M. Maeterlinck
Christmas Eve. The woodcutter’s children, Tiltil and Mytil, sleep in their beds. Suddenly they wake up. Attracted by the sound of music, the children run up to the window and look at the Christmas festival in a rich house opposite. There is a knock at the door. There is an old woman in a green dress and a red cap. She has a humpback, a chrome, a one-eyed, a nose crochet, walks with a wand. This is the Fairy of Berilyun. She tells the children to go in search of the Blue Bird, It annoys her that children do not distinguish between the obvious things. “You have to be brave to see the hidden,” says Berilyun and gives Tiltil a green cap with a diamond, turning that person can see the “soul of things.” As soon as Tiltil puts on a hat and turns a diamond, everything around him is wonderfully transformed: the old witch turns into a fairy princess, the poor environment of the hut comes to life. The Souls of Hours appear, the Souls of the Caravans, Fire appears as a fast-moving man in red tights. The Dog and the Cat also acquire a human face, but remain in the masks of a bulldog and a cat. The dog, having the opportunity to put his feelings in words, with enthusiastic cries of “My little deity!” jumps around Tiltil. The cat stretches Mitil’s hand, coyly and distrustfully. From the tap begins to beat the sparkling fountain of water, and from its streams appears a girl with her hair loose, in flowing clothes. She immediately comes into conflict with the Fire. It’s the Soul of Water. A jug falls from the table, and a white figure rises out of the spilled milk. This is a shy and shy Soul of Milk. From the sugar head, tearing the blue wrapper, comes out a sugary fake creature in blue with white clothes. This is the Soul of Sahara. The flame of a fallen lamp instantly turns into a radiant girl of incomparable beauty under a sparkling transparent veil. This is the Soul of Light. There is a strong knock at the door. Tiltyl turns the diamond too fast, the walls of the hut fade, The fairy again becomes an old woman, and Fire, Bread, Water, Sugar, Soul of Light, Dog and Cat do not have time to go back to Silence, the fairy tells them to accompany the children in search of the Blue Bird, predicting their death at the end of the journey. All but the Soul of Light and the Dog do not want to go. Nevertheless, promising to find each suitable outfit, the fairy leads them all through the window. And those who looked at the door Mother Til and Father Til see only peacefully sleeping children. Tiltyl turns the diamond too fast, the walls of the hut fade, The fairy again becomes an old woman, and Fire, Bread, Water, Sugar, Soul of Light, Dog and Cat do not have time to go back to Silence, the fairy tells them to accompany the children in search of the Blue Bird, predicting their death at the end of the journey. All but the Soul of Light and the Dog do not want to go. Nevertheless, promising to find each suitable outfit, the fairy leads them all through the window. And those who looked at the door Mother Til and Father Til see only peacefully sleeping children. Tiltyl turns the diamond too fast, the walls of the hut fade, The fairy again becomes an old woman, and Fire, Bread, Water, Sugar, Soul of Light, Dog and Cat do not have time to go back to Silence, the fairy tells them to accompany the children in search of the Blue Bird, predicting their death at the end of the journey. All but the Soul of Light and the Dog do not want to go. Nevertheless, promising to find each suitable outfit, the fairy leads them all through the window. And those who looked at the door Mother Til and Father Til see only peacefully sleeping children. promising to pick up each suitable outfit, the fairy leads them all through the window. And those who looked at the door Mother Til and Father Til see only peacefully sleeping children. promising to pick up each suitable outfit, the fairy leads them all through the window. And those who looked at the door Mother Til and Father Til see only peacefully sleeping children.
In the palace of the Fairy Berilyuny, disguised in luxurious fairy costumes, the souls of animals and objects try to plot against children. The cat heads them. She reminds everyone that before, “to the person”, whom she calls a “despot”, everyone was free, and expresses the fear that, having taken possession of the Bluebird, a person will comprehend the Soul of Things, Animals and Elements and finally enslave them. The dog angrily protests. When the Fairies, children and the Soul of Light appear, everything fades. The cat hypocritically complains about the Dog, and that gets from Tiltil. Before the long journey to feed the children, Bread cuts two slices from its belly, and Sugar breaks off his fingers for them (which immediately grow back, so Sahara always has clean hands). First of all, Tiltil and Mitil are to visit the Land of Remembrance, where they must go alone, Unaccompanied. There Tiltil and Mityl are staying with the late grandfathers and grandmothers, in the same place they see their dead brothers and sisters. It turns out that the deceased are as if immersed in a dream, and when the loved ones remember them, they wake up. After hanging out with the younger children, having dinner with the whole family, Tiltil and Mitil hurry to leave, so as not to be late for a meeting with the Soul of Light. At the request of the children, grandfather and grandmother give them a thrush, which seemed completely blue to them. But when Tiltil and Mityl leave the Land of Recollections, the bird becomes black. so as not to be late for a meeting with the Soul of Light. At the request of the children, grandfather and grandmother give them a thrush, which seemed completely blue to them. But when Tiltil and Mityl leave the Land of Recollections, the bird becomes black. so as not to be late for a meeting with the Soul of Light. At the request of the children, grandfather and grandmother give them a thrush, which seemed completely blue to them. But when Tiltil and Mityl leave the Land of Recollections, the bird becomes black.
In the palace of the Night the Cat is the first to warn the mistress about the imminent danger – the arrival of Tiltil and Mitil. Night can not forbid a person to open the gates of her secrets. A cat and a Night can only hope that a person does not catch a real Blue Bird, one that does not fear daylight. There are children accompanied by Dog, Bread and Sahara. Night tries to deceive first, then to intimidate Tiltily and not give him the key that opens all the doors in her palace. But Tiltil alternately opens the door. Because of one slip some intrepid Ghosts, because of another, where there are diseases, time to run out Runny nose, because of the third almost bursting into freedom of war. Then Tiltil opens the door, behind which the Night keeps the superfluous Stars, his favorite Fragrances, Wandering Fires, Fireflies, Rosa, Nightingale Singing. The next, large middle door, Night does not advise unlocking, warning that behind it lie visions so formidable that they do not even have a name. Satellites Tiltil – all except the Dog – in fear are hiding. Tiltil and the Dog, struggling with their own fear, open the door, beyond which there is a marvelous beauty garden – the garden of dreams and night light, where among the stars and planets, the magical blue birds flutter up tirelessly. Tiltil calls his companions, and, catching each of several blue birds, they come out of the garden. But soon caught birds die – the children could not find that only Blue Bird that endures the light of the day. behind which is a marvelous beauty garden – a garden of dreams and night light, where among the stars and planets, the magical blue birds fluttered tirelessly. Tiltil calls his companions, and, catching each of several blue birds, they come out of the garden. But soon caught birds die – the children could not find that only Blue Bird that endures the light of the day. behind which is a marvelous beauty garden – a garden of dreams and night light, where among the stars and planets, the magical blue birds fluttered tirelessly. Tiltil calls his companions, and, catching each of several blue birds, they come out of the garden. But soon caught birds die – the children could not find that only Blue Bird that endures the light of the day.
Forest. The Cat enters, greets the trees, talks to them. It sets them on children. Trees have something to not like the son of a woodcutter. And now Tiltil is defeated on the ground, and the Dog barely freed himself from the Ivy’s fetters, he tries to protect the master. Both of them are just a hair’s breadth from destruction, and only the intervention of the Soul of Light, which tells Tiltil to turn the diamond on the cap, to sink the trees into darkness and silence, saves them. The cat manages to hide its involvement in the riot.
Children are looking for the Blue Bird in the cemetery. At midnight, Tiltil rotates with fear, the graves open, and from them appear whole sheaves of ghostly, magically beautiful white flowers. Birds sing ecstatic hymns to the Sun and Life. “Where are the dead? .. – There are no dead…” – exchange Tiltil and Mitil.
In search of the Bluebird, children with their escort find themselves in the gardens of Beatitudes. Fat Bliss almost pulls Tiltil and his companions into their orgies, but the boy turns the diamond, and it becomes clear how Mournful Beads are pathetic and ugly. Home Beatitudes appear, which is striking that Tiltil does not suspect of their existence. It is the Bliss to Be Healthy, the Bliss to Love Parents, The Bliss of the Blue Sky, The Bliss of Sunny Days, The Bliss To See The Igniting Stars. They send the fastest Bliss Running On The Rose With Barefoot to notify the children of the Great Joy, and soon there are tall beautiful angel-like creatures in glittering robes, Among them the Great Joy to Be Just, Joy to Be Good, Joy to Understand and the purest Joy of Maternal Love. It seems to children like their mother, only much more beautiful… Maternal Love claims that it is the same at home, but you can not see anything with your eyes closed. Having learned that the Soul of Light has brought the children, the Mother Love calls other Great Joys, and they greet the Soul of Light as their mistress. Great Joys ask the Soul of Light to throw back the veil, which still hides the unknowable Truths and Beatitudes. But the Soul of Light, executing the order of his Lord, only wraps himself more tightly in the veil, saying that the hour has not yet come, and promising to come sometime openly and boldly. Embraced in parting, she parted with the Great Joy. and they greet the Soul of Light as their mistress. Great Joys ask the Soul of Light to throw back the veil, which still hides the unknowable Truths and Beatitudes. But the Soul of Light, executing the order of his Lord, only wraps himself more tightly in the veil, saying that the hour has not yet come, and promising to come sometime openly and boldly. Embraced in parting, she parted with the Great Joy. and they greet the Soul of Light as their mistress. Great Joys ask the Soul of Light to throw back the veil, which still hides the unknowable Truths and Beatitudes. But the Soul of Light, executing the order of his Lord, only wraps himself more tightly in the veil, saying that the hour has not yet come, and promising to come sometime openly and boldly. Embraced in parting, she parted with the Great Joy.
Tiltil and Mytil, accompanied by the Soul of Light, find themselves in the Azure Palace of the Kingdom of the Future. The Azure Children run to them. These are the children who will one day be born on earth. But you can not come to Earth empty-handed, and each of the children is going to bring there some of their invention: The Happiness Machine, thirty-three ways of prolonging life, two crimes flying through the air car without wings. One of the babies is an amazing gardener, growing unusual daisies and a huge grapes, the other is the King of the Nine Planets, another one is called to destroy on Earth injustice. Two azure kids stand, embracing each other. They are lovers. They can not look at each other and kiss without ceasing and say goodbye, because on Earth they will be separated for centuries. Here, Tiltil and Mitil meet their brother, which should soon be born. It is engaged in Dawn – the hour when children are born. Appears bearded old man Time, with a scythe and hourglass. He takes away those who are about to be born, on a ship. The ship that takes them to Earth, floats and disappears. A distant singing is heard – it’s the Mothers who meet children. Time in amazement and anger notices Tiltilya, Mytil and Soul of Light. They escape from him, turning a diamond. Under the blanket the Soul of Light hides the Blue Bird. They escape from him, turning a diamond. Under the blanket the Soul of Light hides the Blue Bird. They escape from him, turning a diamond. Under the blanket the Soul of Light hides the Blue Bird.
At the fence with a green gate – Tiltil does not immediately recognize his home – the children part with their companions. Bread returns to Tiltil the cage for the Blue Bird, and the remaining one is empty. “The Blue Bird, apparently, either does not exist at all, or changes color as soon as it is put in a cage…” – Soul of Light says. Souls of Objects and Animals say goodbye to their children. Fire almost burns them with wild caresses, Water murmurs farewell speeches, Sugar pronounces false and sugary words. The dog rushes rashly to the children, he is horrified by the thought that he will not be able to speak to his adored master anymore. Children persuade the Soul of Light to stay with them, but it is not in her power. She can only promise them to be with them “in every glancing moonbeam, in each gently staring star, in each engaged in the dawn, in every lit lamp,” in each their pure and clear intention. He beats eight hours. The gate cleansed and immediately slammed behind the children.
The lumberjack’s hut has magically changed – everything here has become newer, more joyful. Gleeful daylight breaks through the cracks of the shutters locked. Tiltil and Mitil sweetly sleep in their beds. Mother Til comes to wake them up. Children begin to talk about what they saw during the trip, and their mothers scare their speech. She sends her father for the doctor. But then Neighbor Berlengo appears, very much like the fairy Berilyunu. Tiltil begins to explain to her that he could not find the Bluebird. The neighbor realizes that the children were dreaming something, perhaps when they were asleep, the moonlight fell on them. She herself talks about her granddaughter – the girl is not well, she does not get up, the doctor says – nerves… Mother persuades Tiltil to give the girl a turtledove, which she dreams about. Tiltil looks at the turtledove, and she seems to him Bluebird. He gives the cage with the bird to the neighbor. Children with new eyes see their home and what is in it – bread, water, fire, cat and dog. There is a knock at the door, and the neighbor Berlengo comes in with a blond, unusually beautiful Girl. The girl presses Titullus’s turtledove to her breast. Tiltil and Mitil the neighbor’s granddaughter seems to be similar to the Soul of Light. Tiltil wants to explain to the girl how to feed a turtledove, but the bird takes advantage of the moment, flies away. The girl is crying desperately, and Tiltil promises to catch the bird. Then he addresses the audience: “We are asking you very much: if any of you finds it, then let it bring us – we need it in order to become happy in the future…” The girl presses Titullus’s turtledove to her breast. Tiltil and Mitil the neighbor’s granddaughter seems to be similar to the Soul of Light. Tiltil wants to explain to the girl how to feed a turtledove, but the bird takes advantage of the moment, flies away. The girl is crying desperately, and Tiltil promises to catch the bird. Then he addresses the audience: “We are asking you very much: if any of you finds it, then let it bring us – we need it in order to become happy in the future…” The girl presses Titullus’s turtledove to her breast. Tiltil and Mitil the neighbor’s granddaughter seems to be similar to the Soul of Light. Tiltil wants to explain to the girl how to feed a turtledove, but the bird takes advantage of the moment, flies away. The girl is crying desperately, and Tiltil promises to catch the bird. Then he addresses the audience: “We are asking you very much: if any of you finds it, then let it bring us – we need it in order to become happy in the future…”
Summary Blue bird