Summary “The Lion who founded the council”

Leo established some kind of advice. But which one, the author of the fable is not known. The new council consisted of elephants. And, probably, so badly lacked members for the newly-minted council that the lion decided to add donkeys there.

Leo established a council of some kind, it is not known,

And, having put in council the members of elephants,

Most of them added asses to them.

However, the lion knew perfectly well that elephants with donkeys did not fit properly and decently. But he could not dial the necessary number of elephants. And in the council, as the author notes, a certain number of places must be occupied.

Otherwise, without this advice will not exist.

Although elephants sit with donkeys and inappropriately,

But the lion could not get that number of elephants,

What a straightforward decision it was to sit in this council.

By adding donkeys, the lion was able to collect the required number of “members” of the new council. Therefore, he decided that now, after such replenishment, this will not interfere with his fruitful work.

Well? let the number of everything be lacking,

After all, it would not hurt – Cause to produce.

But the author of the fable doubts that the lion will follow this advice when deciding on the composition of the council members. After all, in such a case, he transgresses the charter, which should not be violated. Another danger that lies in wait for advice in this formation is that donkeys are known for their foolishness. And it turns out that we are already aware of the shortage of judges. In this way they will not be able to make the right decisions. However, the lion had some ideas for creating such a strange advice. He decided that at least some donkeys and more, but the elephants’ minds can bring to the correct conclusions and donkeys themselves.

Though be a fool of a judge, it would only be a count.

And besides, as the lion established this council,

He thought that way And flattered:

Uzhli and really that the mind of elephants

Does he not bring asses to mind?

Fable concludes the morality, in which the author talks about the work of such an interesting advice that the lion created. The council still opened, as the necessary number of “joints” could be typed. However, everything went wrong, as planned by the lion. Not the elephants brought to mind the donkeys, and the donkeys drove the elephants crazy. The conclusions that the donkeys made were probably very incomprehensible and did not yield to any reasonable explanations.

However, as the council opened,

Cases completely different order flowed:

The donkeys of the elephants were driven from the mind.

In the fable of Chemnitz ridiculously unreasonable state structure, similar to the one that the lion organized, creating his council of elon and donkeys. The fabulist was prone to ridiculously ridicule bad manners and arrogance of landlords and greed of officials, as well as the desire for personal gain, profit. In the center of his attention fell and other vices, which became the object of caustic ridicule fabulist. Thus, he expressed his negative attitude towards this or that event in life.

The basis for the fable was the case, which showed the unsightliness and insolvency of some state-owned enterprises. For his poetic description, he uses not real people, but animals. Their habits are known to us from childhood. And the very words “elephant” and “donkey” say a lot about their character.

Chemnitzer takes for his fable very bright images to create a picturesque picture. The appearance of the elephant tells us of his kindness and wisdom. Therefore, his membership in the new council is simply pointless to challenge. But here the image of the donkey in this case is more telling. Everyone knows that he is stupid. And the lion, the king of beasts, takes donkeys on the advice only for quantity.

This shows one more aspect of the moral value of the fable. Its moral is that quantity will never replace quality. On the contrary, in the fable the predominance in the composition of donkeys deplorably affects the whole council as a whole. A few wise elephants can not give the mind to a large number of stupid donkeys.

At the end of the fable Chemnitzer puts a moral that tells of what happened to the new council. Cases in the end went completely differently than originally intended by the lion. But we note that the fabulist does not make any generalization (although morality often contains a generalization, speaking of the typicality of the case). However, this does not mean that the case described in the fable is a single case. Many state enterprises are built on this principle. Therefore, the fable of Chemnitz has not only a bright artistic, but also moral value.



