Summary “The war does not have a woman’s face” Aleksievich

The novel is collected from the voices of real women. They say that their destinies are entwined with the war. Among the voices of the living is the author’s excited comment. The idea that war is murder and hard work, and next to it ordinary life with songs, loves, curlers, attire.

Death is near – and you do not want to die, but to kill, designed to give life to a woman, is unbearable.

Dirt and stink, lice and blood – naked truth and “too terrible war.” The voice speaks of a swamp in which, for weeks, they were hiding in the mud from the enemy. A mother can not feed a child – he can cry out with all his might-punishers with dogs close. And the mother made a terrible decision.

Another voice: they did not shoot the captured Germans – they cut them in pieces, pricked them with ramrods – so that they would suffer – they burned the sisters and mother.

Another episode: in the daytime one must be afraid of the Germans, and at night – “their own”, that is, the partisans. They took the cow, though they were lying in their legs: three children in the hut.

The one who reached Berlin said: she returned to her village with the Order of Glory, medals. Three days later, the mother asked to leave – they say, here’s a bundle. The younger sisters will not marry anyone, because you were 4 years at the front with the peasants. Asks: write about the orders, but do not meddle in the soul. Voices are recognized: they believed that everything would change after the war, Stalin would become softer towards the people. The war is not over yet, but the echelons in Magadan are already going. And in them – winners, arrested and those who were prisoners and survived, and those who were hijacked for work. They have seen Europe – they can tell that they live better without Communism.

Replica: returned to gray at age 21, with a severe wound and a concussion – I can hardly hear. Puzzled in the voice: how is this movie about the color war. Everything is black, except for blood.

Such a story: my uncle was sent to the camp, although there was an old communist. But when Stalin turned: “Brothers and sisters.” – forgot grievances. My mother said: “We will defend the Motherland, but we’ll deal with it later.”

About the infamous 22 “Not a step back!”. Turning – shooting on the spot. Behind the border guards. And they shot their own.

The memory of the Jewess: before the war they lived together, but became lepers, from everywhere they persecuted and feared us. Close friends did not greet and their children also turned away. Then my mother was shot.

I was looking for my dad. Though dead… I have blonde hair, they did not touch me. I came to the market. My friend put him in a cart, covered one casing with pigs, went all day. Then he was at the partisans.

The voice seems to be justified: I did not shoot. They gave me the medal. Yes, did she fight? No, I cooked soup and soldier’s soup.



