What is the direction of Byron’s work in the world literature? What are the main themes of Byron’s work?
“Byron’s poetry is a scream of suffering, it’s a complaint, but a proud complaint that gives rather than asks, rather descends than begs,” – wrote about Byron’s poetry VG Belinsky. Like no other, Byron embodied in his work the main thing in romanticism – the discord between the ideal and reality. Hence his main themes – “world sorrow” and flight from the world. “World sorrow” in Byron’s work is a great discontent with the order of things in his contemporary world. In this “world affliction” – a call for justice for all peoples and all people. In European romanticism there was no other poet who would speak so vehemently about the value of a person who opposes the world around him. As Belinsky wrote, “this is the personality of mankind, rebelling against the general, and leaning on itself in a proud uprising.”
What circumstances of life and facts of biography of Byron had a decisive influence on the formation of him as a person? What are the motives and goals of Byron’s first trip and what are his main creative achievements?
After reaching adulthood, Byron became a member of the House of Lords of the English Parliament. But he believed that he did not have the right to take on this role until he had acquired life experience: “If we do not visit any other country than our own, we will act unjustly towards mankind, namely, from personal experience, and not from books, we must create our judgments about it. ” Byron visited Portugal, Spain, Greece, Albania. During his travels he kept a diary. Impressions received from the almost two-year journey, formed the basis of the two chapters of the poem “Pilgrimage Childe Harold.”
How do you understand the title of the work “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” and how does it reveal its content? Who is Childe Harold and why does he “flee from the world”? What are the lyric poems of Byron that you know, where the motifs of loneliness, flight from the world, parting sound. Who was the translator of these poems in Russian?
The most famous poem of the series “Jewish melodies” – “My soul is gloomy…” translated into Russian by M. Yu. Lermontov, translator of the poem “I want to be a free child…” was V. Ya. Bryusov.
What other, besides the “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage,” do you know Byron’s poem? Why is the cycle of his poems called “Oriental”? Who is the “Byronic Hero”? Who of the Russian poets experienced the influence of Byron? In which of his poems did Byron refer to Ukrainian history?
In 1818, Byron wrote a poem “Mazepa”, where an episode was recovered, drawn from the “History of Charles XII” by Voltaire. On one of the halts during the retreat after the Battle of Poltava, Mazepa tells Carla XII about the tragic episode of his youth. The young man Mazepa was a page at the court of the Polish king. The handsome man fell in love with the wife of one of the courtiers and enjoyed reciprocity. For this young man was tied to a wild stallion and released the stallion to freedom. The poem tells about the horror that Mazepa survived, doomed to this lethal jump. The case saved the youth from death.
Questions and answers to creativity of G. G. Byron