Summary of the “Lost World” by Doyle

The “lost world” begins with an explanation in love. The budding reporter Edward Malone asks for the hands and hearts of his lover Gladys. The girl refuses to him for the reason that he is too mediocre for her sublime nature, and that her husband can only expect to become an outstanding and brave person who is capable of doing risky things for the sake of love. Under the impression of such a response, our hero runs to the editor at a run, demanding that he be immediately sent to the most risky place on Earth. So that he could make an outstanding report from there. A wise-minded editor satisfies the request of an ambitious young man. The most dangerous assignment is the task of interviewing a scandalous Professor Challenger, famous throughout London for his pathological dislike for the journalistic brethren.

As all readers of the book “The Lost World” already guessed, the brief content of which we also state, this statement consists in the fact that the dinosaurs did not die out. The professor himself saw them during his expedition, but failed to save the evidence. The scientific community scoffed at such a bold statement, but decided to organize yet another expedition consisting of Challenger’s opponent Professor Summerlee and independent public representatives. Naturally, our hero decides to become this very representative from the press. The second candidate was the famous hunter Lord John Roxton.

The composition of the commission is approved, and a group of brave souls travels to South America. There they are joined unexpectedly and Challenger, who decides personally to lead the expedition. After numerous adventures, they approach the foot of the plateau, on which the lost world is located.

The brief content of the story does not imply a detailed recount of the twists and turns of the plot, the interested person will read them in the book himself, we will only outline the outline of the work in general terms. By the will of fate and a criminal conspiracy, our heroes are cut off from the world on this mysterious plateau and are forced not only to observe the dinosaurs as researchers, but also to save their lives, which are actively attacked by carnivorous lizards.

After numerous adventures the expedition still manages to leave the lost world. The summary of their trip is recorded by our reporter, and he provides it to his editor immediately upon return. There is going to be a new conference, now four of them claim that dinosaurs are alive. But again there are skeptics who do not believe in it. If only the words of Challenger were questioned before, now they also distrust the message of our heroic four. But Challenger, taught by bitter experience, presents to the assembled a live pterodactyl, than fully confirms the truthfulness of his statements.

Our travelers are proclaimed almost as national heroes, and the young lover hastens to his Gladys, in order to retry the offer of a hand and heart. Now he can count on reciprocity, because thanks to him, a whole lost world has been discovered.

The brief content of the story leaves no room for describing the explanation scene, everyone can read it by themselves, but we will only say that our hero is still single and plans to go on a new expedition.



