The sea is an extraordinary and amazing element, which captures to itself the views of all dreamers, thinkers and sages. Artists who have the courage to take up writing such a complex composition as a moving sea are called marine painters. Paintings painted on canvas with oil, depicting the immense blue and depth, cause special emotions in the viewer.
Artist Ivan Aivazovsky, like no one else, skillfully portrayed the sea in his paintings. And more than once he undertook this. One of the most worthy of his works is called “Seascape”. This painting was written in 1870 and still remains an example of classics and a masterpiece of its kind. The picture seems to say verses, calls to look deeper and see something that is invisible nowhere else.
Immediately the lines from Lermontov’s poem “The white sail grows white” come to mind. Here, indeed, the sailboat is supposedly whitening and calling us behind us. The sail is filled with a wind, which swiftly carries it beyond the horizon. Feels the dynamics and movement to such an extent that it seems that we risk losing the sailboat from sight in a moment.
Storm, not marine, but emotional, is present on this canvas. Feelings overwhelm, envelop the entire landscape and are transmitted to the viewer through the chain.
The sea element is so changeable, so dynamic and unstable that the author, as if eagerly, seeks to capture the right moment and transmit it as clearly as possible. And he succeeds Aivazovsky with great success.
There is a chance to feel even a wet breeze, to which the atmosphere, nature, sea is enveloped at the moment that occurs in the picture. Waves rapidly rise higher and higher, the clouds run farther and farther, and you want to keep up with all this running.
The sky in the picture is as magnificently executed as the sea. They are written in about the same range, but at the same time it is so different that it is inevitable that there is a difference between these two manifestations of nature. Infinity and unimaginable space, both the sky and the sea, harmoniously unite them and create a unified mood of the picture.