that were going on with Oblomov’s estate. My brother told me that Stolz had broken his power of attorney to manage the village, because now he would manage it himself. Ivan Matveyevich agreed with Tarantyev to intimidate Ilya Ilyich with his relationship with his sister and would demand money for silence.


The author suffers the reader at a time when Stolz in Paris met Olga. He was amazed at her change. She was already different, matured, and Stolz wondered who had influenced her so much.

In the spring Olga and her aunt went to Switzerland, and Stoltz realized that he could no longer live without Olga, but in his feelings he doubted. Olga is trying to understand what she is experiencing towards Stolz. She decided that this was just a friendship. But as they communicated, Stolz became its leader. Olga was ashamed of her former love and her hero. And she began to dream of happiness with Stolz. “Friendship drowned in love.”

Stolz decided to talk with Olga about his feelings. He confesses to her in love. Olga is confused. Stolz asks her to tell her what happened to her in his absence. She admits that she loved Oblomov. Stoltz is amazed, he says that Olga “did not understand herself, Oblomov, or, finally, love.” And Olga told all the details about the relationship with Oblomov. Stoltz says that if he knew that he was talking about Oblomov, he would not have suffered so much. He explains to Olga that she is waiting for him, but this is not Oblomov. Stolz advises her to marry him, waiting for him to come. Olga agrees.


A year and a half after the birthday of Oblomov, Stolz came to see him. Ilya Ilyich is flabby, everything is in desolation. Agafia Matveyevna had lost weight. Why is that? And because all the income sent by Stolz goes to satisfy the claim for the loan, which Oblomov gave the landlady. Oblomov finally realized what kind of gripe he was in, but it was too late.


Stoltz says that the house is even worse than last time, but Oblomov translates the conversation to Olga. Stolz reports that he is married to Olga. Olga calls Oblomov to stay at her estate. Oblomov refuses. Stolz talks about the affairs in the village, which went up the hill. They sat down to dinner. At dinner, Oblomov speaks out about the debt on the borrowed letter. Stoltz understands the relationship between Oblomov and Pshenitsyn, he thinks that she is stealing from him. He tries to get the letter out of her, but she, as always weak-willed, sends Stolz to the brother. Stoltz understands that this woman is not to blame for anything, she only loves Ilya Ilyich. Stoltz says that she must sign a paper tomorrow that Ilya Ilyich owes her nothing, and before that she does not say anything to her brother about the conversation. Pshenitsyn agrees.


The next day, Agafya Matveyevna signed a paper with which Stolz came to her brother. But he showed the letter and said that according to Oblomov’s law he owed it. Stolz threatened him that he would not leave it.

In the evening of the same day, Ivan Matveyevich told Tarantyev how the general had summoned him, asked about the case, which they had carried out together with Tarantyev, concerning Oblomov. But Tarantyev says that he had nothing to do with it, he did not participate in it. Ivan Matveyevich said that the general forced the letter to destroy and retire. But Tarantyev does not give up, he suggests now to establish surveillance for Oblomov and Pshenitsyn and so on to knock out money.

Stolz came to say goodbye. He warned Oblomov that his relationship with Pshenitsyna would not go well. A simple woman, life – all this will have a negative impact on Oblomov’s life.

In the evening Tarantyev came, he cursed Oblomov. But Oblomov did not tolerate, he hit his friend in the face and drove him out of the house. More Oblomov and Tarantyev did not see each other.


Stolz and Olga settled on the seashore. They got up early, had breakfast, he started to work, or they talked for a long time, argued, Olga took care of the children. And Olga was happy, but she seemed to lack something. She confessed this to Stolz. He explained to Olga that she had just ripened until her growth stopped, life opened up, there are no more riddles in her. Olga was interested in how Ilya Ilyich lived. Stolz said that soon they will be in St. Petersburg, then they will find out. Olga takes her husband’s promise that he will take her with him to Oblomov.


In Pshenitsyn’s house everything was quiet and measured, everything breathed the abundance and fullness of the economy. And all this was spinning around Ilya Ilyich. And Oblomov himself was a complete and natural reflection of the peace, contentment and silence that reigned in the house.

But suddenly everything changed. Once Oblomov wanted to get up off the couch and could not, wanted to pronounce the word and could not. Apoplexy stroke occurred. The doctor prescribed a daily movement and a mild sleep only at night. And now Oblomov was not given rest, they did not even allow him to lie down: then Pshenitsyn asked him work, then brought him in to entertain Andrey, Alekseyev would come and talk with Oblomov for a long time.

And once Stolz came. He again wants to take Ilya Ilyich away. But Oblomov says that in any case he will remain here. Stolz said that he had come with Olga, but Oblomov asked not to let her in. He admits that Agafya Matveyevna became his wife, they have a son Andrei. And Stoltz realized that now Oblomov had finally died, he was dragged out. Ilya Ilyich asks Stolz not to leave his son, Stolz promises. About himself, he thinks that

This boy will not allow to tighten the abyss into which Oblomov fell. Stolz leaves. Olga asks her husband about Oblomov. Stolz replies that he is alive, and there is Oblomovism.


It’s been five years. In the house Pshenitsyna is ruled by another woman. In the kitchen there is a new cook, who unwillingly fulfills the quiet requests of Agafia Matveyevna. Ilya Ilyich died of another apoplexy stroke. Brother Pshenitsyna went bankrupt and settled in her sister’s house. Everyone was in charge of his wife. The children of Pshenitsyno settled: the eldest son entered the service, the daughter got married, and the youngest was brought up by Stolz and Olga. Agafya Matveyevna after Oblomov’s death realized that she had lived only the time when Ilya Ilyich was near. Stoltz invited her to live in the village, sent money, but she sent everything back, asked to keep for Andryusha, saying that he was a gentleman, he would need it.


One day two masters walked along the wooden sidewalks: Stolz and his literary friend. The beggars were sitting along the sidewalk. In one of them they recognized Zakhar. He says that after Oblomov’s death he did not become alive, he left himself. I did not find a new place, so I beg and drink. He remembers the master, he cries that this will not happen again. Stolz calls Zakhara to come to them, look at Andryusha, Zakhar promises. The writer asks Stolz about the master whom Zahar spoke about. Stolz replies that it is Oblomov, a man with a clean and clear soul, noble and tender, who perished, disappeared for nothing. The writer asks what has caused this? Stolz replies that Oblomovism. “Oblomovism,” repeated the writer with bewilderment. “What is it?” “Now I’ll tell you: let me gather my thoughts and memory, and you write: maybe,

The summary of the fourth part of the novel “Oblomov” IA Goncharov