“Signet of Rakshasa” Visakhadatta in brief summary

The illustrious connoisseur of the art of Chanakya’s policy, or Kaugilia, was overthrown in Pataliputra, the capital of Magadha, the last king of the Nand dynasty, and after his assassination, he elevated his disciple Chandragupta Mauryu to the throne. However, the faithful minister of Nanda Rakshasa managed to escape, conclude an alliance with the powerful ruler of the Mountain Country Malayaketu and several other kings and to besiege Pataliputra with an army far superior to the forces of Chandragupta. In these conditions, Chanakya begins to implement a clever plan, whose goal is not only to win over the enemies, but also to attract the Rakshasa, known for his wisdom and honesty, to his side.

Canakya learns that in Pataliputra, in the house of merchant Chandanadasa, the wife and son of Rakshasa are hiding, and orders to arrest Chandanadas. At the same time, the Rakshasa ring, in which Chanakya is sealed by his false letter, falls into his hands. With this letter, among his other supporters, allegedly persecuted and then fleeing to the Raksasa, he sends his servant Siddhartha to the enemy camp. At the same time, Canakya plays a quarrel with Chandragupta, not fulfilling his wishes and orders, and Chandragupta publicly removes him from office, taking over the reign of the kingdom.

When the rumor about this reaches the Raksasa, he advises Malayaket and other kings to immediately attack Chandragupta, who lost his chief minister. But here there are several events, foreseen in advance by Chanakya. The mendicant monk Jivasiddhi, who was sent to him as a scout, deceives Malayatka, claiming that his father Parvataka was killed not by Chanakya, but by Rakshasa, and infects in his soul the first seeds of distrust towards his adviser. And then Siddhartha gives himself to the guard of Malayatka, and he finds a letter in which the Rakshasa offers his services to Chandragupta and promises the help of the five kings-allies of Malayket who allegedly conspired with him. Convinced of the authenticity of the letter, as it is sealed with the signet of the Rakshasa, Malayaketu decides that the Rakshasa wants to run to Chandragupta, hoping to take the place of the disgraced Canakya, expels him from the camp, and orders the kings-traitors to execute. Frightened by this order, other of his associates leave immediately, and Chanakye can easily break up the enemy’s troops left by his commanders, and capture Malayetka himself.

Rakshasa, defeated, nevertheless returns to Pataliputra, to – even at the cost of his own life – save his family and his friend Chandanadas, sentenced to death. Arriving at the place of execution, he gives himself into the hands of executioners instead of Chandanadasa. However, there soon comes Chanakya, stops the execution and reveals to Rakshasa his whole plan of victory over the enemies of Chandragupta, so brilliantly realized by him. Rakshasa is admired by the wisdom and insight of Chanakya, and Chanakya is admired by nobility and faithfulness to the duty of Rakshasa. Rakshasa asks Canakyu to save Malayketu life and return his hereditary possessions. Chakanya willingly agrees, and at his suggestion Rakshasa moves to the service of Chandragupta. Now, when Canakya and Rakshasa unite their efforts, the success and prosperity of the kingdom of Chandragupta and its descendants in Magadha are provided for a long time.

“Signet of Rakshasa” Visakhadatta in brief summary