Category: Essays on literatuire
Realism and symbolism of Charles Dickens
The peculiarity of Dickens’s realism, for example, in comparison with Flaubert’s realism, consists in trying to combine the ethical and aesthetic ideals of the writer into an organic whole. This aspiration of the writer is conditioned, first of all, by the peculiarity of the formation and development of realism in England. If in French literature…
Nature in Japanese hokku Matsuo Basa
The great Japanese poet Matsuo Basse was born in the castle town of Ueno in the family of a poor Samurai. The poet’s native city was in the province of Iga – in the very cradle of Japanese culture, in the center of the main island – Honshu. Many places in the homeland of Bass…
Gobsec customers
The Parisian light after the Restoration was a rather motley society. The largest bourgeois tycoons, at the price of gold and marital contracts, penetrated the environment of hereditary aristocrats, who constantly needed their capital. “Blue Blood”, obsessed with the power of money and the thirst for luxury, willingly forsworn its dubious aristocratic principles for the…
The Myth of Pygmalion and the play of B. Shaw
“For all that, For all that, Let us be poor with you, Wealth is a stamp on gold, And we are the golden ones. “ R. Burns Famous in the whole world English playwright Bernard Shaw lived a century, probably because he knew how to look at the world and see in him the paradoxes…
What is conceptualism
Do you know what conceptualism is? This is one of the directions of scholastic philosophy. According to this doctrine, the manifestation of knowledge comes along with experience, but does not come from the experience gained. Conceptualism can also be thought of as a synthesis of rationalism with empiricism. This term comes from the Latin word…
Prometheus – a symbol of heroic service to people, the struggle against tyranny
I would not exchange my griefs On slavish service. Aeschylus He really was a hero, a titan in the original meaning of these words. Just think, it’s been sung for more than twenty-five centuries! This is only in the drama of Aeschylus, but how much is it? And the actors on the curbs talked about…
Hero of Russia composition
A feat is everything except fame. I would like to begin my work with the notion of the word hero. In front of me there are dictionaries. I open the “Dictionary of Ozhegov.” A hero is a man who performs feats, extraordinary in his valor, courage, selflessness. In the Dictionary of Synonyms, a hero, a…
The novel by Henry Bell, “The Eyes of a Clown”
“Poets walk on their heels On the edge of the knife and cut In the blood of his sick souls. “ V. Vysotsky Heinrich Böll can be called a writer depicting a “little man.” In the novels “The house without a master,” “Where have you been, Adam?”, “Billiards at half past nine” describes ordinary people,…
A guesthouse of broken hearts and lost illusions
The time in which the action of the novel “Father Gorio” unfolds – in 1819. The scene is a poor suburb of the French capital, the lower part of the street Nev-Sen-Genevieve, the boarding house of Madame Voke. “There is no more horrible quarter in Paris,” the writer observes and begins his novel with a…
The writing of foxes and the little prince
The image of the Fox. It has long been a fairy tale Fox (not a fox!) Is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge of life. Conversations of the Little Prince with this wise animal become a kind of culmination in the story, for in them the hero finally finds what he was looking for. Returned…