Summary “The Tale of Shemyakin Court”

There lived two peasant brothers: one rich, and the other poor. For many years the rich gave the poor debt, but he remained as poor. Once the poor man came to ask the rich horse to bring firewood. He gave the horse reluctantly. Then the poor began to ask for a yoke. But the brother got angry and did not give the hose.

There is nothing to do – the poor tied his wood to the horse’s tail. When he drove the wood home, he forgot to expose the gateway, and the horse, passing through the gate, tore off its tail.

He brought a poor horse to his brother without a tail. But he did not take that horse, but went to the city to judge Shemyake to beat the brow with his brother. The poor went after him, knowing that he would still be forced to appear for trial.

They reached one village. The rich stopped at his friend – a rural priest. The poor man came to the same priest and lay down on the bed. Rich with the priest sat down, but the poor man was not called. He looked from the poles that they were eating, fell down, fell on the cradle and crushed the child. Pop also went to the city to complain about the poor.

They passed through the bridge. And downstairs, on the ditch, one man was driving to the father’s bathhouse. The poor, foreseeing his perdition, decided to commit suicide. He rushed from the bridge, fell on the old man and killed. He was caught and brought to the judge. The poor man thought what to give him to the judge… He took a stone, wrapped it in boards and stood before the judge.

After listening to the complaint of the rich brother, Judge Shemyaka told the poor to answer. He showed the judge a wrapped stone. Shemyaka decided: let the poor do not give the rich horse until she grows a new tail.

Then he brought a petition pop. And the poor man showed the stone again. The judge decided: let the priest give to the poor victim until he “gets” a new child.

Then the son began to complain, from whom the poor crushed his father. The poor man again showed the judge a stone. The judge decided: let the plaintiff kill the poor in the same way, that is, throw him at the bridge.

After the trial, the rich began to ask the poor horse, but he refused to give it up, referring to the judge’s decision. The rich gave him five rubles, so that he gave the horse and without a tail.

Then the poor began to judge by the decision of the priest to ask for food. Pop gave him ten rubles, only so that he would not take a priest.

Poor suggested the third applicant to fulfill the judge’s decision. But he, after reflection, did not want to rush at him from the bridge, but began to put up and also gave the poor bribe.

And the judge sent his man to the defendant, so he asked about three bundles, which the poor man showed to the judge. The poor man pulled out a stone. Shemyakin servant was surprised and asked what kind of stone it was. The defendant explained that if the judge had not judged him, he would have bruised him with this stone.

Learning about the danger that threatened him, the judge was very happy that he had judged this way. And the poor, rejoicing, went home.



