Summary Peregrine Falcon

AI Kuprin
The story is written on behalf of the dog Sapsan himself: “I’m a Sapsan Thirty-six big and strong dog of rare breed, red and sand color, four years old and weigh about six and a half poods”
He talks about his life, that the world’s first creature is the Master. Peregrine Falcon is not a slave to the master, but a friend and patron. Peregrine Falcon strong and wise, endowed with high moral qualities, so to say observes “Code of Dog Honor” does not touch the recumbent and those who are weaker than him. The story also mentions good-neighborly relations of Sapsan with Katya’s cat. Her kittens were born. Peregrine falconry allows people to stroke themselves, and to the children of the master he allows absolutely everything and loves the owner’s daughter very much, she is called Little. He defended Little when the big dog raced right at her. Peregrine Falcon grabbed the dog for life and death, and the girl was very grateful to Sapsan. She went home and kept Sapsan by the ear, was afraid to let go, next to him she felt protected. The story ends with the words: “Do not be afraid, my Little One.

Summary Peregrine Falcon