1950’s. France. The main heroine Cecil was born in a well-to-do bourgeois family, for several years she was in a Catholic boarding house where she received a secondary education. Her mother died, and she lives in Paris with her father, Reimon. The father, a forty-year-old widower, easily flits through life, not hiding from his daughter his connections with constantly changing mistresses. But there is no need to hide from Cecile: the girl does not shock at all, but, on the contrary, brings to her own life the fragrance of pleasant sensual sensations.
In the summer Cecile turns seventeen years old, and the father and daughter and their next young and frivolous mistress Elsa go to the Cote d’Azur to rest. But Ramone also invites the girlfriend of her late mother Cecil, a certain Anna Larsen, his peer, a beautiful, intelligent, elegant woman who promises to come later.
On the day of Anna’s arrival, there is a small misunderstanding: Ramone and Elsa go to meet her at the station, but after waiting there for a while and not seeing anyone, they return home, where Anna is already waiting for them. It turned out that she did not come by train, but by her own car. Anna is located in one of the rooms of the house, and the resort life, now four, continues.
Cecily gets to know the beach with a beautiful student from the suburbs named Cyril and begins to meet with him. They bathe together, sunbathe, ride a sailboat. Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the house is gradually changing. Between Anna and Elsa begins silent competition. The hot Mediterranean sun does not have the best effect on the appearance of Elsa: her skin turns red, flakes, Anna, on the contrary, looks delicious: she tanned, became even more beautiful, even slimmer. Elsa keeps all the nonsense and finally bothers Reymon. Anna, with her mind and upbringing, could easily put Elsa in her place, but she does not do it, but quietly listens to her stupid speeches, does not react to them in any way, and this alone causes Ramona to feel grateful. In general, Father Cecil increasingly looks at Anna more and more frankly.
One evening they all go to entertain themselves at the casino. On this day, and there is a final gap between Reymon and Elsa. Ramone leaves with Anna home, leaving her daughter and Elsa to have fun at the casino. The next day, Father and Anna inform Cecil that they decided to get married. Cecile is astounded: her father, constantly changing lovers, accustomed to live cheerfully and noisily, suddenly decides to marry a calm, intelligent and balanced woman. She starts to think about it, tries to imagine how her life and father’s life will develop if he marries Anna. Cecile treats Anna very well, but she does not fit into her head, as Anna suddenly becomes a member of their family. Then in Paris they will have to change the whole way of their life, they will have to give up the pleasures that have become necessary for her and the father.
But while the sun, the sea, the feelings of summer happiness are greater than anxiety and anxiety. She continues to meet with Cyril. Young people spend quite a lot of time together, and they have a feeling more profound than just friendship. Cecile is ready for physical intimacy with a young man, she is quite happy with the moment. One day Anna notices them together when they are lying half-naked on the ground, and she tells Cyril that he does not come to Cecil any more, and places the girl behind textbooks, because she needs to prepare for the bachelor’s exam in philosophy, which she once failed and must surrender it again in the fall. Cecil is indignant at Anna’s behavior, she has bad thoughts in her head, she scolds herself for them, but she can not get rid of them, although she understands,
One day, Cecile meets Elsa, who returns to the house to pick up her things. Cecile convinces her that it is necessary to save her father from Anna, that in fact, Ramone loves only Elsa, that it is the fault of the experienced and cunning Anna who has set a goal to marry her father and now holds it in her hands. Cecile arranges that Elsa settles for a while with Cyril, then she tells them her plan for “saving” her father. It consists in the fact that Elsa and Cyril must pretend to be lovers and often appear in front of Reimon. Cecile hopes that he will become irritated by the fact that Elsa so quickly consoled with another, there will be a desire to prove to himself that it is he who threw Elsa and that at any moment he can get it back. The daughter hopes that the father, wanting to prove to himself,
This plan is quite possible. Everything goes like notes. Elsa and Cyril play their roles well, the blows hit the target. Reymond reacts as Cecile supposed. The daughter is happy that her plan is being implemented. But in her heart she realizes that she is not right, that it is impossible to do this with Anna. After all, Anna loves her father, and most importantly, and the father loved her and sincerely ready to change her way of life for her. But Cecil can not change anything, and does not want to. She is interested to know how well she understands people, whether she is able to identify their weaknesses and predict their actions, in general, how successful she is in the role of director. Meanwhile, Cecil can no longer tell Elsa and Cyril that she deceived them, that Ramone really fell out of love with Elsa. Cecil decides not to participate in this game anymore, but also does not intend to disclose or explain anything to adults. She learns from Elsa that she is going on a date with her father, but now this news is no longer pleasing. A little later, Cecile sees Anna, who desperately runs to the garage. Anna is determined to leave at once, since, having found Ramone with Elsa, she understands everything and takes an instant and firm decision. Cecile rushes after her, asks Anna not to leave, but she does not want to hear anything.
In the evening, Ramone and her daughter are having their supper alone. Both feel that it is necessary to return Anna. They write her a letter full of sincere apologies, love and remorse. At this time, the phone rings. They are informed that Anna crashed on the road to Estril: the car fell from a height of fifty meters. Killed by grief, they go to the crash site. On the way, Cecile deeply thanks Anna that she made them a magnificent gift – she gave the chance to believe in an accident, not suicide. The next day, when Cecil and his father return, they see Cyril and Elsa together. At this point, Cecil realizes that, in fact, she never loved Cyril. After the funeral, Anna Cecile and her father live for a whole month, like a widower and an orphan, having lunch and dinner together, they do not go anywhere. Gradually they get used to the idea that, that Anna really had an accident. And the old life begins, easy, full of pleasures and entertainments. When Cecil meets his father, they laugh, telling each other about their love triumphs. They think they are happy again. But sometimes at dawn, when the young Cecil is still in bed and only the noise of cars is heard in the streets of Paris, she remembers the past summer, and she again feels a feeling pursuing her with “insinuating anguish.” This feeling of sadness. she remembers memories of the past summer, and she again feels a feeling, pursuing her “insinuating anguish.” This feeling of sadness. she remembers memories of the past summer, and she again feels a feeling, pursuing her “insinuating anguish.” This feeling of sadness.
Summary of “Hello sadness” Sagan