Summary History of the Sewarambs

Denis Veras
History of Sevarambs
In the preface to the History of Sevarambs, the author notes that this book is not the fruit of a rich fantasy, but the true notes of Captain Silenus. This is confirmed not only by the doctor’s testimony, to which the captain, when he died, gave the main work of his life, but also the stories of those who somehow were connected with a mysterious ship called the “Golden Dragon” …
In 1655 Captain Siden went to the “Golden Dragon” in East India, finally being able to realize his old dream of traveling. At first, the weather favors swimming, but halfway to Batavia, a terrible storm hits the ship. Only thanks to the skill of the team “Golden Dragon” escaped the imminent death. However, it is not possible to reach India: the strongest wind carries the ship to an unknown continent, off the coast of which the ship is stranded.
People on the ship manage to get out on land. And although the hope that sooner or later it will be possible to reach the inhabited lands, is small (the “Golden Dragon” was seriously damaged), no one despairs. There is enough food, fresh water, and the climate seems unusually good.
The need to live in completely new conditions makes the shipwrecked shipwreckers first and foremost choose a special military form of government. The general is elected Siden, who has already managed to show his crab ability and ability to lead. Under the captain’s command there are about three hundred men and seventy women.
Gradually, the life of a small village, called Sidenberg, begins to rebuild. People build dwellings, procure supplies, the game is abundant in the forests, and in the rivers there is fish. But the sudden disappearance of a reconnaissance boat under the command of Maurice, one of the most experienced sailors, violates the established calm.
After a while, the missing unit returns, but accompanied by two strange ships. Scared residents of Sidenberg begin to prepare for defense. Their fear, however, turns out to be in vain: the ships arrived with a peace offer on behalf of the governor of the city of Sporumb. As explained by Maurice, the lands to the southeast of Sydenberg are inhabited by people not inferior in development to the inhabitants of Europe. Maurice’s detachment was very well received by them, and soon, according to local customs, strangers had to present to the ruler of Sevaramba, the country to which Sporumb is subordinate. Then Maurice talked about the existence of Sidenberg, and the governor sent his messenger with him, so that he invited other Siden people to take advantage of their hospitality.
Sporumb strikes Siden’s imagination: beautiful streets, large square buildings, beautifully cultivated fields, and most importantly – a high level of culture of the local population. Many sporui (the inhabitants of Sporumba) know European languages, which allows the captain and his people to communicate freely with them. Although Siden is treated with great respect, he and all the rest have to follow local customs. This, however, does not cause a protest, because the laws of Sporumba seem to them just. Thus, a misunderstanding is settled that arose due to the fact that many women from Sidenberg had several husbands: sporui, very scrupulous in matters of virtue, suggested that men choose their wives (polygamy was not blamed at all) from the number of women in Sporumba
Almost immediately after the arrival, Captain Siden enters the temple of the Sun, which is worshiped by local residents, to celebrate one of the country’s greatest festivities – the day when many young men and women enter into legal marriage to be together all their lives. During the holiday, the captain notices that most of the citizens, including the governor himself, have this or that physical defect. It turns out that Sporumb sent all the inferior people from other cities.
The governor, who took Siden very well, announces that all strangers must appear before the ruler of Sevaramba, for which it is necessary to leave immediately. The next day, the captain and his men go on a journey along the river. In the first city, where they stay for a rest, they have an amazing sight: public punishment of adulterers – criminals who violated the laws of decency and chastity, which are considered the basis of society’s life.
Gradually, more and more miracles of this country open before the eyes of Captain Siden. So, in one of the cities he is invited to take part in the hunting of strange animals and in fishing, which serves a lot of entertainment for the inhabitants.
Soon the river way ends, and travelers fall into a narrow valley, lying between high cliffs. Sermodas, the conductor, notices that the capital is a real earthly paradise, but the way there is through hell. And when the road passes into a narrow tunnel carved into the rock, women panic: they decide that they really have fallen into the underworld. With difficulty they manage to calm them down, and Sermodas, saddened by the fact that his joke was so taken, says that first he will hold only ten people. The error of the women nevertheless allowed Siden to stay with the governor of Sevaragoundo, the “gate of Sevaramba.”
The ascent to heaven followed shortly after the descent to hell: after crossing the mountain, Captain Siden and his men were very close to the capital. Here, Sermodas shows them the regular Sevaramba army. The troops, consisting not only of men, but also of women, are armed with the most modern weapons. As Sermodas explains, many residents of the country have been to Europe and Asia, borrowing all the useful innovations and carefully guarding the secret of their homeland, so that the vices of the inhabitants of other continents do not penetrate them.
Sevarind is the best city in the country. Its streets are unusually beautiful, the square houses – osmases – are richly decorated, and the temple of the Sun seems to Siden the most beautiful building in the world. The Vice-King accepts the travelers as welcome guests, and, having provided them with everything necessary to find a new place, asks only one thing: unconditionally obey the laws of the country. Life in Sevaramba proceeds easily and calmly: the necessary work for the benefit of society does not burden Siden, and he begins to study the language and history of the cymbals, beginning with their first ruler, Sevarias.
The Persian Sevarias was a descendant of Parsi, worshiping the Sun and fire. Having received a wonderful upbringing, he showed himself to be a wise and fair man at a very young age. The persecution of the enemies forced Sevarias to leave his homeland, and after many misadventures he, along with the other Parsi, got on an unknown continent. Its inhabitants, prestarambs, like Parsi, revered the Sun as a god. Upon learning of this, Sevarias announced that he had been sent by the great luminary to punish their enemies, which earned him extraordinary respect. Enemies, strukaramby, were defeated, and Sevarias elected the leader of all prestambes. The rest of the nations, including the hulls, hastened to obey the “envoy of the sun.”
Having gained power over most of the inhabited lands of the continent, Sevarias began to study the customs of the local residents who lived with their community families, jointly owning all property. In addition, Sevarias built the temple of the Sun, where he was soon declared the vice-king of the country, for, according to him, only the luminary – the only ruler of the earth, and he, Sevarias, – only his deputy. Everyone was convinced that he really was the chosen one of God, and therefore he was greatly esteemed and obeyed in everything.
Later, Sevarias (the ending of “ace” strukaramba added to the names of persons of high rank) showed himself to be a just and wise ruler of the country, named in his honor by Sevarambom. Sevarias decided to preserve the absence of private property and the class division of society. In addition, he introduced the duty to work, destroying idleness, a source of many vices. Thus, the causes of strife, wars and other ills that have overshadowed people’s lives were eliminated.
Almost forty years reigned Sevarias, and then transferred his power to another chosen by lot: in the transfer of power by inheritance, the wise ruler saw evil for society. Since then, all the vice-kings of Sevaramba have done everything in order to increase the welfare of the state, and the people unquestioningly submitted to them, elected by the Providence itself.
The laws on which the Sevarambs lived and live permit them to be content with all possible blessings. Everyone, without private property, owns, nevertheless, all the riches of the country. All that they need, the crockery is received from state stores, and it never enters into their heads to cash in on the dishonest way. Since all the people are divided only into private and public persons, everyone can reach the supreme power by good and reasonable deeds.
The population is engaged mainly in construction and agriculture, but those who have the ability to do arts, are provided with all the opportunities to take their favorite business from childhood. From the age of seven, Sevarambov began to educate the state. Children are taught a desire to work, reverence for their elders, obedience, virtue. After reaching a certain age, the cemeteries enter into a legal marriage, considering it their duty to raise “several children to their homeland” and conduct life virtuously and with benefit to society.
The description of the manners of the Sevarambs ends with the notes of Captain Siden, who lived sixteen years in this amazing country, whose laws and customs can, according to the author, serve as a worthy role model.

Summary History of the Sewarambs