K. Paustovsky – the story “Meshcherskaya side.” Nature for K. Paustovsky is not only beautiful pictures of fields, hills, rivers and lakes, blue skies in his works. This is an expression of love for our native land, for Russian nature. The sense of nature for Paustovsky is an integral element of the Motherland’s feeling, it is nature that teaches a person moral purity, spiritual integrity, an interested, careful attitude to the past of his country, to people, to language and life.
Nature is always in the center of attention of this writer. He traveled a lot and reflected his impressions in his best works. Paustovsky was especially attracted to the nature of the middle Russia, with her quiet, harmonious, slightly sad life. About this nature tells us the story “Meshcherskaya side.” “There are no special beauties and riches in the Meshchersky region, except for forests, meadows and clear air, but this edge has a great attraction, it is very modest – just like Levitan’s paintings, but in it, as in these pictures, lies all the charm and all the seemingly at first sight variety of Russian nature. “
The story consists of 15 chapters, essays, each of which represents an independent work. The chapters are not connected by a common plot, but they are united by a common hero-narrator, a wanderer, traveling through the wilds of untouched, almost wild nature. In the “Mescher side” the writer opens a new view of the world – a desire for harmony of everything living and existent, the desire to resolve, to overcome all the contradictions between man and nature.
In the story, the writer creates beautiful pictures of modest Russian nature. By what means is this achieved? The writer uses an unusually colorful color palette, unusual, figurative comparisons, epithets: we see “lilac bells in glades,” the lake shines like a “black, obliquely placed mirror,” the sunset gilds the trees with “antique gilding,” “Blue Crystal lights up at the dawn of Venus “.
But, in addition to a variety of colors, the writer draws our attention to the various sounds that fill these places. Here the writer often uses the method of personification. Meshchersky edge of Paustovsky’s noise, ringing, singing to different voices. “In the west, the dawn is still breaking, in the thickets of wolfberry berries the bitterness screams and the cranes mutter and wail on the mshars, worried about the smoke of the fire,” “The fog rustles in the garden,” “Flocks of birds whistling and lightly rushing to the sides,” “The bowler gets angry and mumbles on fire. For some reason we are talking in a whisper – afraid to frighten away the dawn, heavy ducks sweep with a tin whistle. ” Very attractive on Meshchera and silence, when the bell of the lost cow is heard by the traveler for a kilometer.
In addition, Meshchersky Krai is a land of special forest smells. From the hands of the heroes it smells of “smoke and cowberry”, in the bath smells “apples, cleanly washed floors”, in the garden “it smells of rain – a gentle and at the same time a sharp smell of moisture, damp garden paths.” When the hero sails on a foggy morning in a boat, before him “the smell of the smoke of rural stoves” is no longer heard. Ahead of him is the “deserted September day”: “Ahead is the lost in this vast world of fragrant foliage, grasses, autumn withering, stagnant waters, clouds, low sky.”
Gradually, the image of the hero-narrator is more clearly depicted in the story. We see that this is a kind-hearted person, loving and understanding nature, a hunter, a fisherman who is keenly interested in people, the surrounding world. Nature and man in Paustovsky are inseparable, can not exist without each other. And, drawing these beautiful paintings, the author does not do without people who live on this earth. These are shepherds, ferrymen, watchmen, foresters – the most ordinary, ordinary people, but all the wonderful and kind, in each of them the author finds some interesting, bright, memorable trait. So, the image of the old grandfather-basket-maker Stepan, nicknamed “Beard on the poles”, is noteworthy in the story. He sheltered a stray girl in his hut, tells the story hero about the past of the Meshchersky region.
These places are very rich in talents. So, the village of Solotcha is the birthplace of the famous engraver of Pozhalostin, the artists of Arkhipov and Malyavin, the sculptor Golubkin. There is also a hero-narrator and aunt Sergei Yesenin, who was born near Solonchiki.
The event plan of the story is represented by the history of the campaign of heroes to Poganoe Lake and the history of the hapless Moscow fisherman. In the first story, the characters nearly lost their friend, the writer Gaidar, who alone went to look for the Withered Lake, which had a folk reputation in the people. However, later Gaidar was found – another traveler with a compass went to find him. The story of the hapless fisherman-Muscovite gives the entire story a comic tinge. In the image of this man, the author presented us with a hero who was not adapted to life in the forest or nature. He is clumsy, depriving everyone of breakfast, accidentally crouching with his foot into the cooked scrambled eggs and breaking a jug of milk. Fish does not bite him. When he managed to suddenly get a huge pike, while he admired and admired her, “the pike tried,
Thus, in the story the writer recreates a unique world of pure, primordial nature. And the basic principle of Paustovsky is to find the beautiful in everyday life. He talks about how unusual this simple land is. “I love the Meshchersky region because it is beautiful, although all its charm is revealed not at once, but very slowly, gradually.” At first glance it is a quiet and unwise land under a soft sky. “But the more you recognize it, the more and more before pain in the heart, you begin to love this ordinary land, and if you have to defend your country, somewhere in the back of my heart I will know that I am defending this piece of land that taught me to see and understand the beautiful, nor was it – this forest pensive land, the love of which will not be forgotten, as never forget the first love. “