Summary of “How to put matters in order”

This book is aimed at making a person more organized, teaching him to correctly manage his time, effectively setting goals and objectives, the ability to prioritize, not to overwork from excessive workload.

This book is aimed at making a person more organized, teaching him to correctly manage his time, effectively setting goals and objectives, the ability to prioritize, not to overwork from excessive workload, to relax and think clearly, and also to make sure that for the minimum amount time to do the maximum number of cases. The book is supplied with a set of examples, advice and recommendations.


This book consists of three parts and thirteen chapters. At the very beginning there is an introduction and a few words for acquaintance. The first part is devoted to the problem of lack of resources and the impact of work on human life, well-established, but already irrelevant habits, productive status, basic requirements for problem solving, management of activities, planning and compilation of lists. Information is also given about the creative approach to solving any problems, different models of their solutions and many other interesting things. The second part of the book is more practical. It talks about where to start effective planning of the required result, what are the features of this process, what tools can be needed for this, how information is processed and the material is sorted. We consider such issues as choosing the best strategy for action, monitoring projects, thinking features, etc. And in the third part we talk about the key principles of successful and productive activity: the habit of collecting material, defining an action plan, the ability to focus on results and the features of managing results. The book ends with a conclusion and a list of useful Russian-language resources on the topic of time management.



