Summary “The Military Secret” of Gaidar

In 1932, Gaidar wrote the story “Far countries”. She convinces the reader that no one can stay away from the changes taking place in the whole country. Children are also becoming active participants in the construction of a new one. Gaidar recreates the life of the 1930s in its entirety in the novel: there are living signs of construction, an image of the class struggle in the village, and memories of the civil war. The writer shows how the reality itself activates the children – the heroes of the story: those “distant countries” that friends dreamed of exist not somewhere in the far end of the world, but here, in ordinary, everyday life. In this story; as well as in other works of A. Gaidar, reflected the writer’s desire to convey the romance of childhood, the heroics of construction and the idea of ​​the need to protect the Fatherland.

“Military Secret” In 1933, the publishing house “Young Guard” was published “The Tale of Military Secrets, about Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word.” The very same story “Military Secret”, which was included in the novella of the story, was completed in the second half of 1934 and published in the journal “Krasnaya Nov ‘” in 1935. The story “Military Secret” seemed to some critics “generally unsuccessful and quite traditional,” but caused many warm children’s letters and positive feedback from readers. In the same year, the novel was published as a separate book, and in 1935 a new edition appeared, revised by Gaidar.

Symbolically named, the story “Military Secret” brings together in a single knot many problems associated with the education of adolescents in the country. Gorky’s principle: “To educate – it means to revolutionize” – is fully implemented by Gaidar, showing the formation of the younger generation in the collective, in the pioneer organization. This is a new aspect of the problem of education in the writer’s work. The place of action was Artek, the famous pioneer camp with firmly established romance of pioneer traditions, international unity.

Natka Shegalov met on the train with the boy Alka and his father, a tall, gray-eyed man with a scar below his left temple. Father goes to Crimea to build a water pipe; there was held a second meeting with Natka, who was asked to replace the days with six sick counselors. Thus, a new character appears in Gaidar’s work: a young educator, who loves his work, and is looking for an approach to the hearts of the children, who are striving to make them true citizens of their homeland. For Natka, the main thing is not that Alka’s father is Russian, but “mother Romanian”, that Ioska is Jewish, Vladik is Polish, Emine is Bashkir, the main thing is that they all are “Soviet”, that they “love their country even more.” For her, this is the embodiment of the Military Secret, which “let him guess who wants to.” And again the leitmotif of Gaidar’s perception of life appears,

A. Gaidar does not give a light-weight image of this “good life”: in it not only friendship, love, in it an echo of “wars and thunderstorms”, criminal activities of enemies trying to organize sabotage. The problem of education in the story is given volumetrically, multifaceted: A. Gaidar solves it in the mutual communication of educators and educated, in the mutual enrichment of both, in their unity. And this is also the Military Secret of the new society. Natka, who at first underestimates the value of her work, becomes a real teacher: “She knew that everything was in its proper place and she was in her place too.”

“Military secret” is a capacious and multifaceted work. It reveals thoughts about the international unity of people, shows the formation of the child in the team. Heroes of the story – children of different nationalities – unites friendship and love for the Soviet country. This is reflected in their games and dreams; they want to “guard” the whole country, stand with a rifle on the highest mountain, look in the telescope, sit next to the transmitter to signal during the danger.

Feel the roll of the heroes of the story with the fairy-tale Malchish-Kkbalchish, who “rushed to help” the fathers and brothers. The boy, along with his comrades, enters into a fight with the bourgeoisie and dies without revealing the military secrets to the enemies. Creating this heroic fairy tale, Gaidar creatively mastered the artistic traditions of oral folk art.

At the same time, “The Tale of Military Secret, the Malchish-Kibalchish and His Firm Word” is the key to understanding the aesthetic concept of the story. The writer himself spoke about this, responding to a letter from the Rostov pioneers: “Why is the Military Secret?” Of course, according to the tale. ” The fairy-tale symbolically reveals to the young reader the meaning of the most important social and political concepts. Without retreating from the truth of life, Gaidar introduces into the narrative the tragic, showing the death of Malchish-Kibalchish and Alki. “Of course, it is better for Alka to survive.” Of course, it’s better that Chapaev survived. “Of course, it’s immeasurably better if thousands and tens of thousands of big, small, famous and unknown heroes were alive and well. .. “he wrote to the Rostov pioneers.

The style of the “Military Secret” is also notable for new features. Gaidar leads the narrative in such a way that a close interweaving of the subjective and objective plans is created. The nascent warm feeling between Sergei and Natka, even more united their memory of the deceased Alka, the symbolic roll of his image with the image of Malchish-Kibalchish – all this is felt as a subtext. Romantic elation and lyricism of the story find their expression in emotionally colored, and often rhythmic author’s speech. One of the possible examples is the description of the last meeting and farewell of Natka and Sergei on the platform. “I wanted to both remember and say something, but each of them felt that it was better not to start better.

But when they kissed each other firmly and Sergei already approached the window from inside the car, Natka suddenly wanted to shout to him something strong and warm. But the glass was thick, but the hoot sounded, but the words did not turn, and, looking at him, she only managed to raise her hand in an alcove, as if giving salute to something that, except for the two of them, no one had seen “.



