The seventeen-year-old Melkur entered into the light, “possessing all that is required, so as not to go unnoticed.” From his father he inherited a beautiful name, a great condition awaited his mother. The time was peaceful, and Melkur did not think of anything except pleasures. Among the fuss and brilliance the young man suffered from a heart emptiness and dreamed of knowing love, of which he had only the vaguest idea. Naive and inexperienced, Melkur did not know how to make love connections in the highest circle. On the one hand, he had a high opinion of himself, on the other, he believed that only an outstanding person could have success with women, and did not expect to earn their favor. Melkur began to think more and more about the girlfriend of his mother Marquise de Lourse and convinced himself that he was in love with her. Once the Marquise was known as a coquette and even an anemone, but later learned a strict and virtuous tone, so Melkur, who did not know about her past, considered it impregnable. The Marquise easily guessed Melcourt’s feelings and was ready to answer them, but the timid and respectful youth behaved so indecisively that she could not do it without risking dropping her dignity. Staying with Melkar alone, she threw tender glances at him and advised him to stay at ease, but he did not understand the hints, and to make the very first move the marquis did was to interfere with propriety and the fear of losing Melcourt’s respect. So more than two months passed. Finally, the Marquise was tired of waiting and decided to rush things. She began to inquire from Melkur, to whom he was in love, but the young man, not hoping for reciprocity, did not want to reveal his secret. The Marquise stubbornly sought recognition, and in the end Melquer explained to her in love. The Marquise feared that too easy a victory would cool the boy’s ardor, he was afraid of his harassment to insult her. So they, both wanting the same thing, could not come to the coveted goal. Annoyed at the severity of the marquise, Melkur went to the theater, where he saw a girl who struck him with her beauty. In the box of the beautiful stranger entered the Marquis de Germail – a young man of pleasant appearance, widely respected – and Melquer felt jealous. After that he spent two days looking for a stranger everywhere, went around all the theaters and gardens, but in vain – he nowhere met neither her nor Germeil. which amazed him with its beauty. In the box of the beautiful stranger entered the Marquis de Germail – a young man of pleasant appearance, widely respected – and Melquer felt jealous. After that he spent two days looking for a stranger everywhere, went around all the theaters and gardens, but in vain – he nowhere met neither her nor Germeil. which amazed him with its beauty. In the box of the beautiful stranger entered the Marquis de Germail – a young man of pleasant appearance, widely respected – and Melquer felt jealous. After that he spent two days looking for a stranger everywhere, went around all the theaters and gardens, but in vain – he nowhere met neither her nor Germeil.
Although Melkur had not seen the Marquise de Lourse for three days already, he did not really miss her. At first he reflected on how to conquer one and not lose the other, but because the marquis’s unbreakable virtue made all further attempts hopeless, he decided to give his heart, on sensible thought, to the one that he liked more. The Marquise, seeing that the unlucky admirer does not seem to nose and does not renew attempts to win her heart, became alarmed. She went on a visit to Madame de Melquer and, having seized the moment, demanded explanations from the young man. The Marquise rebuked him that he began to avoid her and rejected her friendship. Melkur tried to justify himself. Fascinated by circumstances, he began to reassure the marquise of his love and asked permission to hope that her heart would someday soften. The Marquise, not relying more on Melcourt’s ingenuity, all the more clearly showed him his disposition. The young man should have asked for a date, but shyness and uncertainty prevented him. Then the marquis came to his aid and said that tomorrow afternoon she will be at home and can accept it. The next morning, Melkur went to Zhermeyl in the hope of learning something about the stranger, but Zhermeyl had already left the city for several days. Melkur went to the Tuileries garden, where he happened to meet two ladies, one of whom turned out to be a beautiful beautiful stranger. Melkrour managed to overhear the conversation of the ladies, from which he found out that his beloved liked an unfamiliar young man in the theater. Melkur did not believe that it could have been him, and was tormented by jealousy towards a stranger. that tomorrow afternoon it will be at home and can accept it. The next morning, Melkur went to Zhermeyl in the hope of learning something about the stranger, but Zhermeyl had already left the city for several days. Melkur went to the Tuileries garden, where he happened to meet two ladies, one of whom turned out to be a beautiful beautiful stranger. Melkrour managed to overhear the conversation of the ladies, from which he found out that his beloved liked an unfamiliar young man in the theater. Melkur did not believe that it could have been him, and was tormented by jealousy towards a stranger. that tomorrow afternoon it will be at home and can accept it. The next morning, Melkur went to Zhermeyl in the hope of learning something about the stranger, but Zhermeyl had already left the city for several days. Melkur went to the Tuileries garden, where he happened to meet two ladies, one of whom turned out to be a beautiful beautiful stranger. Melkrour managed to overhear the conversation of the ladies, from which he found out that his beloved liked an unfamiliar young man in the theater. Melkur did not believe that it could have been him, and was tormented by jealousy towards a stranger. from which he found out that his beloved liked an unfamiliar young man in the theater. Melkur did not believe that it could have been him, and was tormented by jealousy towards a stranger. from which he found out that his beloved liked an unfamiliar young man in the theater. Melkur did not believe that it could have been him, and was tormented by jealousy towards a stranger.
In the evening, Melkur went to Madame de Lourdes, who had waited in vain for him all day. When Melkur saw the Marquis, the faded feelings flared in his soul with renewed vigor. The Marquis felt its victory. Melkur wanted to hear from her a declaration of love, but there were guests in the house, and he could not talk to her alone. He imagined that he had subdued the heart, which until then had not known love, and was very proud of himself. Later, reflecting on this first experience, Melkur came to the conclusion that it was more important for a woman to flatter his self-esteem than touch his heart. The guests of the marquise were gone, and Melkur was delayed, allegedly expecting a belated coach. Left alone with the marquis, he felt such an attack of fear, which he had not experienced in his entire life. He was seized by indescribable excitement, his voice trembled, his hands did not obey. The Marquise confessed to him in love, he fell back at her feet and began to assure her of his fervent feelings. He did not understand that she was ready to surrender to him, and was afraid of pushing her away from him with excessive freedom. The angry marquise had no choice but to ask him to retire. When Melkur recovered and recovered from embarrassment, he understood the absurdity of his behavior, but it was too late. He decided to persevere at the next meeting. The next day, Count de Versaucus visited the mother of Melkur. Madame de Melquer did not like the count and considered his influence harmful to his son. Melkur admired Versack and considered him to be a role model. Versack was a daring rake, he deceived and ridiculed women, but his charming impudence did not turn them away, but, on the contrary, captivated them. He won many victories and acquired many imitators, but, not possessing the charm of Versailles, they copied only its shortcomings, adding them to their own. Versack straight from the threshold began to sarcastically cursing about a variety of people. He did not spare the Marquise de Lourdes, telling Melquer some details of her past life. Melcourt felt betrayed. The godless goddess was no better than other women. He went to the Marquis “with the intention of repaying her with the most insulting signs of contempt for the ridiculous notion of her virtue,” which she managed to inspire him. To the great surprise, he saw the carriage of Versailles in the courtyard of the marquise. Versailles and the Marquise talked like best friends, but after his departure, the marquis called him the most dangerous veil, the most naughty gossip and the most dangerous rascal at court. Melkur, who no longer believed any word of the marquise, behaved so easily and began to molest her so rudely that she was offended. While they were sorting out the relationship, the footman reported on the arrival of Madame and Mademoiselle de Teville. Melkur heard this name: Mrs. de Teville was a relative of his mother, but lived in the province, so he never saw her. What was the boy’s surprise when he recognized his beautiful stranger in Mademoiselle de Teville? Melkrou thought that Hortense – that’s the name of the girl – treated him with indifference and even disdain. This thought grieved him, but he did not cure him of love. When the footman reported on the arrival of another guest, Mrs. de Senange, Melquer paid little attention to her, but Madame de Senange was very interested in the young men who were entering the world. It was one of those philosophically minded ladies who believe that they are above prejudice, while in reality they are lower than any morality. She was not young, but retained the remnants of her former beauty. She immediately took it into her head that she should take care of Melkur’s upbringing and “shape” him – this fashionable expression contained a lot of concepts that could not be precisely defined. Melkur was uncomfortable with her cheeky manners and considered her an old coquettish.
In the evening Versailles appeared accompanied by the Marquis de Pranzi, whose presence obviously embarrassed the Marquis de Lourdes – apparently Pranzi was once her lover. Versak paid attention to Hortense and tried all her best to please her, but the girl remained cold. Versack did everything to set up those present against each other. He whispered to the marquise that Madame de Cenange wanted to take hold of Melcourt’s heart, and the marquis was jealous. Over dinner, the guests have exhausted the stock of new gossip. When they got up from the table, the marquis proposed to play cards. Melkur promised to send Madame de Senange with the satirical verses she liked, but Versak said that it would be more courteous not to send, but to bring them, and Melkar had no choice but to promise Ms. Senange to deliver them personally. Versack was obviously happy that he managed to annoy the Marquis. Madame de Lourse asked Melcourt to call for her tomorrow afternoon, to go together to Madame de Teville. Melkur agreed enthusiastically, thinking only of Hortensia. Arriving next day to the marquis, Melcourt, finally disappointed in her after learning of her former weakness for M. de Pranzi, kept himself so indifferent to her that the Marquise suspected him of serious concern with Madame de Senange. The Marquis de Lourse condemned his choice and tried to reason with him. Melkur thought only of how he would more often see Hortense. Arriving at Madame de Teville, Melcour spoke to the girl and was ready to believe in her disposition towards him, but then the Marquis de Germeille came and Melquer began to feel that Hortense was in love with the Marquis. Melcourt was seized with such longing that he turned pale and changed in the face. The Marquise attributed Melquer’s melancholy face to thoughts of Madame de Senange and incessant conversations about her caused irritation of the young man. Slowly bidding farewell to the Marquis, Melcourt left Madame de Teville and went to Madame de Senange. It was already quite late, and he did not expect to find her at home, which would give him the opportunity to leave the couplets and leave, but Mrs. de Senange was at home and was very pleased with him. As punishment for her late visit, she ordered him to accompany her and her friend Madame de Montgen to the Tuileries. Melkur conspired, but Mme. De Senange was so persistent that he had to give in. Madame de Montgen was young, but seemed so old and withered that it was a pity to look. Both ladies vying with each other tried to take hold of Melkar’s attention and, feeling themselves rivals, showered each other with causticism. In Tuileries, all eyes were turned on Melkura and his companions. Madame de Senange at all costs wanted to prove to everyone that Melkur belongs to her, and not to Madame de Montgen. On top of all the misfortunes at the turn of the alley, Melkur saw the Marquise de Lourse, Madame de Teville and Hortense, coming towards them. He was unhappy that the girl sees him in the company of Madame de Senange. The Marquise, who knew herself well, responded to Melkour’s embarrassing smile with a sweet and laid-back smile.
After the departure of Mrs. de Senange, Melcour sought out Madame de Lourdes and her companions. The Marquise began to mock the Melquer and describe the fancies and vices of Madame de Senange. Melkur was enraged, he began to defend Madame de Senange and extol her virtues, forgetting that he was not only listening to the marquise, but also to Hortense. Convincing both of them in her love for Madame de Senange, Melcourt fell into despair, for he realized that he himself had closed his way to the girl’s heart. Returning home, he spent the whole night grim and fruitless reflections. The next morning he received a letter from Madame de Lourse. She informed him that she was leaving for two days in the village and invited her to accompany her. Melkur, determined to break with her, refused: he wrote that he had already committed himself to a promise that he could not break. But it turned out, that the marquise was going to the village together with Hortense and her mother, so Melcour regretted his refusal. During their absence, he found no place for himself and was very happy when Versaucus came to him. Seeing the melancholic disposition of the spirit of Melkur, Versailles attributed his separation to Madame de Senange, who for two days left for Versailles. Versak decided to enlighten Melkur and show him the light as he should be seen. He opened the young man’s eyes to the falsity and emptiness of secular society and explained that a crime against honor and reason is considered more forgivable than a breach of secular decency, and a lack of intelligence is more forgivable than its excess. Versack believed that one should not be afraid to overestimate yourself and underestimate the others. It is in vain to believe that only someone with special talents can shine in the light. “Look, how I behave, when I want to shine: how I am freaking, how to draw, what nonsense I’m talking about! “- Versack said. Melkur asked him what a good tone is. Versack found it difficult to give a clear definition, because this expression was on everyone’s lips, but no one really understood what it meant. “According to Versack, a good tone is nothing but a noble lineage and ease in secular foolishness.” Versaque taught Melkar: “As a woman it is embarrassing to be virtuous, it is not proper for a man to be a scientist.” The greatest achievement of a good tone – secular conversation In conclusion, Versaic advised Melkar to pay attention to Madame de Senange, considering it the most suitable for an inexperienced young man. His parting with him, the young man became absorbed in the thought of Hortense, and with difficulty waited for her return from the village, he hurried to her and learned, that she and Madame de Tévil were in Paris, but were absent somewhere. His impatience was so great that he rushed to the Marquise de Lourdes, deciding that Hortense probably had her. The Marquis had many guests, but Hortense was not among them.
The Marquis met Melquer without a trace of embarrassment and vexation and spoke to him as if nothing had happened. Her calm benevolence enraged Melkur, the thought that the Marquis had ceased to love him, hurt his pride. He noticed that Madame de Lourse often looked at the Marquis de ***, and decided that she had already found a replacement for him in the face of the Marquis. Melkur remained after the guests’ departure and asked the marquis to give him an hour or two. The young man told her all his grievances, but she acted so cleverly that he himself felt how ridiculous he was. The Marquise said she sincerely loved Melquhar and forgave him the shortcomings of an inexperienced youth, believing that he possesses the purity and sincerity inherent in youth, but was mistaken in him and now severely punished, Melkur felt a flood of love and affection for the marquis. The Marquis suggested that he should be content with friendship, But Melkur did not want to stop halfway. His former respect for the Marquis was resurrected, and the victory over her virtue seemed incredibly difficult and honorable.
Self-deception lasted a long time, and Melkur did not think about infidelity. But one day he felt a spiritual emptiness and returned to his thoughts about Hortense. He did not promise Hortense, but she did not love him, and yet he felt guilty before her. At the same time, he could not throw the marquis. “Pangs of conscience spoiled my pleasure, pleasures drowned out my repentance – I no longer belonged to myself.” Overcome by contradictory feelings, he continued to visit the Marquis and dream of Hortense.
“Misconceptions of the Heart and Mind” Crebillon in brief summary