Palace of the King of Naples. Night. Don Juan comes from the Duchess Isabella, who takes him for her beloved Duke Octavio. She wants to light a candle, but don Juan stops her. Isabella suddenly realizes that with her was not Octavio, and calls for help. The King of Naples comes to the noise and orders the guard to seize don Juan and Isabella. He instructs the Spanish ambassador, Don Pedro Tenorio, to figure out what happened and leaves. Don Pedro orders to take Isabella away. When Don Pedro and don Juan remain face-to-face, don Juan tells how he tricked into Isabella and mastered it. Don Juan is Don Pedro’s nephew, and his uncle, willy-nilly, has to cover his tricks. Fearing monarchy anger, he sends don Juan to Milan and promises to inform his nephew about the consequences of his deception. Don Pedro reports to the King of Naples, that the man whom the guard grabbed jumped from the balcony and fled, and the lady, who turned out to be the Duchess of Isabella, claims that the Duke of Octavio appeared to her at night and cunningly mastered her. The king orders to throw Isabella in prison, and Octavio grab and forcibly marry Isabella. Don Pedro and the guards come to the house of Octavio. Don Pedro on behalf of the king accuses him of having dishonored Isabel, who believed his promises. Octavio, learning about the infidelity of his beloved, comes to despair and decides to flee secretly to Spain. Don Juan, instead of going to Milan, also sails to Spain. and Octavio grab and forcibly marry Isabella. Don Pedro and the guards come to the house of Octavio. Don Pedro on behalf of the king accuses him of having dishonored Isabel, who believed his promises. Octavio, learning about the infidelity of his beloved, comes to despair and decides to flee secretly to Spain. Don Juan, instead of going to Milan, also sails to Spain. and Octavio grab and forcibly marry Isabella. Don Pedro and the guards come to the house of Octavio. Don Pedro on behalf of the king accuses him of having dishonored Isabel, who believed his promises. Octavio, learning about the infidelity of his beloved, comes to despair and decides to flee secretly to Spain. Don Juan, instead of going to Milan, also sails to Spain.
The young fisherman Tisbeia sits on the seashore near Tarragona and fish. All her friends are in love, she does not know the torments of love, and she rejoices that neither passion, nor jealousy does not poison her life. Suddenly there is a cry: “Save! Ton!”, And soon on the land are selected two men: it is don Juan and his servant Catalinon. Don Juan saved the drowning servant, but, having left on land, collapsed unconscious. Tisbeia sends Catalinon for the fishermen, and she puts don Juan’s head on her lap. Don Juan comes to life and, seeing the beauty of the girl, is explained to her in love. The fishermen take don Juan to the house of Tisbei. Don Juan orders Catalinon to obtain horses, so that he can slip away before the dawn. Catalinon is trying to persuade the owner: “To leave the girl and hide – / Is this for the welcome a fee?”, But don Juan remembers Aeneas, who threw Dido. Don Juan swears to Tisbee in love and promises to take her as his wife, but after the trustful girl gives himself to him, he runs away with the same horses, along with Catalinon. Tisbei mourns his ruined honor.
King Alphonse of Castile converses with Don Gonzalo de Ulloa, who returned from Lisbon. Gonzalo talks about the beauty of Lisbon, calling it the eighth wonder of the world. The King, in order to reward Gonzalo for his faithful service, promises himself to find a worthy suitor for his beautiful daughter. He intends to extradite her for don Juan Tenorio. Gonzalo likes the future son-in-law – after all, he comes from a noble family of Seville.
Don Juan’s father, Don Diego, receives a letter from his brother Don Pedro, where he tells how don Juan was caught at night with the Duchess Isabella. King Alphonse of Castile, upon learning about this, asks where don Juan is now. It turns out that he arrived in Seville this night. The king is going to report everything to Naples, to marry Don Juan to Isabella and to get rid of the undeserved punishment of Duke Octavio. In the meantime, out of respect for the merits of his father, he sends don Juan into exile in Lebrija. The King regrets that Don Gonzalo’s daughter Don Juan too quickly hurried, and, in order not to offend don Gonzalo, decides to appoint him a marshal. The servant reports to the King that the Duke of Octavio has arrived and asks him to receive him. The King and Don Diego think that Octavio knows everything and will ask permission to call don Juan to a duel. Don Diego, worried about his son’s life, asks the King to prevent a duel. The king kindly takes Octavio. He promises to write to the King of Naples, that he removed his disgrace from him, and invites him to marry the daughter of Don Gonzalo de Ulloa. Don Diego invites Octavio to his house. Having met accidentally with don Juan, Octavio, who does not know that don Juan is the culprit of all his sufferings, exchanges assurances of friendship with him. A friend of Don Juan, the Marquise de la Mota, accuses Don Juan that he completely forgot him. They often mischief together, and don Juan asks Mot about the familiar beauties. Mota believes don Juan his heartfelt mystery: he is in love with his cousin Don Anne, and she loves him too, but, in trouble. The king has already married her for another. Mota wrote to Dona Anne and is now waiting for an answer from her. He hurries on business, and don Juan suggests waiting for the letters instead. When Mota leaves, the servant of Dona Anne hands a note to Mota for don Juan. Don Juan rejoices: “I’m lucky enough to serve / I contracted with the postman.” It’s clear that the letter from the lady / Whose beauty the marquis is immodest / Exalted. This is lucky to me! / I’m not gloating in vain, like the most / Bashful mischief: / I really mastak / Girls dishonor so, / So that there is no evidence. ” Don Juan opens the letter. Dona Anna writes that for her “the three deaths worse triple” to live with the unloved husband, and if Mota wants to connect her fate with her, let him come to her at eleven o’clock, wearing a colored cloak so that it would be easier to find out. Don Juan tells the Marquis de la Mota that his chosen one is waiting for him at midnight in his bedroom and asks to wear a colored cloak so that the duennes recognize him. Mota is beside herself with happiness. Don Juan rejoices in the upcoming adventure.
Don Diego scolds his son for defaming their glorious race, and tells him the King’s order to leave Sevilla immediately and go to Lebrija.
Don Juan meets Mota at night, who will not wait for a meeting with Dona Anna. Since it’s still an hour before midnight, and don Juan is looking for entertainment. Mota shows him where Beatrice lives, and lends her colored cloak so that the beautiful woman will take don Juan for Mota and be nice to him. Don Juan in Mota’s cloak does not go to Beatrice, but to Don Anne, but he can not deceive the girl, and she drives the insolent. At the cry of his daughter, Don Gonzalo comes running with his naked sword. He does not let don Juan escape, and to save himself, he pinches Don Gonzalo.
Having jumped out of Don Gonzalo’s house, don Juan encounters Moto, who hurriesly takes his cloak, for it’s about midnight. Don Juan manages to tell him that his prank has ended badly, and Mota prepares to clear the accusations of Beatrice. Don Juan is hiding. Mota hears cries and wants to find out what’s wrong, but there’s a guard there. Don Diego leads Mota to King Alfons of Castile, who orders to judge and tomorrow to execute the villain. Mota can not understand what’s the matter, but no one explains anything to him. The king tells him to bury the glorious Commander – Don Gonzalo – with all the honors.
In the field near the village of Dos Ermanas, peasants celebrate the wedding of Patricio and Aminta. The shepherds sing songs. Suddenly, Catalinon appears, who reports that a new guest will arrive shortly – don Juan Tenorio. Gaseno, the bride’s father, rejoices at the arrival of the noble lord, Patricio is not at all pleased with the uninvited guest. When don Juan approaches the festive table, Gaseno asks guests to make room, but don Juan, who likes Aminta, sits right next to her. After the wedding feast, don Juan declares Patricio that Aminta is his longtime mistress and invited her to see her for the last time before she marries another. Hearing this about the bride, Patricio gives her no regrets to don Juan. Don Juan, asking Gasena for Amynta’s hand and ordering Catalinon to saddle his horses and give them to the stall, goes to Aminte’s bedroom. Aminta wants to drive him away, but don Juan says that Patricio has forgotten her and from now on he, don Juan, is her husband. Sweet speech of a deceiver, who says that he is ready to marry her even despite his father’s will, softens the girl’s heart, and she gives it to don Juan.
Isabella on the way to Seville, where she is waiting for a wedding with don Juan, meets Tisbey, who tells her his grief: don Juan seduced her and threw it. Tisbey wants to take revenge on the deceiver and complain to him about the King. Isabella takes her to be her companion.
Don Juan in the chapel talking with Catalinon. The servant tells us that Octavio had discovered who was responsible for all his troubles, and the Marquis de Maute also proved his innocence in the murder of Don Gonzalo. Having noticed the tomb of the Commander, don Juan reads the inscription on it: “The Cavalier is buried here.” / He waits for the right hand of God / Dushehubu will take revenge. ” Don Juan pulls the statue of the Commander for his beard, then invites the stone statue to his dinner. In the evening, when don Juan and Catalinon sit down at the table, there is a knock at the door. The servant sent to open the door can not utter a word of fear; the cowardly Catalinon, whom don Juan orders to let the guest in, as if swallowed by terror. Don Juan takes the candle and goes to the door himself. Don Gonzalo enters as he is sculptured over his tomb. He slowly approaches don Juan, who retreats in confusion. Don Juan invites the stone guest to the table. After supper, the Commander makes a signal to don Juan to send the servants away. Left alone with him. The commander takes Don Juan’s word tomorrow at ten to come to him for supper in the chapel, accompanied by a servant. The statue leaves. Don Juan is brave, trying to overcome the horror.
Isabella arrives in Seville. The thought of disgrace does not give her peace, and she stinks of grief. Don Diego asks the King to remove his disgrace from don Juan, since he is going to marry him to the Duchess Isabella. The king promises not only to remove the disgrace, but also to don Juan the title of count, so that Isabella’s pride will not suffer, because Octavio, with whom she was previously engaged, is the duke. The Queen asked the King to forgive the Marquis de Da Mota, and the King orders to release the Marquis and marry him to Don Anne. Octavio asks the King for permission to call don Juan to a duel, but the King refuses him.
Aminta and her father are looking for don Juan. When they meet Octavio, they ask where they can find him. Octavio, finding out why they need it, advises Gaseno to buy a daughter outfit that looks like a courtier, and promises to take her to the King himself.
The wedding of don Juan and Isabella is to be held at night, but before that don Juan is going to keep his word and visit the statue of the Commander. When he and Catalinon come to the chapel where Don Gonzalo is buried, the Commander invites them to share a meal with him. He tells don Juan to raise the tombstone – beneath it is a black table, set for dinner. Two ghosts in black bring chairs. On the table – scorpions, toads, snakes, from drinking – bile and vinegar. After supper, the Commander stretches out his hand to don Juan. Don Juan gives him his. Clutching the hand of don Juan, the statue says, “We do not know the Lord / In the righteous of our decisions.” / He wants to be punished / You for all your wickedness / With this dead hand. / The above sentence says: / “By deeds and payback.” Don Juan says that Dona Anna is pure: he did not have time to dishonor her. He asks the priest to bring him to forgive him. But Don Gonzalo is relentless. Don Juan is dying. A crash is heard, the tomb, along with don Juan and Don Gonzalo, fails, and Catalinon falls to the floor.
Patricio and Gaseno come to the King with a complaint against don Juan, who deceived Aminet from Patricio. To them joins Tisbeya, which don Juan dishonored. Behind her comes the Marquis de la Mota. He found witnesses ready to confirm that the crime for which he was imprisoned was committed not by him, but by don Juan. The king orders to seize and execute the villain. Don Diego also asks to condemn don Juan to death. Appears Catalinon. He tells what happened in the chapel. Hearing of the fair penalty that befell the scoundrel. The king proposes to fix three weddings as soon as possible: Octavio with the widowed Isabella, Mota with Donna Anna and Patricio with Aminta.
“The Seville mischief, or the Stone guest” Molina in brief summary