Grandpa Mazai and hares

Each summer the narrator came for a week to the village of Malye Vezha to stay with the old hunter Mazai and to hunt with him. One day during the hunt a heavy rain began, and the narrator and Mazai took refuge in the shed. The old man began to tell stories about village hunters: one broke the trigger at the gun, and walks with a box of matches, and another carries a pot of embers with him, because his hands are chilly. One of the stories the author wrote down. Mazai recounted that much more game would be carried on in their lowland region, if the peasants did not catch and kill rabbits in the spring floods. Once Mazay went for firewood. Suddenly he saw an island on which hares gathered. Mazai took them to his boat. He picked up one more rabbit from the stump, took the rabbit into the boat and covered it with a stiff neck. A dozen hares were sitting on a log that passed by. Mazai caught hold of the bag for the branch on the log and dragged him behind him. The whole village laughed with Mazay. And after the village, as soon as he landed on the shore, all the hares started running in all directions. Only two pairs remain. They became soaked and weak. Mazaz put them in a sack and brought them home. Over night they warmed up. In the morning Mazai let them go into the forest.

Grandpa Mazai and hares