Summary “Took me water to my soul”

It is always difficult to talk about any one poem in the work of any poet: he expressed himself in everything he wrote. But even more difficult to talk about a poet who was going to become a musician. Being influenced by the music of A. N. Scriabin, Boris Pasternak spent six years seriously engaged in composition. But still the poet in his soul defeated the musician. That’s how one of the best poets of Russia of the 20th century appeared, a representative of the poetry of the Silver Age, a member of the futuristic group Centrifuge.

At the beginning of this century, especially in the post-revolutionary period, the construction of a new life, enthusiasm, and love of the party were on-duty topics, and Pasternak wrote about the forest, about grass, about cocks, about love, about poetry, about the miracle of human existence.

The aesthetics and poetics of Pasternak were based to the greatest extent on the idea of ​​the fusion of the sensual, surrounding poet of the world, where it is impossible to separate man from nature, and poetry from life.

The poet tried not only to reproduce life in its recognizability and concreteness, he wanted to convey his impressions of it to readers of future times, he tried to reflect not only the external side of events but also their deep essence:

In all I want to go

In the heart trouble.

These were “lines with blood” not only because the poet had to pay dearly for them, but also because each of them was born in hard work. For the poet, work, the search for life’s foundations, attempts to understand oneself and in people is the meaning of life. That is why the next stanza of this poem deepens the image: I want to understand the essence of everything, get to “the grounds, to the roots, to the core.”

Next we are talking about the essence of poetry, about the appointment of it, as the poet understood it: to grasp the “thread of events”, to discover new things in life. It seems to me that all this poet sees in “the properties of passion, only she is capable of pushing a person in search of the beautiful, unique.”

Those who communicated with the poet, celebrated his amazing ability to spiritualize the world around him. He has everything interconnected, indissolubly, the sound and visual image is incredibly voluminous.

You in the wind, a branch trying,

It is not the time for birds to sing,

This is another poem, but how exactly it conveys the mystery of Pasternak’s poetry. You ask, what is this secret? In my opinion, Pasternak’s poetry, like the surrounding world, lives its own life. It is about this poet says at the end of the poem “In everything I want to go to the heart”, comparing poetry with the music of Chopin:

Parks, groves, graves

Behind this verse I hear Chopin’s music, brilliant, light, excited. A poet who is gifted with talent and passion for work, and makes us think about many things. First of all, this is what: are these transparent and easy lines, which, in my opinion, no flour, in my opinion, are also “lines of blood”? And it seems that they are written in one breath. But still the finale of the poem is very tense, and Pasternak seems to be trying to express the uncertainty of the future, fate:

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Summary “Took me water to my soul”