“Fiery Angel” Bryusov in brief summary

Ruprecht met Renata in the spring of 1534, returning after ten years of service to the Landsknecht in Europe and the New World. He did not have time to reach Cologne before dawn, where he once studied at the university and near which was his native village Lozgeym, and spent the night in a lonely old forest house. At night, he was awakened by women’s cries behind the wall, and he, bursting into the next room, found a woman struggling in terrible croaks. Having dismissed the devil with prayer and cross, Ruprecht listened to the lady who came to her, who told him about the incident that had become fatal for her.

When she was eight years old, she began to be an angel, all as if fiery. He called himself Madiel, he was cheerful and kind. Later he announced to her that she would be a saint, and enjoined to lead a strict life, to despise the carnal. In those days, Renata opened the gift of miracles and in the district she was pleased with the Lord. But, reaching the age of love, the girl wanted to combine with Madiel bodily, but the angel turned into a fire pillar and disappeared, and on her desperate pleas promised to appear before her in the form of a man.

Soon Renata really met Count Heinrich von Otterheim, who was like white clothes, blue eyes and golden curls on an angel.

Two years they were incredibly happy, but then the Count left Renata alone with the demons. True, the good spirits-patrons encouraged her by the message that she would soon meet Ruprecht, who would protect her.

Having told all this, the woman behaved as if Ruprecht had taken a vow to serve her, and they went to look for Henry, turning to the famous sorceress, who only said: “Where are you going, go there and go.” But then she screamed in horror: “And the blood flows and smells!” This, however, did not turn them off.

At night, Renata, afraid of demons, left Ruprecht with her, but did not allow any liberties and spoke endlessly to him about Henry.

Upon arrival in Cologne, she futilely searched the city in search of the count, and Ruprecht witnessed a new attack of obsession, followed by a deep melancholy. Yet the day came when Renata revived and demanded to confirm her love for her, going to the Sabbath, there to learn something about Henry. Scrubbed with the greenish ointment she gave him, Ruprecht moved somewhere far where the naked witches introduced him to the “master Leonard”, forcing him to renounce the Lord and kiss his black stinking ass, but only repeating the words of the sorcerer: where are you going, go there and go.

On his return to Renate, he had no choice but to turn to the study of black magic to become the master of those to whom he was a petitioner. Renata helped to study the creations of Albert the Great, Roger Bacon, Sprenger and Institoris and made especially strong impression on him of Agrippa of Nottesheim.

Alas, the attempt to summon spirits, despite careful preparations and scrupulousness in following the advice of warlocks, almost ended in the death of the beginning magicians. There was something that should have been known, apparently directly from the teachers, and Ruprecht went to Bonn to see Dr. Agrippa Nottesheim. But the great disowned his writings and advised from divination to go to the true source of knowledge. Meanwhile, Renata met Henry and he said that he did not want to see her any more, that their love was an abomination and a sin. The count was a member of a secret society that sought to strengthen Christians more than the church, and hoped to lead it, but Renata forced her to break the vow of celibacy. Having told all this to Ruprecht, she promised to become his wife, if he kills Henry, who pretended to be another, higher. On the same night, their first connection with Ruprecht took place, and the next day the former Landsknecht found an occasion to summon the Count to a duel. However, Renata demanded that he not dare to shed Henry’s blood, and the knight, forced only to defend himself, was seriously wounded and wandered for a long time between life and death. It was at this time that the woman suddenly said that she loved him, and loved him for a long time, only him, and no one else. They spent the whole of December as newlyweds, but Madame soon appeared to Renate, who said that the burdens of her sin and that they should repent. Renata surrendered to prayer and fasting. that he loves him, and loves him for a long time, only him, and no one else. They spent the whole of December as newlyweds, but Madame soon appeared to Renate, who said that the burdens of her sin and that they should repent. Renata surrendered to prayer and fasting. that he loves him, and loves him for a long time, only him, and no one else. They spent the whole of December as newlyweds, but Madame soon appeared to Renate, who said that the burdens of her sin and that they should repent. Renata surrendered to prayer and fasting.

The day has come, and Ruprecht has found Renata’s room empty, having experienced what she once experienced, looking for her Henry in the streets of Cologne. Doctor Faust, the tester of the elements, and the monk, who was accompanying him, nicknamed Mephistopheles, were invited to a joint voyage. On the way to Trier during the guest’s stay in the castle of Count von Wallen, Rupprecht accepted the offer of the master to become his secretary and to accompany to the monastery of St. Ulaf, where a new heresy was manifested and where he departs as a member of the mission of Archbishop John of Trier.

In the retinue of his Eminence was the Dominican brother of Thomas, the inquisitor of his Holiness, known for his perseverance in persecuting witches. He was determined with regard to the source of distemper in the monastery – the sister of Mary, which some considered holy, others – possessed by demons. When the unfortunate nun was brought into the courtroom, Ruprecht, called to keep the record, found out to Renata. She confessed to witchcraft, in cohabitation with the devil, participation in the black mass, sabbaths and other crimes against faith and fellow citizens, but refused to name accomplices. Brother Thomas insisted on the use of torture, and then on death sentence. On the night before the fire, Ruprecht, with the help of the count, entered the dungeon, where the condemned was kept, but she refused to flee, insisting that she yearned for the martyr’s death that Madiel, the fiery angel, would forgive her, the great sinner. When Ruprecht tried to carry her away, Renata screamed and began to fight desperately, but suddenly she fell silent and whispered: “Rupprecht, it’s good that you are with me!” – And she died.

After all these events that shocked him, Ruprecht went to his native Aozheim, but only from afar looked at his father and mother, already hunched down old people, basking in the sun in front of the house. He wrapped up and to Dr. Agrippa, but found him at the last gasp. This death again embarrassed his soul. A huge black dog, from which the teacher with a feeble hand took off the collar with magical letters, after the words: “Go away, damn! From you all my misfortunes!” – with his tail tucked up and tilted his head out of the house, he ran to the waters of the river with a run and did not appear on the surface any more. At the same moment, the teacher breathed his last breath and left this world. Nothing was left that would prevent Ruprecht from rushing to seek happiness over the ocean, to New Spain.

“Fiery Angel” Bryusov in brief summary