Krasheninnikov (Krosh). Ivan Semenovich is a school superintendent who always steals a school truck for economic needs. Natalia Pavlovna is a class teacher. Vyacheslav Petrovich – chief engineer, head of practice. Dmitry Alexandrovich – foreman of locksmiths, looks like a Spaniard. Lagutin is a mechanic, an unpleasant type, a rude, dragging out details and driving. Zina – the dispatcher, loved Lagutin, followed him on his heels. Mike Katanskaya – the first beauty in the class, Lagutin stared at her.
Zuyev – was once a driver, but deprived of rights and transferred to the garage, some kind of apathetic. Nadia Flerova – her friend, always fell in love with those guys who liked Mike. Semechkina and Makarova are friends, always go together. Igor is an outstanding personality of the class, a great diplomat, was shot in episodes of films, so he tore his nose. Vadim – Igor’s friend, is under his influence, can exchange and get anything. Shmakov Peter – calm, he always does not care. Polekutin is a classmate with technical abilities.
A tale of how schoolchildren of the 9th grade passed summer practice at the carpool, which is patronizing their school. Krosh had no technical inclinations, he wanted to get settled during practice on the car to lead. But together with Shmakov Peter got into the garage. At first they did not trust anything, they just watched. In the garage, the workers considered Krosh small, but after he showed them his rights, although childish, it impressed everyone. Gradually, the guys got into work.
Igor worked in the office, walked around the shops and filled out the forms. He held himself as if he were deputy chief engineer. He liked to hang around among the elders, to be the center of attention.
At the class meeting after a week of practice, Igor suggests restoring the decommissioned GAZ-51. All the guys support him. Krosh suggests, before taking on such a difficult business, to see what condition the car is in. Nobody listens to him. As always, Igor offers something, but if everything fails, except him.
Krosh proposes to draw up a defective list. At this time in the table at Lagutin finds bearings, which he had to put on the car. The car left the garage with old parts. The boy can not believe that Lagutin can do this to the state – sell the bearings, and take the money himself. Krosh realized for himself that Lagutin was a crook.
Krosh, Shmakov, Vadim and Igor live in the same yard. Igor did not introduce the rest to his older friends. Shy. Vadim, as a friend, it hurt.
The next day, Vadim announced to all his classmates that they would collect everything that could be fit for their car. Just at this time, the new shock absorbers are gone. Krosh guessed who took them – Lagutin. Immediately, there were losses in other warehouses. All the missing things, except the shock absorbers, were in the warehouse, assigned to the car of schoolchildren. Igor began to blame Vadim for this, although he was to blame himself – he told Vadim that the director allowed to collect things in the shops.
Summary of “The Adventures of Krosh” Rybakova