Culture of the Middle Ages

After the death of the Western Roman Empire, the West plunged into the darkness of decline and barbarism. This resulted not so much in the barbaric conquests, as in the confusion and indifference of

Monk Otlon about the death in 754 of Saint Boniface

When the missionaries dispersed over the spacious possessions of the frieze to preach the Gospel and came to the river Bortne… St. Boniface, accompanied by his disciples, ordered the tents to be broken and

Arabia and the Arabs

The Arab conquests of the 7th-8th centuries. closely tied the Christian West and the Islamic world, the relations between which were not easy. Christians and Muslims had plenty of work among themselves, but at

Genoese fortress in the Crimea. Khan’s Palace in Bakhchisaray

1. Why is the Sudak fortress in Crimea called Genoese? People built defensive structures from time immemorial, trying to protect their homes from conquerors. In the wooded area, the fortress was built of wood,

Exciting page of history

Let’s open only one page in the history of the Russian fleet. In the year 1938, the Italian general Nobile, who participated in Amundsen’s flight to the pole, decided to repeat the failed journey.

Pre-Islamic Paganism

The people of Arabia have long worshiped many gods – both their own and others. Christians and Jews lived in Arabia, and those who were idolized, but did not believe in the same God.

Medieval Poland. Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Slavic tribal unions, which gave rise to the Polish state, occupied the territory between the Oder, Vistula and Warta rivers. In the X century. the princely dynasty of the Piastas is singled out, which

Arboretum “Sofiyivka”

The beauty of Sofiyivka was created by the work of hundreds of nameless masters – the peasants of Uman’shchina. Even such a “miracle” as the island of Love, which looks natural, harmoniously complementing the

Icons as historical monuments. Icons of princely times

1. What are icons and what do historians learn about them? The word “icon” of Greek origin. Icons Call the images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, the events of the Holy

Main events, information and facts on the topic “Slavs and their neighbors” in the tables

The Czech Kingdom Hungary Polish Kingdom 1085 – Prince Vratislav II receives the title of King of Bohemia; Economically developed country in the Holy Roman Empire OK. 1000 year – the formation of the
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