JF Cooper
In the autumn of 1804, along the immense expanses of the American prairies – ever farther to the west, farther from the already inhabited lands – a train of stubborn, unpretentious migrants (squatters) was slowly moving forward. The head of the family, phlegmatic uhleny Ishmael Bush, was looking out for a place to sleep. But the hill was replaced by a hill, a valley valley, and not a stream, not even a bush, came across. Suddenly, a human figure appeared on the background of sunset. Approaching, the figure diminished, and soon before the alarmed family stood an ordinary old man. Trapper – that is, a man who traps the beast with traps and traps – so he introduced himself to the settlers. As for the old man’s name, what does it matter now? The Lord, before the face of which he is soon to appear, is not the main thing, but the deeds; for people, by the nature of their occupation, it is a trapper, and that’s all.
Ishmael Bush, who did not get along with the criminal code, did not try to get to know, but asked the old man if he knows the district, to specify a place to stay overnight. Trapper led the caravan into a small poplar grove on the bank of a stream. After sitting a little with the settlers at the fire, the old man, referring to a long habit of loneliness, walked away from the camp and settled himself nearby, on a hill. To his surprise, when the tired travelers fell asleep, a girl appeared from the camp side. Having stumbled upon a hermit, she was slightly frightened, but more – embarrassed. The riddle, however, was revealed soon: from the darkness of the night appeared a strong handsome young man. Willy-nilly lovers had to trust the old trapper: it turns out that Ishmael’s distant relative Ellen Wade, whom the squatter intends to marry her elder son Eiza, has long loved a bortnik (a man, mining honey of wild bees) by Field Hover. A brave and enterprising youth, stealthily following immigrants, had thus the opportunity at least occasionally to see his girlfriend.
Meanwhile, while the lovers were talking, without noticing, of course, nothing around, Hector, the trapper’s dog, was alert. The old man, hiding in the weeds, quietly ordered the young man and the girl to follow his example. Silent, like ghosts, appeared equestrian Indians from the Sioux tribe. Dismounted, the detachment scattered across the plain. The leader of the Indians finds a squatter camp. Sons-hourons sleep lightly. Indians steal all cattle – noise rises. Waking up, Ishmael Bush with his sons grabbed their guns and fired at random, into the darkness. Late – the robbers, as they say, and the trace was cold. Settlers in an extremely difficult situation: for hundreds of miles around the prairie, inhabited only by unfriendly Indians. Trapper comes again to the rescue – he points Ishmael to a natural fortress: a hard-to-reach rock with a source on top.
And besides himself to blame for such a desperate situation, Ishmael Bush can not only his brother’s brother, Ebirim, not “minor” discrepancies with the law-like the murder of a bailiff-caused the squatter to get into such a wilderness, no, a serious crime: the kidnapping of a young woman, daughter a rich landowner, the wife of a major in the American army, a charming Ine. And Ishmael killed Ebiram with this – an avid slave-dealer decided that a ransom for a rich white woman would be incomparably greater than everything he received before for the resale of stolen Negroes. However, since the abduction, it’s not that the world, but even the order in its family squatter has become more difficult to support. Sons, especially the elder, Ayes, became more and more disobedient. Not daring to openly challenge his father, with his uncle, the culprit of their “luck”, they do not stand on ceremony. Squeaky, but cowardly, Ebiram pretends that the boy’s taunts do not hurt him, but… – once with a joint hunt, Esther’s brother, Ishmael’s wife, returned alone! According to him, he parted with the young man at the creek, following the deer trail. The next morning, Esther insisted that her carefree husband go in search of the missing son. Eyzu is found in the bushes, shot in the back. Suspicion falls on the old trapper.
The old man, meanwhile, is engaged in exactly the opposite – strives to return if not life, then freedom. From the first meeting he became friends with Paul Hover, he learns from that about the mysterious “beast”, transported by a squatter family. Such mystery alarms the trapper, but before meeting with Major Duncan Uncas Middleton, there was nothing to worry about, but after… After learning from the major about his missing wife immediately after the wedding, the old man quickly realized what was happening, he realized who Ishmael Bush carries special precautions in a separate van. And of course he was eager to help Middleton, especially since it turned out that Duncan was named after the grandfather, and Uncas, in honor of the Mohican, the Swift Deer. Memories of those unforgettable days moved the old man to tears. And besides, two of the descendants of Alice, rescued by him, have the name Nathaniel. And this is already in his honor. A good cause has brought good results – evil now seems particularly mean. Nathaniel Bampo – so unexpectedly here in the wilderness to the trapper returned the name – with all his strength helps the release of the captive. (Paul Hover was able to learn from his lover Ellen that Ishmael Bush and Ebremam were not hiding anyone but Inie, the wife of Middleton, stolen by them.) And while the squatter family is looking for the missing Eis, Paul Hover, the major and trapper free the prisoner. However, the force on the side of Ishmael Bush, and the liberators, alas, have to flee. Ellen, hesitating a little between a kindred duty and a feeling, joins the fugitives. A good cause has brought good results – evil now seems particularly mean. Nathaniel Bampo – so unexpectedly here in the wilderness to the trapper returned the name – with all his strength helps the release of the captive. (Paul Hover was able to learn from his lover Ellen that Ishmael Bush and Ebremam were not hiding anyone but Inie, the wife of Middleton, stolen by them.) And while the squatter family is looking for the missing Eis, Paul Hover, the major and trapper free the prisoner. However, the force on the side of Ishmael Bush, and the liberators, alas, have to flee. Ellen, hesitating a little between a kindred duty and a feeling, joins the fugitives. A good cause has brought good results – evil now seems particularly mean. Nathaniel Bampo – so unexpectedly here in the wilderness to the trapper returned the name – with all his strength helps the release of the captive. (Paul Hover was able to learn from his lover Ellen that Ishmael Bush and Ebremam were not hiding anyone but Inie, the wife of Middleton, stolen by them.) And while the squatter family is looking for the missing Eis, Paul Hover, the major and trapper free the prisoner. However, the force on the side of Ishmael Bush, and the liberators, alas, have to flee. Ellen, hesitating a little between a kindred duty and a feeling, joins the fugitives. that Ishmael Bush with Ebrem does not hide anyone, but stolen them by Aeneas, Middleton’s wife.) And while the squatter family is looking for the missing Eiza, Paul Hover, the major and trapper free the prisoner. However, the force on the side of Ishmael Bush, and the liberators, alas, have to flee. Ellen, hesitating a little between a kindred duty and a feeling, joins the fugitives. that Ishmael Bush with Ebrem does not hide anyone, but stolen them by Aeneas, Middleton’s wife.) And while the squatter family is looking for the missing Eiza, Paul Hover, the major and trapper free the prisoner. However, the force on the side of Ishmael Bush, and the liberators, alas, have to flee. Ellen, hesitating a little between a kindred duty and a feeling, joins the fugitives.
After many adventures, experienced together with the noble leader of the Panyni Indians, who became friends with them – with mortal dangers, miraculous deliverances and the like, almost obligatory for adventure novels, coincidence of improbabilities – the liberators, together with freed them, fall into the hands of a squatter. He intends to make a righteous judgment according to the Old Testament principle “an eye for an eye”. True, the presence of the Solid Heart – the leader of the Wolves-Panyni – forces Ishmael to be as objective as possible. And it turns out that everything is not so simple, as it seemed to the squatter. In the case of the Major and Inie, it is not at all clear who should judge whom: rather – Middleton Bush. With Ellen – also confusing: the girl is not his slave and not even his daughter, so, a very distant relative. There remains a suspect in the murder of Eiza Nathaniel Bampo. But the trapper, tracking down the stolen Aeneas, I saw firsthand what really happened. It turns out that Ishmael’s son had a strong quarrel with his uncle; and Ebirim, thinking that they were alone, a talented shot in the back struck a wayward young man. The scoundrel, caught unawares, does not know how to justify himself, and begs for mercy. Ishmael Bush secures himself with his wife. Esther listlessly tried to intercede for her brother, but her husband reminded her that when they thought the killer was an old trapper, then there was no hesitation – life for life. Death of a son requires vengeance! Having freed the captives and hanged the killer, the squatter family – the beaten horses from the defeated Sioux tribe – leaves home. a traitorous shot in the back struck a wayward young man. The scoundrel, caught unawares, does not know how to justify himself, and begs for mercy. Ishmael Bush secures himself with his wife. Esther listlessly tried to intercede for her brother, but her husband reminded her that when they thought the killer was an old trapper, then there was no hesitation – life for life. Death of a son requires vengeance! Having freed the captives and hanged the killer, the squatter family – the beaten horses from the defeated Sioux tribe – leaves home. a traitorous shot in the back struck a wayward young man. The scoundrel, caught unawares, does not know how to justify himself, and begs for mercy. Ishmael Bush secures himself with his wife. Esther listlessly tried to intercede for her brother, but her husband reminded her that when they thought the killer was an old trapper, then there was no hesitation – life for life. Death of a son requires vengeance! Having freed the captives and hanged the killer, the squatter family – the beaten horses from the defeated Sioux tribe – leaves home. Death of a son requires vengeance! Having freed the captives and hanged the killer, the squatter family – the beaten horses from the defeated Sioux tribe – leaves home. Death of a son requires vengeance! Having freed the captives and hanged the killer, the squatter family – the beaten horses from the defeated Sioux tribe – leaves home.
Recently – hiding and persecuted fugitives, then – prisoners of the Sioux and, finally, – defendants of Ishmael Bush, friends finally become the honored guests of the magnanimous leader Wolf Wolves, the Hard Heart. But for a short time – Major Uncas Middleton with his wife finally found and bortnik Paul Hover with the “scratched” bride in a hurry to return to the familiar world: to relatives and friends, to the service, duties, joys and cares of “ordinary Americans.” Nathaniel Bampo, to the surprise of young people, remains among the Indians. At sunset – and the trapper at this time more than eighty-seven years – he does not want “quiet old age.” To God, there is one road from everywhere. There is nothing to do – the major with Ine and the sailor with Ellen have to come back without Nathaniel.
Next fall, Duncan Middleton and Paul Hover with a small detachment of American soldiers visit the village of Wolves-Panyni. They advance the messenger in advance, but – against all expectations – no one meets them. This worries the major, and in suspense, with the soldiers who are being prepared for defense, the detachment approaches the dwelling of the Solid Heart. The leader is separated from a large group of Indians and quietly welcomes the guests. It turns out that Nathaniel Bampo at death – alertness gives way to sadness. The old trapper sits in an armchair, facing the sunset, next to the effigy of Hector – the dog did not survive the master. He still recognizes the arrivals, talks to them, disposes of the things that remain after him, asks him to bury him as a Christian, suddenly rises to his feet and, raising his head, utters only one word: “Here!”
Summary of Prairie