Almost one hundred and thirty years have passed since the Norman Duke William the Conqueror defeated the Anglo-Saxon armies and captured England at the Battle of Hastings (1066). The English people are going through hard times. King Richard the Lionheart did not return from the last crusade, taken prisoner by the treacherous Duke of Austria. The place of his imprisonment is unknown. Meanwhile, the brother of the king, Prince John, recruits his supporters, intending in the event of Richard’s death to remove the legitimate heir from power and seize the throne. A clever schemer, Prince John sows troubles all over the country, fueling a long-standing feud between the Saxons and the Normans.
Proud Tan Cedric of Rutherwood does not abandon the hope to throw off the Norman yoke and revive the former power of the Saxons, placing at the head of the liberation movement the descendant of the royal family of Atelstan of Conigsburg. However, the stupid and unreasonable Sir Athelstan at many arouses distrust. To give more weight to his figure, Cedric dreams of marrying Athelstan to his pupil, Lady Rowena, the last representative of the genus King Alfred. When, in the way of these plans, Lady Rowena’s affection for Cedric’s son, Wilfred Ivanhoe, unshakably tan, nicknamed for his dedication to the cause of Sachs, expelled his son from the parental home and stripped him of his inheritance.
And now Ivanhoe in the clothes of the pilgrim secretly returns from the crusade home. Not far from his father’s estate, he is overtaken by the commander of the order of the Templars Brian de Boisguillebert, who is heading for the knight tournament in Ashby de la Zouch. Caught on the road by bad weather, he decides to ask Cedric for a night’s lodging. The hospitable house of the noble tan is open to everyone, even for the Jewish Isaac of York, who joins the guests already during the meal. Boisguillebert, also in Palestine, boasts at the table his exploits in the name of the tomb of the Lord.
Pilgrim protects the honor of Richard and his brave warriors and on behalf of Ivanhoe, who once defeated the Templar in a duel, takes the challenge of the arrogant commander to battle. When the guests divorce their rooms, the pilgrim advises Isaac to quietly leave the house of Cedric – he heard Boisguillebert give his servants an order to seize the Jew, only he farther away from the manor. The discerning Isaac, who saw the spur of a young man under the stranger’s attire, gives him a thank-you note to a relative, a merchant, in which he asks to lend a pilgrim armor and a warhorse.
The tournament at Ashby, which gathered all the color of the English chivalry, and even in the presence of Prince John himself, attracted everyone’s attention. Knights-organizers, including the arrogant Brian de Boisguillebert, confidently gain one victory after another. But when it seemed that no one else would dare to speak out against the instigators and the outcome of the tournament was decided, a new fighter with the motto “Deprived of Legacy” appears on the shield, which fearlessly calls on the death knight of the Templar himself.
Several times the opponents converge, and their spears scatter fragments to the very hilt. All the sympathies of the spectators are on the side of the brave stranger – and he is lucky: Boisguillebert falls from the horse, and the fight is recognized as finished. Then the Knight Deprived of Legacy fights in turns with all the instigators and decisively takes over them. As a winner he must choose the queen of love and beauty, and, gracefully bending his spear, the stranger puts a crown to the feet of the beautiful Roven.
The next day a general tournament is held: the batch of the Knight of the Ingenious Legacy fights against the party of Briand de Boisguillebert. The Templar is supported by almost all the instigators. They push the young stranger, and if it were not for the help of the mysterious Black Knight, he would not have been able to become the hero of the day for the second time. The queen of love and beauty should place an honorary crown on the winner’s head. But when the marshals remove the helmet from the stranger, she sees before her pale death Ivanhoe, who falls at her feet, bleeding from the wounds.
In the meantime, Prince John receives a note with the messenger: “Be careful – the devil is deflated.” This means that his brother Richard was given freedom. The prince is in a panic, in a panic and his supporters. To win their loyalty, John promises them rewards and honors. Norman knight Maurice de Brasi, for example, he offers to the wife of Lady Rowena – the bride is rich, beautiful and noble. De Brasi is delighted and decides to attack Cedric’s detachment on the road from Ashby home and kidnap the beautiful Rowena.
Proud son, but still unwilling to forgive him, Cedric Sachs with a heavy heart goes on the way back. The news that the wounded Ivanhoe was carried away by a stretcher of some kind of rich lady, only inflames a feeling of indignation in him. On the way to the cavalcade of Cedric and Atelston of Coningsburg, Isaac from York joins with his daughter Rebekah. They were also at the tournament and are now asked to take them under protection – not so much for themselves, as for the sick friend they accompany. But it is worthwhile for the travelers to go deep into the forest, as they are attacked by a large band of robbers and all of them are taken prisoner.
Cedric and his companions are taken to the fortified castle of Front de Befa. The leaders of the “robbers” are Boisguillebert and de Braci, as Cedric surmises when he sees the battlements of the castle. “If Cedric Sachs can not save England, he is ready to die for it,” he challenges his invaders.
De Brasi is meanwhile to the Lady Rowena and, in all confessing to her, is trying to win her favor. However, the proud beauty is adamant, and only after learning that Wilfred Ivanhoe was also in the castle (namely, he was in a stretcher of Isaac), he prayed the knight to save him from death.
But no matter how hard the Lady Rowena, Rebekah is much more in danger. Captivated by the mind and beauty of the daughter of Zion, Briand de Boisguillebert’s passion has inflamed her, and now he persuades the girl to flee with him. Rebekah is ready to prefer death to shame, but her full indignation fearless rebuke only gives rise to the templar confidence that he met the woman of his destiny, his soul related to him.
Meanwhile, detachments of free yomens are being drawn around the castle, given by Cedric’s servants who have escaped from captivity. The siege is led once already by Ivanhoe to the aid of the Black Knight. Under the blows of his huge axes, the castle’s gates crack and break, and the stones and logs flying over his head from the walls, torment him no more than raindrops. Clawed in the turmoil of the battle in the room of Ivanhoe Rebekah tells the young man, who is bedridden, what is happening around him. Corrupting herself for her tender feelings for a non-believer, she can not leave him at such a dangerous moment. And the liberators win from the besieged a span by a span.
The Black Knight fatally wounded the Front de Befa, captures de Bracy. And what’s strange – the proud Norman after several words told him implicitly resigned to his fate. Suddenly the castle embraced the flames. The Black Knight barely has time to pull Ivanhoe into free air. Boisguillebert suffers desperately resisting Rebekah and, having put her on the horse of one of the slaves, tries to escape from the trap. “However, in pursuit of him rushes Athelstan, who decided that the Templar kidnapped Lady Rowena. The sharp sword of the Templar with all its force falls on the head of the ill-fated Saxon, and he falls dead to the ground.
After leaving the dilapidated castle and thanking the free riflemen for help, Cedric, accompanied by a stretcher with the body of Atelston of Conigsburg, goes to his estate, where he will be given the last honors. The Black Knight also leaves his faithful assistants – his wanderings are not over yet. The leader of the shooters, Luxley, gives him a farewell hunter’s horn and asks him to blow it in case of danger. Released at the will of de Brasi at full gallop gallops to Prince John to inform him of the terrible news – Richard in England. The cowardly and sneaky prince sends his chief accomplice, Voldemar Fitz-Urs, to capture, or even better, kill Richard.
Boisguillebert takes refuge with Rebekah in the monastery of the Knights Templstow Temple. Arrived at the monastery with a check grandmaster Bomanoir finds many shortcomings, first of all he is angered by the promiscuity of the Templars. When he learns that a captive Jewess is concealed in the walls of the preceptory, consisting, in all likelihood, in a love affair with one of the brothers of the order, he decides to arrange a trial for the girl and accuse her of witchcraft – for what, not witchcraft, over the commander? Austere ascetic Bomanoir believes that the execution of a Jewess will serve as a purification sacrifice for the sins of the Knights of the Temple. In a brilliant speech, which even sympathized with her opponents, Rebekah rejects all accusations of Bomanoir and demands the appointment of a duel: let the one who is called to protect her with the sword prove her rightness.
Meanwhile, the Black Knight, making his way to the one forest only for him, encounters an ambush. Fitz-Urs carried out his vile schemes, and the King of England could fall from a treacherous hand, had it not been for the sound of the horns of the free arrows led by Loxley. The knight finally reveals his incognito: he is Richard Plantagenet, the legitimate king of England. Does not remain in debt and Locksley: he is Robin Hood from the Sherwood Forest. Here the company is overtaken by Wilfred Ivanhoe, traveling from St. Bartholomew’s abbey, where he recovered from his wounds, to the Coningsburg castle. Forced to wait for his supporters to gather enough strength, Richard leaves with him. In the castle, he persuades Cedric to forgive his rebellious son and give him to his wife Lady Rowena. To his request also joins the resurrected, or rather, never dying, but only the stunned Sir Athelstan.
However, at the height of the conversation, Ivanhoe suddenly disappears – he was urgently summoned by a Jew, the servants report. In the Templeston monastery, everything is ready for a fight. There is not only a knight willing to fight with Boisguilbert for the honor of Rebekah. If the patron does not appear before sunset, Rebekah will be burned. And then a rider appears on the field, his horse almost falls from fatigue, and he barely keeps in the saddle. This is Wilfred Ivanhoe, and Rebekah trembles with excitement for him. Opponents converge – and Wilfred falls, unable to withstand the sharp blow of the Templar. However, from the fleeting touch of the spear of Ivanhoe, Boisguillebert also falls, and he no longer rises. God’s judgment is fulfilled! The grandmaster declares Rebekah free and innocent.
After taking his place on the throne, Richard forgives his dissolute brother. Cedric finally gives his consent to the wedding of Lady Rowena with her son, and Rebekah and her father leave England forever. “Ivanhoe lived happily with Rowena for a long time and they loved each other even more because they had experienced so many obstacles to their connection, but it would be risky to ask too much in detail whether Rebekah’s memory of the beauty and magnanimity of Rebekah occurred to him much more often than could like the beautiful heiress of Alfred. “
Summary of Ivanhoe Scott