Victor Pronyakin stood over a giant oval pit of the quarry. Shadows of clouds walked along the ground in a jamb, but not one could cover the entire quarry, the entire motley, moving crowd of cars and people below. “It can not be that I’m not caught here,” thought Pronyakin. But it was necessary. It’s time to settle down somewhere. For eight years of driver’s life, he had fought enough – he worked in a construction engineer, and he drove a brick in the Urals, and explosives at the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station, and was a taxi driver in Orel, and a sanatorium driver in Yalta. And neither a stake nor a yard. My wife still lives with her parents. And how you want to have your house, so that the refrigerator was, and the TV, and most importantly – children. He is under thirty, and his wife even more. It’s time. Here he settles.
The head of the career Khomyakov, looking at the documents, asked: “Did he work on diesel engines?” – “No”. “We can not take it.” “Without work, I will not leave this place,” Pronyakin said. “Well, look, there is in the Matsuev brigade” MAZ “, but this is a hellish job.”
“MAZ”, which showed Victor Matsuev, resembled more a scrap metal than a car. “You need to repair it only if you can? Think and come tomorrow.” “Why tomorrow? I’ll start now,” said Pronyakin. A week from morning till night he was busy with the car, looking for spare parts even dumps searched. But he did. Finally, he was able to start working on a career. His “MAZ” though had a good passableness, but in order to fulfill the norm, Victor had to make seven more rides than everyone else in the brigade, working on powerful “YaAZ”. It was not easy, but the first day of work showed that as a professional Pronyakin does not have rivals in the brigade, and maybe throughout his career.
“And you, as I see, dashing,” Brigadier Matsuyev told him. “You ride like God, you’re ripping everybody.” And it was incomprehensible to Pronyakin, with admiration this was said or condemned. And after a while the conversation continued: “You’re in a hurry,” said the brigadier, “you first eat a pud of salt with us, and then pretend.” Pretend on what? On good earnings, on leadership – so understood Pronyakin. And I realized that he was mistaken for a rabbit and a rabbit. “No,” decided Victor, “I will not adjust, let them think they want.” I did not engage myself in going to school, I had to earn money, I had to build up my life, to furnish things like people’s. ” Relations with the brigade did not work out. And then the rains were loaded. The car did not go on clay roads. The work stopped. “Completely in a bad place you got, Pronyakin,” – thought hard Victor.
And the day came when Pronyakin could not stand it. Since the morning it was dry and the sun promised a full-time working day. Pronyakin made four trips and began to do the fifth, when he saw large drops of rain falling on the windshield. His heart fell again – the day was gone! And, having dumped the breed, Pronyakin drove his MAZ into a quarry quickly emptying in the rain. Unlike the powerful “YaAZ” “MAZ” Pronyakin could climb the cornice of the career road. Dangerous, of course. But with skill – you can. Leaving the quarry for the first time, he saw drivers glumly standing at the roadside and heard someone whistling. But he already did not care. It will work. During dinner in the dining room, Fedka from their brigade approached him: “You are brave, of course, but why do we spit in the face? If you can, and we are not, why are you exhibiting? If, because of money, so we’ll give it to you. “And Pronyakin had a desire to get ready right away and go home, but nowhere. He had already called his wife, she was on the road right now. Pronyakin again descended into the empty quarry. a piece of bluish stone: “What is this? Is the ore?! “The whole building was waiting for a long time with excitement and impatience, when the big ore would finally come in. I waited and worried that whatever the brigade was thinking about it, Pronyakin, and that’s ore – the pieces of ore Victor took to the head of the quarry. “Early was happy,” Khomyakov chilled him. – Such random inclusions in the breed have already been found. And then again there was an empty breed. “Pronyakin left.” Listen, “excavator Anton said to him downstairs,” I’m all rowing and rowing, and the ore does not end. It seems that they really have come down. ” So far, only two of them knew about the incident. The whole building on the occasion of the rain was standing. And Pronyakin, feeling that at last fate had been generous – it was he who chose to carry the first dump truck with ore from one of the greatest quarries – could not rest with joy at all. He drove the overloaded car upstairs: “I’ll prove it to all of them,” he thought, referring to his own brigade, the head of the quarry, and the whole world. When all four horizons of the quarry were gone and a little bit remained, Pronyakin turned slightly more sharply than necessary, the wheel slid and the truck was dragged to the side. Victor squeezed the steering wheel, but he could not stop the car any longer – he rolled from side to side, the dump truck crawled from one horizon to another, turning over and accelerating the fall. With the last conscious movement, Pronyakin was able to turn off the engine at the end of the broken car. The whole building on the occasion of the rain was standing. And Pronyakin, feeling that at last fate had been generous – it was he who chose to carry the first dump truck with ore from one of the greatest quarries – could not rest with joy at all. He drove the overloaded car upstairs: “I’ll prove it to all of them,” he thought, referring to his own brigade, the head of the quarry, and the whole world. When all four horizons of the quarry were gone and a little bit remained, Pronyakin turned slightly more sharply than necessary, the wheel slid and the truck was dragged to the side. Victor squeezed the steering wheel, but he could not stop the car any longer – he rolled from side to side, the dump truck crawled from one horizon to another, turning over and accelerating the fall. With the last conscious movement, Pronyakin was able to turn off the engine at the end of the broken car. The whole building on the occasion of the rain was standing. And Pronyakin, feeling that at last fate had been generous – it was he who chose to carry the first dump truck with ore from one of the greatest quarries – could not rest with joy at all. He drove the overloaded car upstairs: “I’ll prove it to all of them,” he thought, referring to his own brigade, the head of the quarry, and the whole world. When all four horizons of the quarry were gone and a little bit remained, Pronyakin turned slightly more sharply than necessary, the wheel slid and the truck was dragged to the side. Victor squeezed the steering wheel, but he could not stop the car any longer – he rolled from side to side, the dump truck crawled from one horizon to another, turning over and accelerating the fall. With the last conscious movement, Pronyakin was able to turn off the engine at the end of the broken car. that at last the fate was generous – it was he who chose to drive the first dump truck with ore from one of the greatest quarries – could not rest with joy at all. He drove the overloaded car upstairs: “I’ll prove it to all of them,” he thought, referring to his own brigade, the head of the quarry, and the whole world. When all four horizons of the quarry were gone and a little bit remained, Pronyakin turned slightly more sharply than necessary, the wheel slid and the truck was dragged to the side. Victor squeezed the steering wheel, but he could not stop the car any longer – he rolled from side to side, the dump truck crawled from one horizon to another, turning over and accelerating the fall. With the last conscious movement, Pronyakin was able to turn off the engine at the end of the broken car. that at last the fate was generous – it was he who chose to drive the first dump truck with ore from one of the greatest quarries – could not rest with joy at all. He drove the overloaded car upstairs: “I’ll prove it to all of them,” he thought, referring to his own brigade, the head of the quarry, and the whole world. When all four horizons of the quarry were gone and a little bit remained, Pronyakin turned slightly more sharply than necessary, the wheel slid and the truck was dragged to the side. Victor squeezed the steering wheel, but he could not stop the car any longer – he rolled from side to side, the dump truck crawled from one horizon to another, turning over and accelerating the fall. With the last conscious movement, Pronyakin was able to turn off the engine at the end of the broken car. He drove the overloaded car upstairs: “I’ll prove it to all of them,” he thought, referring to his own brigade, the head of the quarry, and the whole world. When all four horizons of the quarry were gone and a little bit remained, Pronyakin turned slightly more sharply than necessary, the wheel slid and the truck was dragged to the side. Victor squeezed the steering wheel, but he could not stop the car any longer – he rolled from side to side, the dump truck crawled from one horizon to another, turning over and accelerating the fall. With the last conscious movement, Pronyakin was able to turn off the engine at the end of the broken car. He drove the overloaded car upstairs: “I’ll prove it to all of them,” he thought, referring to his own brigade, the head of the quarry, and the whole world. When all four horizons of the quarry were gone and a little bit remained, Pronyakin turned slightly more sharply than necessary, the wheel slid and the truck was dragged to the side. Victor squeezed the steering wheel, but he could not stop the car any longer – he rolled from side to side, the dump truck crawled from one horizon to another, turning over and accelerating the fall. With the last conscious movement, Pronyakin was able to turn off the engine at the end of the broken car. Victor squeezed the steering wheel, but he could not stop the car any longer – he rolled from side to side, the dump truck crawled from one horizon to another, turning over and accelerating the fall. With the last conscious movement, Pronyakin was able to turn off the engine at the end of the broken car. Victor squeezed the steering wheel, but he could not stop the car any longer – he rolled from side to side, the dump truck crawled from one horizon to another, turning over and accelerating the fall. With the last conscious movement, Pronyakin was able to turn off the engine at the end of the broken car.
On the same day, he was seen by a brigade in the hospital. “You do not have a tooth for us,” they said guiltily to him, “get well with who does not happen, and you’re a man with a broad bone, like you, the energy is just right.” Such people do not die. ” But on the faces of his comrades, Victor realized: it’s bad. Left alone with his pain, Pronyakin tried to remember when he was happy in this life, and it turned out for him that only in the first days with his wife, yes, today, when he drove a large ore upward.
… On the day when the gray postal all-terrain vehicle took Pronyakin’s body to the morgue of the Belgorod hospital, the ore finally went. At four o’clock in the afternoon the locomotive, adorned with flowers and maple branches, gave a triumphantly long whistle and dragged the first twelve carriages of great ore.
“Great ore” of Vladimir in the summary