In 1867, Perov Vasily Grigorievich painted the painting “The Drowned Man.” In this work, he wanted to show the indifference and indifference of people to the ongoing trouble.
Looking at the picture, one can not help noticing the sudden transition of light tones to dark ones. In the background, you see, a large city, still covered with a morning mist. A big river over which birds fly. The morning rays of the sun glide along it, and it reflects a light yellow light. And no, it would seem, nothing ordinary in this picture, a simple city morning, if not for her foreground.
In the foreground, the body of a young girl falls into the eyes with a black stain. Above him, indifferently sitting, smoking a cigar, a gendarme. He looks indifferently at the girl’s body. His face does not express any sympathy for the young lady. Perhaps, because of his profession, he behaves this way. Frequent deaths are not uncommon at that time and involuntarily you begin. to get used to them. And, perhaps, he is just a callous and soulless person, who is not at all interested in someone’s fate.
Vasily Perov wanted to accurately convey the very drowned woman, so for more realistic looking for models in the morgue. In one of these girls he recognized his friend Faina. She was sick with tuberculosis and died. It was from her that the author wrote “Drowned Woman”. And although there are many models posing for famous authors, but their names remained unfamiliar, then, when Perov’s picture made his friend famous, even posthumously.
By his reproduction, the artist wanted to show not the problem of some kind of social injustice or the desperation of the situation, but the inner qualities of the human soul. In this case, it is indifference, indifference, ignorance and even cruelty. There are insensitive people who have no regrets and sympathy for others. I would like that in our time there are very few such people
The composition of Perov’s painting “The Drowned Woman”