Almost like all the works of the genius surrealist, “The Hallucinogenic Toreador” is also a canvas puzzle. After this work of painting saw the light, the artist himself admitted that in this picture – all of Dali, because it contains almost complete collection of images of the great master.
It is very difficult to tell about the plot of Salvador Dali’s paintings – it is necessary to see, as this is magic, continuous transformation of forms, symbols, colors. Characters are bizarrely changing roles, and it is difficult to determine who will be who in the next moment.
This is followed with admiration by a six-year-old boy – little Dali, looking at the numerous and so different images of Venus of Milo, which, oddly enough, are the summits in the appearance of the main character – the bullfighter. It is difficult to discern at once, but, having looked narrowly, it can be seen that the second Venus, located on the right, forms the face of the torrero. His eye is represented in the form of a woman’s head, and the nose is the chest of Milos. The shadow on her stomach, nothing less than the mouth of the bullfighting hero.
It is quite in the spirit of the Spanish creator to draw details of the clothes of the bullfighter. His shirt is a dress of beautiful sculpture, and a green shadow just below the mouth of the torrero acts as a tie. And finally, in the left part of the image, the toreador’s jacket is guessed, executed against the background of peculiar rocks, where the head of the defeated bull rests.
This is the original geography of the picture, but in addition to the above-mentioned “characters”, other details, so to speak, secondary, but even more emphasizing the multifaceted world of the images inhabiting the canvases of Salvador Dali are highlighted on the canvas. The top of this painting, written, by the way, in 1968-70, is adorned with the head of the artist’s wife and his “eternal muse” – Gala, without which she would have been clearly incomplete.
Painting Dalí “Hallucinogenic torero”