In a brief introduction, the author says that this book was written with the aim of shedding light on a very peculiar sphere of life activity in which everything is so dark and vague that every novice pompadour needs explications and interpretations. Well, for example, a boss coming to a new place should know how his and other people’s meetings and seeing-offs are organized, how they treat subordinates, the law, the choice of a pompadour, etc. The author of the book chooses the form of lengthy stories instead of instructions. It is they who most likely will highlight the full range of Pompadour activities.
Chiefs change quite often. This before they sat up in one place, because nothing was required from the boss, except to be called an administrator. Now it is required that he still has some “essence to understand, that he was reliable and well-disposed of nature itself”. Officer, by definition, a man who is certainly devoted, looks at all the bosses equally, because they are all bosses. So, it is necessary to meet the chiefs with a maximum of cordiality, to see off is another matter, requiring a more subtle policy. The celebration of farewell must be of the character of exclusive devotion. “We understood,” the spokesman for toast and speech says, “that the true art of ruling is not in rigor, but in that complacency,
While the new boss liberalizes, creating a new era and consenting to it is set up all the subordinate people, the old administrator listens from the former headphones reports on the new acts of “replacing the irreplaceable” and sits down for memoirs on the first pages of which it is already noted that “the first word, which the experienced administrator has to turn to the crowd with something dissatisfied, is a word obscene. ” Task number two: to achieve administrative unanimity as a counter to the same diversity. Philistine should always be kept in strictness, in all ways acting on his vicious will. “Young, if you think that science is easy, – disagree on this…”
Together with the pompadour disappear from the horizon and pompadours, although their fates sometimes turn out to be quite consoling. Nadezhda Petrovna Blamanche managed to subdue herself and a new pompadour, and the period of her new government was marked by useless cruelties: she sent her out of town, and removed her from office, and separated her close people.
Of course, pompadour biographies are formed in different ways. There are some that are very unexpected. Nobody ever thought that Dmitry Pavlovich Kozelkov, who was called by his peers by someone Mitenka, who Kozlikom, who Kozlenko, one day will begin to govern the province. The appearance of it immediately changes, in the face there is some “glossy obstruction.” Trying to charm the provincial officials, he utters a lot of nonsense, but in time his initially well-received chatter gets boring for everyone, and seeds of doubt lie in his already pompadour soul. He becomes a “thinking administrator”, which means nothing more than a “confusion of thoughts.” Thoughts wander in his head, “like in the summer, flies are on the table, they’ll wander around and walk and fly away.” From doubt, he turns to determination, a passionate desire to do something, preferably in support of the law, for example, to spank a small official from the meshan for the fact that he always goes tipsy… It is interesting to him to know what ordinary people think about his rule and he, dressed in a simple dress, goes to the city square. Casual passers-by and ordinary people respond to him that there is no law for ordinary people, only “planning.” “The law is for those who are above.” The first performers and violators of the law are just pompadours, which are easy to change if they cease to correspond to a certain state of affairs. And if someone thinks of being outraged, or, more than that, to begin to fight the law, then “from all the cracks crawlers and scammers who follow the mirror surface of the administrative sea will creep out.” In this case, the pompadours perish in dozens. for example, to spank a small official from a meshan for the fact that he always goes tipsy… It is interesting to him to know what ordinary people think about his rule, and he, dressed in a simple dress, goes to the city square. Casual passers-by and ordinary people respond to him that there is no law for ordinary people, only “planning.” “The law is for those who are above.” The first performers and violators of the law are just pompadours, which are easy to change if they cease to correspond to a certain state of affairs. And if someone thinks of being outraged, or, more than that, to begin to fight the law, then “from all the cracks crawlers and scammers who follow the mirror surface of the administrative sea will creep out.” In this case, the pompadours perish in dozens. for example, to spank a small official from a meshan for the fact that he always goes tipsy… It is interesting to him to know what ordinary people think about his rule, and he, dressed in a simple dress, goes to the city square. Casual passers-by and ordinary people respond to him that there is no law for ordinary people, only “planning.” “The law is for those who are above.” The first performers and violators of the law are just pompadours, which are easy to change if they cease to correspond to a certain state of affairs. And if someone thinks of being outraged, or, more than that, to begin to fight the law, then “from all the cracks crawlers and scammers who follow the mirror surface of the administrative sea will creep out.” In this case, the pompadours perish in dozens. It is interesting to him to know what ordinary people think about his rule, and he, dressed in a simple dress, goes to the city square. Casual passers-by and ordinary people respond to him that there is no law for ordinary people, only “planning.” “The law is for those who are above.” The first performers and violators of the law are just pompadours, which are easy to change if they cease to correspond to a certain state of affairs. And if someone thinks of being outraged, or, more than that, to begin to fight the law, then “from all the cracks crawlers and scammers who follow the mirror surface of the administrative sea will creep out.” In this case, the pompadours perish in dozens. It is interesting to him to know what ordinary people think about his rule, and he, dressed in a simple dress, goes to the city square. Casual passers-by and ordinary people respond to him that there is no law for ordinary people, only “planning.” “The law is for those who are above.” The first performers and violators of the law are just pompadours, which are easy to change if they cease to correspond to a certain state of affairs. And if someone thinks of being outraged, or, more than that, to begin to fight the law, then “from all the cracks crawlers and scammers who follow the mirror surface of the administrative sea will creep out.” In this case, the pompadours perish in dozens. Casual passers-by and ordinary people respond to him that there is no law for ordinary people, only “planning.” “The law is for those who are above.” The first performers and violators of the law are just pompadours, which are easy to change if they cease to correspond to a certain state of affairs. And if someone thinks of being outraged, or, more than that, to begin to fight the law, then “from all the cracks crawlers and scammers who follow the mirror surface of the administrative sea will creep out.” In this case, the pompadours perish in dozens. Casual passers-by and ordinary people respond to him that there is no law for ordinary people, only “planning.” “The law is for those who are above.” The first performers and violators of the law are just pompadours, which are easy to change if they cease to correspond to a certain state of affairs. And if someone thinks of being outraged, or, more than that, to begin to fight the law, then “from all the cracks crawlers and scammers who follow the mirror surface of the administrative sea will creep out.” In this case, the pompadours perish in dozens. If they cease to correspond to a certain state of affairs. And if someone thinks of being outraged, or, more than that, to begin to fight the law, then “from all the cracks crawlers and scammers who follow the mirror surface of the administrative sea will creep out.” In this case, the pompadours perish in dozens. If they cease to correspond to a certain state of affairs. And if someone thinks of being outraged, or, more than that, to begin to fight the law, then “from all the cracks crawlers and scammers who follow the mirror surface of the administrative sea will creep out.” In this case, the pompadours perish in dozens.
Bemused by an old good pompadour, suddenly ending his administrative run. “How is it possible, sir?” After all, there is no example that the pompadour, once wilted, suddenly blossomed again. Therefore, just blowing out the winds of change, the pompadour thinks that everything he drinks and eats happens to him “for the last time.” The last time honors are given to him, services are rendered, music rang. And when the ex-pompadour company speaks on this essential topic, then it is recalled the former privatization life, the sterlet of the ear, the prices of grouse and turkeys, the curious Senate decrees. None of the pompadours suggests that in the future they will face retribution. In vain they think that one can always be bold in the interests of the state, the fashion for certain jokes ends, and only the pompadours with an absolute political hearing remove the foam. Power – a thing harsh, when the wind changes to “another operational basis of thoughts,” no merit in the form of reports, orders, decrees and decrees will be saved. Other people will come, for whom a new way of thinking will become something like an idea mastered with the mother’s milk. They will become new pompadours.
Public development is rapid: from a penny bribe, the inhabitants quickly move to the thousandth or ten thousandth. The bribe is sometimes cast into a form that you can not even guess, so it has a refined appearance. “Today, in a person, it’s not heroism and the ability to endure hardships, but accommodating, accommodating and willing.” And then for pompadour again starts counting on a penny. “For the sake of the opportunity to absorb an extra coin, he is ready to get along with any internal policy, believe in any god.” However, at the same time, the sum expresses the absence of any fears, the sum, if the new chief has arrived, instantly and scrupulously tremble. Then only you will go to the “Queen”.
Well, what is educated society at this moment? He is overcome by apathy: “There is nowhere to go, there is nothing to read, nothing to write about, the whole body is struck by fatigue and stupid lack of participation in everything that is happening.” I would not like to sleep well, but I do not even want to sleep. ” Literature and journalism are blending the absence of their own political and public interests in Louis Philippe, Guizot and the French bourgeoisie. But even here there are the formless general phrases: “Boring time, boring literature, boring life.” Although the “slave speeches” were heard before, the passionate “slave speeches”, allegorical, but understandable, now and “slavic speeches.” I do not say, so that there is no movement – there is movement, but the traffic is tedious, reminiscent of jerking from side to side. “
However, and against the background of a general stagnation and stupefaction, decent people sometimes appear, such as, for example, the builder of progress, Count Sergey Vasilievich Bystritsyn, who established his own farm in Chukhlom, and then tried to do it on the scale of Russia. Observing the “bird’s eye view” of the country, he sees in it “hundreds of thousands, millions, a whole sea of martyrs” and understands that it is sinful to harass them, inventing a cruel and inert domestic policy. “It is also clear to him that the Russian” hostel without vodka is unthinkable ” : “In our harsh climate, it’s just as difficult to do without vodka as it is for a resident of a fiery Italy to do without pasta and without the life-giving rays of the sun, and to a resident of a more moderate strip, to a German without a mug of beer and sausage.” Bystritsyn begins a war with family sections and community ownership.
However, such as Bystritsyn, work among many other obstacles to any endeavor, since the work of state officials is not to philosophize slyly, not to confuse minds, not to create, but to monitor the integrity of what was created, to protect what has already been done, for example, the vowels and zemstvos. There is no arena for administrative creativity, but what to do with pompadours, which have living energy, it must be placed somewhere!
In the novel “Uprising”, the author presents another “nice” pompadour, “the most simplehearted in the world”. As a philosopher from the administration, he is convinced that the best administration is the absence of such. Officials scribble papers, but he does not want to sign them: “Why-with?” In the city there should be only holidays, then there can not be any executions, revolutions, riots: the chiefs are inactive.
The biggest difficulty for this pompadour is the choice of pompadours, for there are no statutes or regulations on this matter. It seems that the woman is supposedly a high-ranking lady, but the boss has a taste for the petty bourgeois. After a short search he finds a white widow at the door of the tavern. Quite a long time later he had to explain to the quarterly that it was impossible to lie in wait for the night.
In the city during the ten years of rule, there was not a single insurrection, not a single theft. The townsfolk ate, quartered too, the leader was simply choking on fat, the pompadoursha was even wider than herself. Pompadour triumphed, his superiors did not recall him. And in their hometown, everyone had only one thing in mind: “to put a monument to him alive”.
At the conclusion of the book, the author quotes the views of notable foreigners about pompadours. The prevailing opinion about the existence in Russia of a special class – pompadours, “violating public silence and sowing discord.” And “Yamutsky prynts, whose words are recorded by his tutor Khabibula, he objects:” Ay-ay, it’s good here in Russia: the people are not there, the pompadour is-clean! Aida home reform to do! I went home and started the reform. People drove, pompadour planted; reform finished. “
With this phrase, the notes about the pompadours end.
“Pompadour and Pompadour” by Saltykov-Shchedrin in brief summary