Once upon a time in the Magic Country came the evil witch, the giantess Arachna. She harmed everyone, only condescending to the tribe of gnomes. Arachne prolonged their life, helped them to hunt and fish. The kind magician Hurricapa did not want to destroy the giantess, he put her to sleep for five thousand years. The gnomes transported Arachna’s body to the cave and stood by her side. In case of its awakening, fresh bread, fried meat and clothes were always ready, and the cave maintained cleanliness.
Sorceress Arachne
Arachne wakes up. Having satiated after a long sleep, the witch studies the history of the Magic country, which the gnomes recorded in books. She is interested in Oorfene Deuce, and she sends a delegation of gnomes to him. Oorfene Deuce returned to his native village, took his instrument and settled away from everyone. He felt remorse for the suffering caused to people. Even when in the garden the wind brought again the seeds of the plant, from which it is possible to make a life-giving powder, he destroyed them.
Oorfene cordially accepts the dwarves, treats them and gives children toys, now cheerful and kind. To save them from the wrath of Arachne, he himself goes to the sorceress. Presenting to her, Oorfene categorically refuses to help the Arachne to gain power over the Magic Country.
Then Arachna turns to Rufu Bilan, who only woke up from a dream and did not remember his past. Arachne with the help of historical books restores his memory, and Rufus Bilan agrees to serve her.
Among the things of Arachna there is a carpet-plane. With the inhabitants of the Pink and Yellow countries, she does not want to get involved because of the good witches of Stella and Willina. Arachne decides to conquer the Marran. With the help of a magic carpet, Arachne is transferred to them. In response to the demand for submission, the Marranas cast a sorcerer with stones.
Immediately after the bird relay race organized by Kaggi-Karr, they learn about this in the Violet country and meet the evil sorcerer with fire from the cannon. In a hurry Arachna loses leather shoes, of which the Miguns make two ships.
Through the magic box, the Scarecrow learns about the approach of Arachne to Ruf Bilan and about the fact that Oorfene Deuce refused to cooperate with the witch. The emerald city meets the giantess with torches, and Arachna decides to conquer the underground country. But the miners set up a dragon Oihjo, who bites off a piece of carpet. Only the Blue Country remains, but the warned Munchkins hide, and Arachna sees empty cities and villages.
Difficult days of the Magic Country
Returning from nothing home, Arachna lets the country into Yellow Fog. The fog does not fill only the possessions of Arachne, Stella and Willa.
Now in the box of the Scarecrow nothing is visible, people in the fog also see badly. Fog penetrates into the lungs and causes coughing.
Arachne sends Rufus Bilan to the Scarecrow with an ultimatum. She will not clean the fog, if in three days he does not submit to it. Munchkins descend to an underground country, and doctors find a rafaloo tree from whose leaves you can make bandages so that the fog does not penetrate into the lungs. The ultimatum is rejected, the Miguns gratefully accept the leaves of rafaloo as a gift, and the Marranas find refuge in the Pink Country.
The scarecrow sends the leaves to Oorfene Deuce. In response, Oorfene opens up her own way of fighting fog and hopes that this will help people a little. The fog begins to act on the eyes, but doctors invent special glasses. Due to the fact that the fog has closed the sun, the cold comes. The scarecrow decides to send the dragon Oihjo for Annie and Tim. They should teach the inhabitants of the Magic country to build warm houses and sew warm clothes. With the dragon decided to send Faramanta.
In Kansas, Faramant finds Charlie, who is staying with his sister. Annie with Artaud, Tim and Charlie go to the Enchanted Land. They are horrified to see what it turned into.
On the council in the Throne Room, Charlie proposes to steal from Arachna a spellbook and free the country from the fog.
The Iron Knight of Tilly Willy
In the image of the god, brought from a distant island, Charlie designs the huge iron ferocious giant Tilly Willy. Charlie helps the master of Miguna. The giant must walk, run and own a weapon. Annie summons the queen of mice Ramina, and her subjects corrupt Arachne’s carpet-plane. Mice, accompanied by Tim, reach the home of Arachna, having overcome many obstacles along the way. The rest move on the repaired van that once brought Ellie to the Enchanted Land.
Arachne, learning about the approach of the opponents, arranges them traps, which travelers overcome with brilliance. After the mice ate the carpet, Arachna can not move through the air, but still outruns friends. Then the travelers turn to the eagle Carfax for help. Finally they approach the cave of Arachna. There’s no fog and you can turn on the drawer. Arachne climbs to the top of the mountain and throws stones, but Carfax and Tilly Willy overtake her and throw her into the abyss.
With the help of the dwarves Annie finds a cache of spells in the cave of Arachna, and Charlie is granted the honor to remove the spell of Arachne. The fog disappears. Rufa Bilana decide to send to the underground country, give him a drink of soporific water and make him a decent man. The Dwarf Scarecrow takes under his protection and asks to continue the chronicle.
Life in the Enchanted Country is getting better. Seeing that Oorfene Deuce has changed, Scarecrow invites him to the Emerald City. A feast is held in the Throne Room, and then the dragon Oihjo takes the travelers home.