The coastline of Eurasia

The coasts of Eurasia are strongly dissected. The length of the coastline of Eurasia is more than 2.5 times longer than the Earth’s equator.

Near the coast of the mainland there are large sea areas. In the Atlantic Ocean – the Northern, Norwegian, Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Sea of ​​Azov. In the Arctic – Barents. Karskoe, East Siberian. In the Pacific – Bering. Okhotsk, Japan, Yellow, East China, South China Sea. In the Indian Ocean – the Arabian Sea.

The largest bays off the coast of Eurasia are the Bengal, Persian and Aden in the Indian Ocean, the Biscay and the Botnic in the Atlantic, and the Siamese in the Pacific.

The largest in the world in terms of the area of ​​the peninsula are far out in the ocean spaces: in the west – Scandinavian, Pyrenean, Apennine, Balkan, Crimean, Asia Minor: in the south – Arabian, Hindustan, Malacca, Indochina; in the east – Korea, Kamchatka; in the north – Chukchi, Taimyr.

Near the coast of Eurasia, numerous islands of continental and volcanic origin were formed. Along its western shores there are large islands of continental origin – Great Britain and Ireland, separated from the mainland by the English Channel. Near the northern shores of Eurasia, the last era of glaciation left “traces” – numerous islands of continental origin, in particular Spitsbergen and Novaya Zemlya. In the east, on the border of lithospheric plates arcs of volcanic islands appeared: for example, Japanese, Philippine. Mainland origin here is the island of Sakhalin, separated by the Strait of Laperuz from the continent. To the south-east of Eurasia is the largest archipelago in the world – the Great Sunda Islands of continental origin. It is separated from the mainland by the Straits of Malacca.



